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So.. We wait until this b*tch decides to call us???? WTF!!!

mrsparks's picture

So BM's only phone which is turned off every other month is off again PERMANENTLY.. So we have had SS since last Sat. afternoon..
BM borrowed someone's phone Thursday night to ask DH to keep him Friday and not return him with some bull-sh*t ass excuse as usual.. We have had him since last Sat. so who really cares... but now and the last time we've had him.. we have to wait for the broad to call us to tell us it's ok to drop him off.. we live 1.5 hrs away from the tramp... I am sick of this game!!! GET A PHONE!!! and mind you she doesn't call for at least 6 days every time and it's never to speak to SS it's always to TELL us to keep him longer...

DH is having surgery Monday and I would love for him to have some rest, looks like that is not going to happen..


Sia's picture

and you dont have a problem with it, do it. Then file abandonment charges against her. That way you can obtain custody easily if you want it.

mrsparks's picture

I never thought of abandonment charges..

mrsparks's picture

There should be some means of communication in the case of emergency etc. if something happened to him, we have no way to contact her..

Angel72's picture

If you have no way of contacting her and she has left him high and dry with you, Then its abandonnment..
Press charges and dont let child go back. Sounds like she is unstable. Let court decide.

imagr8tma's picture

She seems extremely immature. How is the child being taken care of when he is with her....?

I may have to agree with these ladies - I would go with the abandonment charges - and make the judge aware of her actions. Something seems not right with her. Could it be drug use - or is she running from man to man?

********She doesn't have to love me or even like me - it doesn't change a dang thing..... So get over it and move on BM!************