Inspired by The Wife's post on becoming a BM
I started this in response to everyone regarding why I would be civil to the woman my STBX is involved with, if they stay together.
I would be civil mainly because it would be best for my own BD4 but really it would be best for myself as well. To hold onto my anger toward them is pointless for me in the long run. I hope to one day look at STBX and feel...
Indifference...the opposite of love, not hate or anger.
I'm so far from that right now. Poured myself a glass of wine after BD4 went to bed last night and sobbed over the end of my life as I knew and understood it, my dreams for her to have her parents together and not face this divorce/step/blended BS.
I think sometimes that anyone considering divorce should spend about a month on this site reading what it's like to try to raise children together from past marriages before they toss away what they have for whatever they think they will have later.
I don't know about the other woman- if she is on her first marriage or not. But I know that I was so naive about the effects of divorce and remarriage on my kids when I left my first marriage. I never imagined the difficulties that lay ahead, the dysfunction that would come my way in the form of SD. How that will forever affect my sons. I couldn't have fathomed I would choose a man who wouldn't appreciate the gifts I gave him....
helping him win custody of his daughter...
all the hours I took her to therapy...
all the reading and time spent researching to try to help her and help him understand her.
all the time I devoted to try to show her love, nurturing her, etc...
Not to mention my being here taking care of SD helped him to be able to do whatever he needed to transition his career from military to high up in a civilian position in about 3 plus years. That was fast. I don't know that he comprehends how fast or how much my being here afforded him to do it.
If I had known that he would leave me behind a second thought...
Of course I should have known. He did it to BM. I bought that it was all BM as I'm sure OW or any future SM will buy completely.
Even with my ex and SM, who I get along with so well, there are issues for the kids with blending I never could have foreseen. And now the issues for BD4 with her sibs all in different houses from her. I never wanted that for her. And she's not dealing well. I think she shows STBX she is fine- she's all excited about the new apartment like it's going to a hotel on vacation. She is saving the tantrums for me, the questions for me, the anger and sadness for me.
I guess I have new appreciation for why the BMs may treat the DH's the way they do.
Anyone who comes along later and doesn't get the full story about what happened to me will never appreciate why I'm so cold to him I'm sure. And though I don't know that this particular thing happened to my SD's BM, I don't know what did either, do I?
I may not have deserved her anger and spiteful behavior toward me b/c I didn't show up til she was well out, had filed, had moved another man into her new house. But did STBX deserve it?
I'll never know.
- Sita Tara's blog
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I think about this sometimes
I think about this sometimes too, Sita. When I'm upset with BF, I sometimes wonder if all of Wilda's complaints about him were valid. I think there's a shred of truth to some of them but she's also not someone that has any sense of personal responsibility, so it's hard to gauge how much of it was him and how much was her. I try not to dwell on it because we have our life now and the dynamics have changed. It's always in the back of my mind though and I wish I could let that go.
"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".
I have thought about this
I have thought about this kind of thing many, many times. I wonder if there have been things that DH has done that makes Gasolina act the way she does. And yes, there have been. Insert my famous three sides to every story quote here. But in the end, they were not married, and many of the things she did she did when she was already pregnant by/engaged to another man, so I she doesn't get that excuse any longer.
However, in your case, you were married to the man and actively trying to make it work. I can understand the disdain you would have for them and their relationship, and I think future SM and ex would be remarkably naive if they believe this whole transition is going to go smoothly.
"If it sounds like I think I am better than you, it's because I do."
I think, having been an OW
I think, having been an OW when I was younger and single, that they are oblivious to the exponential consequences and pain this causes everyone involved. My pain doesn't even register to them I'm sure. They impose their own feelings/perceptions on their spouses, their parents, their children etc. If I feel happy then everyone else will be ok and happy- maybe it's for the best, etc. In a way, they may feel they are in fact liberating the rest of us, in a sort of noble way. It's part of the fog of an affair, and highly universal.
SD has said that repeatedly to me when she's caught me sobbing. One night I laid with BD4 for a song after reading her a story. BD fell asleep and I was overwhelmed with all the nights I won't be there. I sobbed and held her and grieved the loss of a normal nuclear family for her. SD came in and rubbed my back and hugged me saying, "It's for the best SM. You'll be so much happier yourself one day, you'll see. You'll do theatre again" etc etc.
I said to her, "You have no idea. Because you, your dad, and your mom never mind being apart for long periods of time. I have done this SD. I have given up half of my sons' lives b/c I believed it would be "best" someday, that I would be happier someday. And now? What did I give that up for? All that sacrifice of their childhood only to go through it again with BD?"
She didn't answer.
It's not the end of the world. But it's the end of a dream of something better. And that's something that no future SM will ever appreciate as they impose their own perceptions of the "greater good" on my marriage ending and my family being split apart. They will be posting on here how pissed they are that all of STBX's family are my FB friends, that they want me to visit them still and see my sons whom they've come to know as their own grandsons, nephews, cousins...
****There are 3 sides to
****There are 3 sides to every story. Yours, mine, and the truth.**** -THE WIFE
::winks:: Thanks for the
Thanks for the insert!
"If it sounds like I think I am better than you, it's because I do."
Sita, whats best for the
Sita, whats best for the kids is why we all hold our tongues at times. BM is always going to be around in my situation & we have so many sporting events that we all need to get along. My stepsons need that.
I feel so bad for you because it is hard to be pleasant to a cheating spouse & the woman he did it with. BD acts out with you because you are the loving parent & you are the one she feels safest with.
I know that my husband was not a great husband in his marriage to BM, he was lazy & a grouch, but all these years later he is a involved & loving father. I know for her she loves to flex her power as a payback for not being the husband he should have been. I know this because I have lived this, HOWEVER I see that my son needs his daddy & loves him, as so my stepsons... I wish BM could have that ephinany.
Hugs, you are a great mom & will always do what is best for that little sweetie. The reason your paths crossed with the ex is so that BD is here.
Maybe that's why I'm able to
Maybe that's why I'm able to forgive alot of the crap BM does? Because I am a BM. While I've never had to deal with an SM in my life, I can certainly relate to being territorial over your children, and understand things that are said or done because of those feelings. While we are wrapped up in the territorial feelings, we can get blinded by the potential harm it can do to our children, and instead actually think we are protecting them.
There are things I would never do as a BM that our BM has done, but it still doesn't mean I can't 'understand' what place she's coming from. I realize it has nothing to do with me, and more about her own issues she struggles with inside.
Indifference is something I'd like to eventually get to with BM, and something I hope to also accomplish as a BM myself if an SM comes into my life.
"Most couples have not had hundreds of arguments, they've had the same argument hundreds of times."
First of all… *warmhug* I
First of all… *warmhug*
I think a LOT of us on here may shed a tear or two with a glass of wine while looking back along the paths out lives have taken… I know there are some moments in my own that I can’t even spare a passing glance because of the heartache. But we learn as we go… and we grow as we learn. And every hardship just makes us stronger. I believe everything happens for some sort of cosmic reason… and that the greatest human gift is our hope for a brighter future. *lifts glass to cheers*
It’s such a tangled web with all of these relationships… sometimes DH will be doing something that causes Mother Russia and I to exchange a “there he goes again” look and I really gotta step back and say, “whoa… she gets it too!” She’s been through the worst with this man and still has to face him on a daily basis for the sake of her kids… as he has to face her forever. The more you think about it the more uncomfortable it gets… that’s why I can’t dwell on it too much. I try to take in “our” relationship for what it is and not make myself nuts about what they did or didn’t do. But I feel you on trying to see it from her point of view and trying not to jump to conclusions.
Stay strong Sita Tara…
(*pssssssst* I’m a Tara too!
What a great post!
What a great post!