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SS's are wearing me down...1st post

barefootsand's picture

I have a hard time telling others my true feelings. I stuff it all down and need to get it out.

I have 3 stepsons under the age of 13, the youngest being 7. I can usually tolerate them but.....

I know they don't like me. They really and truly do not like me. Maybe I haven't gone out of my way enough for them. Or maybe I have....I've done everything I thought someone was supposed to do as a step-parent....

But at the end of the day, I enjoy when they are gone! They are only with us EOW and one night a week. But those few times are sooooo hard. Stuff is EVERYWHERE - nothing is cleaned up, they are complete pigs really....

And a lot of times they just 'stare' at me, no matter what I'm doing. The oldest has a real dislike towards me and doesn't listen to anything I say.

My DH knows his children do not like me....and he doesn't care....well at least he's never said anything to me about it (but neither have I). In fact, I don't even know if he's being faithful to me - maybe I just feel beaten down and low right now so that's why I'm paranoid. When the boys aren't around he's off working. He has a stressful job that requires him to work long hours sometimes so it's really not out of character.

Another issue is that I don't know anyone in a similar situation.

And you know what....all of these years of these 3 boys not liking me....has caused me not to like them. I have to be honest. They are just not nice towards me at all. I'm scared that if I even hint at this to DH - that he'll leave me.

So I decided to post here instead. That's all...thanks for listening


stepmom2one's picture

Right Steperg. The respect is more important.

And as a SP you are not "expected" to do anything. Those are your DHs kids, it is his job to parent and clean up after them.

If they are staring at you I would say "can I help you with something?" do it enough and they will stop the stare.

Being a SP is tough and even harder when you feel like kids despise your existence for no good reason.

We have all been where you are or have been there in the past. This is a good place to vent and get advice.

Out of all the responses you'll get, one usually jumps out at you as the best possible solution.