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Ok now im pissed and i need to vent!!!!

dguiwh2334's picture

This could be long, but please read! For those of you that haven't talked to me, my bf and I live together and have been together a little over a year.. When my bf moved out of his house we started talking and hanging out (been mutual friends for 3 years) his ex filed divorce in september of last year! She keep post-poning and finding ways to drag out this divorce, I'm pissed and my boyfriend is really pissed. He has 3 kids.. BM/ExW has a bf, but still wants my bf back! Well she cheated numerous times, and was fed up. He and I are happy and building our lives and we have the kids about half the time.. Well because the lazy bitch hasn't worked in like 9 years cause she would rather be a slut and spend all his money, when they went to court it was made that my bf would have to contiune paying her shit till it was final.. So fine.. The bicth gets everything paid for.. Well all she wants is MORE money! It pisses me off! She believes she is entitled to it cause they have kids! R u friggin kidding me?! Seriously?! Get off your ass n get a job! Well recently she decided that since she has so much debt, she wanted to file bankruptcy... Instead of gettin off her ass n finding a job! So... Now the divorce is postponed, wish was supposed to be final this week! WHY? Oh, because part of the "agreenment" was that my bf pay the costs for her bankruptcy shit!! Ugh! And on top of all he has paid, her attorney won't fianlize till she gets another 300 bucks! Are you kidding me?! Bf just called n told me this! And he is livid! Told BM this is ridiculous and this divorce is takin way to long! Well BF wants to just push it thru and finalize this divorce?? What can we do??? Can't his attorney say they don't want to wait?! We want to move forward and finish it! On top of that SS9 is not doing well in school and bf is pissed!! Now he is saying his kids are all f*cked up from the divorce! HELP ME!!! Bf thinks the world of his kids n doesn't want them struggeling, but I know crazy BMs games have a lot to do with it! Sorry so long I need some advice PLEASE!


stepmasochist's picture

Do you have a lawyer? Do you have a good lawyer? Maybe if your lawyer is telling you something you don't want to hear - like you have to wait for BM to get her life in order (oh please, if that were the case, I know half of the DH's mentioned on this site would NEVER have been able to get a divorce) maybe you should consult with a different attorney. In fact, I'd take that $300 a month more that BM wants and try to find one that's worth a crap. It can be hard to do, but start quizzing everyone you know for recommendations and don't pay any until you meet with them and try to gauge whether or not they're on the up and up. So many divorce lawyers are just crappy shysters I wouldn't even want to type up a will for me - and I'd have the most straight forward estate on the books if I had a will.

Unless she's in the marital home and there is still a mortgage on it, there's no reason for him to be paying her bills. Is he paying spousal support as part of a legal separation?

School is almost out for the year, hopefully you can straighten things out and get SS9 on the right track before school starts next year. Chin up, all the legal bs takes time, but hopefully with the proper representation, you can come out okay in this.

dguiwh2334's picture

BF has an attorney, suposedly a good one that several ppl referred him too for this.. Idk how this crazy ex is doing this?! Bf needs to do something..they go to court this week and he said he is pissed that he has to spend money to go when nothing is gonna happen.. He is pissed that the lazy bitch still hasn't got a job!! Nobody is in the marital house! He couldn't afford it, she is now living in a place that he is paying for, and the utilities as well!! When this friggin mess is ever final, yes he will have to pay spousal support and child support.. This bitch wants so much from him its disgusting!! She is soooo lazy, she demands money from him while she sits at home on fb everyday! Omg, get a life!! I'm 10 yrs younger then her, I have a full time job, my own house that I pay for! And my own car I pay for!!! She is pathetic! Is she allowed to do this?! Drag out the divorce that should have been final several times?! And suck more money out him, to drag it on?! I'm so pissed right now.. Sorry I'm talking so much..

LMR120's picture

Yes you should be able to do it. Its called Bifrication. Have your BF talk to his lawyer about getting the divorce bifricated. Thats what my BF had to do after trying to divorce BM for over two years because she kept dragging things out. As far as the debt thing goes hate to say it but thats pretty normal. How long did he stay married to her? Asking to find out if there is a chance that he will have to pay her alimoney on top of CS. Does she have a degree or any other skills that make her able to earn money and no being a whore doesnt count which it did because a lot of us on here wouldnt pay the CS that we do!

dguiwh2334's picture

Thanks! He agreed to the bankruptcy cause he thought she would do that, and get the divorce moving... He just wants it done. He first told her, for about 8 months to find a job and offer a payments or make a settlement with her debts.. NOPE she won't get a job, so when he saw that was going nowhere, she brought up the banktruptcy shit, which was SUPPOSED to be done before they went to court! If BM didn't sit on her ass EVERYDAY and be a scank by night, she could have had this all done! Me and my BF had tp print out all her credit history shit, she was too lazy to go do that!! Me and the BF have sent her to places that are hiring.. Nothing! She is lazy beyond belief.. She makes ignorant decisions last minute.. Her whole thing is in the agreenment prior to this bs, they were supposed to split "the debt" which BM has more cause she never works, she just ran up credit cards and bought shit she couldn't afford.. And her complaint is "how will I pay my debt?" Whine whine whine!! GET a friggin job! Grow up n be an adult!!!

nycSM's picture


dguiwh2334's picture

Thanks nycSM, I sent him your reply in a message today, he said that everything she is filing, is only in her name.. But my thoughts, if they are still legally married when she does this, won't it affect him anyhow?

nycSM's picture
