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OT-Title at Work

jojo68's picture

I was asked what my title was at work today and I don't really know. LOL I work for a major farm equipment/residential equipment dealership. I order/inventory all the complete goods (everything but parts)for 10 locations. I also am in charge of HR at this location, order office supplies at this location, make all travel arrangements for all 10 stores, all administrative assistant duties at this location, assistant the owner with any sales he makes (do the contracts and all associated paperwork and collect fees). I also help with advertising and marketing...right now I am organizing a 40 team golf tournament all by myself. So any ideas on what my title would be???? I dunno...


soverysad's picture

Grand Poobah of Operations or Wizard of All That is Essential to Operations.

In all seriousness, I think BMJen is right. Sounds like Office Manager. Give yourself a promotion though and call yourself Office Executive.

"That's how women are, aren't they? We want to know that others have been where we've been, who understand our fragile places, and who see our sunsets in the same shades of blue" - Beth Moore

Denial's picture

I like "Grand Poobah of Operations", I'd run with it - even order a sign and business cards.

Behind your name you could put ", GPO" - sounds fancy.

jojo68's picture

Love it....JoJo the GPO! I forgot another thing I have to do is fill in for sales if there are no salesmen at the store....I think I'm the go-to girl...One time someone asked me what i did and i just told them...I'm the whatever person....

stormabruin's picture

That's funny! My professional title is "Assistant Accounting Office Specialist". To save confusion when people ask, I just say I'm in the Accounting Dept. It saves a lot of questions. Smile

soverysad's picture
