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MiseryNMissouri's picture

okay ladies, who will be adding a new addition to the family....Who among us will be having a baby or trying to have a baby in this new great year....okay, my DH has come around and wants to have another baby and who am i to deny him that or at least try hard as hell....hey i look forward to us trying, doesnt practice make perfect.....just like my last post, im in my sexual prime...LOL..chime in ladies...


stepmom2one's picture

I see.

ChaiLatte's picture

DH and I are trying this year. I'm really hoping this year is it for us!

"There comes a time when you have to surrender the idea of what your children could be to the reality of who they are."

jenjen's picture

I second you T.W.O. I have a teen too so nooooo babies for me. I find it long enough that ive accumulated a 6 year old sometimes! But babies are wonderful and good luck to those trying to add a new addition!

stepof 1nitemare's picture

No more babies for us.. though sometimes I wish I could have another one.. But 4 between us is plenty!!

melis070179's picture

We are trying for our 2nd (my 3rd - and FINAL) now. I will admit its FUN to practice! LOL

"I child proofed my whole house, but they STILL get in!"

Bradybunchmom's picture

We have 7 between us, and fiance said if i get pregnant again he will be cutting off his own balls and beating me with them. Like its totally MY fault. lol. So nope, no new babies in our future. Although I tried to convince him our little one needs a full sibling... Blum 3

stepmom2one's picture


soverysad's picture

DH and I are hoping to do IVF again in the spring. We're also starting the adoption process. After the difficult loss of our son in September, we're devastated and hoping that moving forward with these things will lessen our grief somehow. Prayers please!

"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!

soverysad's picture

Prayers for you. We used icsi.

"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!

soverysad's picture

Thank you.

"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!

Angel72's picture

We're trying....yah practice is fun but sometimes its frustrating too....we tried for one year...then took a break and we are trying now again. I didn't even have to try with my first child. Go figure!!!
Soverysad, its a new year! All will fall into place. My friend had ivf, the third one, finally stuck and her adoption went through at the same time. So she had two kids by the endof it.....

giveitago's picture

I have three bio kids, hubby has three and he has three step kids also, I reckon that will do us just fine!!

MarriedwithChild's picture

Due date: August 2nd, 2010!!! Smile

That is if my dh's X doesn't keep stressing me to the max, knowing that I am pregnant now!!! If she causes me grief, I'll go to jail to make her pay.