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How shocking...Whinerina is sick again

HennyPen's picture

This is a continuation of my blog about being able to say no to SK's coming over sick, FishNchip continues to send them over anyway and I am expected to just deal with it. "If they're on antibiotics they're not contagious, so Henny will just have to deal with it"..yeah. thanks, and that isn't neccesarily true. So last week Whinerina comes over and with a note for us to go P/U her cough medicine at the pharmacy..I was annoyed but kept to myself..what ever, doesn't matter what I say anyway, I stay away let him deal with her and coughing all night. He slept on the couch with her.

then today I get this email from DH:

FishNchip just called…Whinerina is running a 103 temp and saying her side hurts and is nauses…..FishNchip is going to take her to the doctor, thinks it might be a pendisids….or how ever you spell it….i don’t know that much about it, don’t know if she is over reacting or not, but she said she got on line and that is some of the presentation of one…

I swear to god this BM has Munchausen's or something, I pullled our insurance claims just to see and she has to the doctor on average twice a month for the past 6 months, not counting lab tests (4 of those) and ER visits (2 of those). I am just tired of it. Tired of them, tired of the whole thing. I know I am just down, and frustrated but sometimes I feel like I made such a mistake. It was just me and MiniMarine for so long, 7 was our little life, and it was good. Our small family just the two of us, and then DH came and it was even better, but the reality of Whinerina and Gastapo didn't really start impacting me until recently. Maybe because it hit me that this is for as long as we are together. I'll never have just MY space, MY responsibilities. sorry to be so blue, I know it'll pass, but this was the final straw this morning and if I don't get it out here, I'll end up taking it out on DH.


stormabruin's picture

Sorry to hear about it. Does Whinerina ever express a wish to stay at her mom's house when she doesn't feel good? I would hate to have to be up & riding from place to place & trying to settle in another house...especially with a high fever. It's hard to get comfortable in my own bed. I would hate to have to swap houses & re-settle like that when I'm sick.

HennyPen's picture

actually no, she'd rather live with us but Whinerina is only 5 and FishNchip won't have that, not because she is maternal and loves her kids (she dumps them every chance she gets) it's more a pride thing. She would see herself as a failure and she won't seperate Whinerina and Gastapo. Gastapo is actually DH's SD from their marriage, not his daughter.

I might just tell him no for her coming over sick tomorrow, I have A LOT going on. and am near the breaking point. My Mom called me last night to tell me my one Uncle's lymphoma is curable and he should be okay after treatment, but followed up with my other uncle went to the hospital last week for back pain and found he has lung CA, Liver and colon CA. He obviously doesn't have much time, my freaking dog started having seizure's last week and he's like my other kid, so I have an appointment for him tomorrow and work sucks.

wow, sorry to unload like that

stormabruin's picture

Good grief! That's quite a load to deal with on top of a sick child. I understand what you mean about the pride thing with BM. Ours is that way too. No apologies necessary for unloading. That's what this place is for. Smile

HennyPen's picture

well, she is at the doctor with her now, but I am trying to figure out a way to tell DH that I DO NOT want her here tomorrow. I do not need MiniMarine getting sick, if he does then I have to miss work. I can't afford to since I basically support our house so she gets her CS and all paid on time. It's just so frustrating sometimes

but thanks for the responses and support!

HennyPen's picture'd never say it exactly the way I think it..I'd end up divorced. Yes...must censor and sugar coat anything dealing with Whinerina and Gastapo.. Wink

HennyPen's picture

does this sound bit%&Y??

I sent DH this email regarding sick Whinerina...

DH If it is not appendicitis..and I know you might be mad, but if it isn’t FishNchip is going to have to keep her home tomorrow. I can not take the chance of us or MiniMarine getting it. I am sorry, but if she is running a fever today and sick we really don’t need to spread that around. If it is appendicitis they will admit her to the hospital, but as long as it taking for her to call you I am starting to doubt that is what it is. That’s why I am bringing it up. If you don’t want to tell FishNchip then I will (not in a nasty way) just as one parent to another. Just like she wouldn’t want us to let them come over if MiniMarine had something like that.

HennyPen's picture

he took it better than I thought. Said if it isn't he'd talk with her about it. At least he didn't get his feathers all ruffled!

HennyPen's picture

so after dragging this out all turns out FishNchip gets them to do an ultrasound and guess what!?! it's a stomach virus, and take motrin for the fever...sometimes I hate her (BM) and all her effing drama. Just like the time she said SD had inflammed alveoli..she had a god damned cough...alveoli..I'll give her an alveoli alright right up the rear...I just get so annoyed.

stormabruin's picture

OT, but I have to ask. WTH is an alveoli? It sounds like some kind of ravioli or something. LOL!

HennyPen's picture

it's the tiny grape like clusters that makeup the tissue in your lungs to absorb oxygen. How she knew THOSE were inflammed I'll never

stormabruin's picture