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I am new again (after about 1 year's break from this forum)

MaGoose2010's picture

Hi everyone

I desperatly need some advice. I don't get along with my partner's children. We had hassles with his bd18 when she moved in beginning last year and we tried to educate her (R22000.00 of debt still owing) and she up and left after 9 months to become engaged to her bf and move in with him in his parent's back yard. Now she has been told (by bf's parents) that if she doesn't find a job by June, she must move out & guess where she wants to move back to.... My problem with her previously was that she used us to get closer to her bf (he lives 100km's away) and lied to us about wanting to get her school education completed. She lied to us, stole from us, manipulated the other kids into getting what she wanted (including my bd11's bedroom). We found her a job but she got fired due to stealing. I desperatly love my partner (of nearly 5 years) and don't want our relationship to end, but this will put a lot of strain on us. He is scared that I won't handle the stress. The ss18 cannot move to her mother, as bm is not on her feet financially and cannot afford to have her there. She herself is in a toxic relationship with a man almost half her age. We have my bs19 living with us, as well as my ss13 & bd11. BS19 works with me at our school of music, he teaches guitar. We really have no space for her, but I firmly believe that parents should never turn their children away when they are in need. SD18 does not listen to advice, does not obey rules easily and is extremely compulsive and over-bearing. She says she has 'seen the light'with her bf and realises that she must get away from him. I don't know if she means it, as she lies so much to us. She wants us to find her a job but everytime we go out on a limb for her, she lets us down. FH & I had a huge fight last night and we almost broke up. I gave up my life to start a new life with fh and now I feel like I am losing it all.
When I met fh one of my requirements was that whoever I get involved with must accept my children, as my ex hated my son from my previous marriage and made his life a living hell for 12 years. But now I feel like a hypocrite as I cannot accept his kids. FH absolutely adores my bd11 and is also fond of my bs19. I need constructive advise, please don't judge me.....


MaGoose2010's picture

Hey Katrinkie. Awesome to find other SA's on this blog! Hope we can continue to blog. Do you live in a similar situation?

LucilleVB's picture

Also in Joburg!
MaGoose, you are right. One cannot turn your kids away when they need you...BUT...we can place some conditions!
Take her back, she is part of FH and for that reason part of your family. Give her three months to find a job, even if she cant find anything awesome she can go waiter for a bit. Enroll her for a course, something that will help her find a better job...and have one set of rules for all your kids, step and biological.
Once FH sees that you are trying hard he will be 100% behind you and you wont fight the battle alone!
Good luck!

MaGoose2010's picture

Hi LucilleVB! You are just 4 hours away from me! Do you also live in a hellish situation like me? Your comments are really very constructive and you are right. I have never said that she cannot move back in, but did tell FH that I am worried if we will cope with her both emotionally & financially. You see she has been branded a thief in this area by her previous employer and the word spreads quickly, as right down in DBN (we live in Howick) they refused to hire her due to her track record. Also in other jobs, she would work for 2 or so days, then tell us she was replaced by someone of another race. Truth is she only has grade 10 and we paid for her to do Grade 11 through Delta (which we still owe for) and 18 months down the line she has not yet passed it! She is working at a bar in Dbn at present, but plans to spend a month in June with her mother in JHB & then come and stay with us. I agree about the set of rules for everyone..will get onto that immediately. FH is scared that this is going to split us up and last night it almost did, just speaking about her coming.
Thanks for the advice! Hope we can meet sometime...

LucilleVB's picture

ps: trust is earned, she will have to understand if you lock away the family silver for a while!

MaGoose2010's picture

Thanks, Katrinkie for taking the time to give such constructive advice. You seem to have hit the nail on the head! (I knew that someone out there would understand how I felt about all this.) I keep saying to FH that I am afraid that this is going to become a norm for our kids to wreck our lives emotionally and financially and when it suits them, to just leave and to leave us with the destruction caused. When does it ever end? FH & I are both in our mid-forties, both been screwed over by our ex's and both have nothing for our retirement. We have pulled ourselves out of the gutter and in 5 short years have accomplished so much. From renting a one-roomed shack in someone's backyard, to renting a 3-bedroomed house with a pool and garage. We have both started retirement policies and a savings policy. It probably won't be enough, but it's a start. We have a dream to get on the cruise-liners one day when all the kids have left home, and travel while we earn our keep..him playing the keyboard (he is very talented) and me the saxophone (I started lessons last year) and to see the world while we enjoy each other and what's left of our lives. But will we ever get there? We seem to take one step forward and 10 backwards. I agree with your statement on making her pay us back & on her finding her own job. There's a Spar opening close to where we live and I have suggested and now nagged FH to get her CV in to them, as closing date is 28/5 but nothing is being done. I am thinking that I need to find some volunteering work to do after she moves in, to take me out of the house in the mornings, as that is when I am free and she will be mooching at home until she finds a job or starts her studies or both...

MaGoose2010's picture

Hi Katrinkie, I spoke to DH last night about what we discussed yesterday and put it into a letter which I also e-mailed to him for future reference. I said that I want to try to make this work with SD18 to which he replied "ónly because you don't want to lose us" which is probably true, but it hit a nerve with me and I felt bad. But I reminded him that she had put us (especially me because he is never around to deal with her) through hell when she stayed with us before. He listened to me but didn't say anything. I was mad, because I felt that the least he could do was agree or disagree. When I challenged him as to what he thought, he said he didn't agree or disagree. I think that he knows that SD18 is going to mess up again and that our relationship will be at risk but he doesn't know what to do about it. He is talking as though we will not still be together next year (after this) and says that he will move overseas and she will then have to fend for herself. He is opting out...don't you think?

MaGoose2010's picture

You are a very wise lady, Katrinkie! I am so glad I found someone to chat to about this. DH & I don't have close friends, as we have never opened ourselves to friendships again after being burned badly. His best friend sleeping with his ex and that while FH was away on a conference! The guy just moved in to their home to "keep her company" and they both swear nothing happened, but the kids have their own stories to tell. Anyway my experience was with swingers trying to move in on our marriage and my ex fell for it. Hell he wanted to help this couple have a baby by sleeping with the wife..expecting me not to mind! So long story short, we keep any possible friendships at arms length as a couple. I have moved from the E/Cape to start a new life and so I am far from any of my 'girl'friends and we have lost contact. My mom is still in E/Cape but she tends to take sides and is not unbiased. So I cannot ask her for advice. SO I appreciate being on a forum like this and asking for advice. Thank u so much! MaGoose2010

Storm76's picture

Kat has written an excellent post I think, so not much more to add, except perhaps she needs to be challenged on why getting a job is a deal breaker for her. She's 18, and voluntarily left education, so getting a job is the next logical step. I should imagine at the moment in SA there's plenty of short term opportunities at least with the world cup starting in a few weeks (hotels & bars I expect will need extra staff, let alone the work at the stadiums themselves.)

You mentioned your BS19, who is working for the family business, so he is contributing towards the household yes? Personally, once I left education and started working I started paying some of my wages to my parents to contribute towards my board (it was a pittance as my first job paid atrociously) which got me into the habit of rent/bills first, then money to do what I want with. If she comes back into the household now, as an adult she should be expected to contribute IMO - either financially by handing over part of her wages if working, or if not working through chores over & above those that others do.

Oh, and finally (sorry, this post ended up longer than I thought it would!) I've found that starting discussions with my OH along the lines of "I'm worried for SS10" help keep it non-combatative. You could maybe start with "Of course we're not going to see her homeless, but I'm worried that if we completely bale her out now she won't learn the lessons she'll need later in life"

Good luck

buttercookie's picture

Don't let her move back you won't be helping her you will be enabling her. I'm going through similar situation read my blogs. If you decide to let her move back anyhow make sure you and husband are on the same page with written rules and consequences that will be followed. If you don't feel husband will allow consequences don't make yourself or the other kids miserable.

MaGoose2010's picture

Buttercookie, I hear what you are saying, but I am in the situation where my BS19 asked to move in with us after realising that his life was going no-where fast, as a pizza delivery boy, and his father refused to help him, as he (the X) is too busy tracking down & keeping future wife #7, that he could get his life back on track. We took him in, as SD18 had just moved out to live with her bf. BUT he buckled down, joined our school of music and used his talents as a musician and high school music graduate, to make something of his life. He is now our best teacher and is loving it. While he was building up his student-base, we did not charge him boarding, but now that he is earning a fair wage, he is contibuting. The point is, I brought my son in when he was destitute so how can I refuse to bring his daughter back in. Also, she is going to be kicked out of the bf's home by bf's parents if she doesn't find and keep a job by end June, which means she will be "on the street" and destitute. BM doesn't want her because she is 1) not earning a great salary, 2) is scared she(SD18)will ruin her relationship with her toy-boy of 20 years her junior. SO how can I live with myself if I say no. He's fully prepared to tell her to get lost and acts as if it won't affect him, but I know him...he's a pussycat inside where it comes to his gorgeous, wonderful daughter....

buttercookie's picture

With your BS you HELPED him with the SD, unless rules are enforced, you will just be enabling. We had to take the tough love approach with SS19 because he was refusing to grow up and being a total jerk here. We can't force him to do anything but we don't have to support his do nothing life either.

LizzieA's picture

She is being kicked out because she hasn't found a job? Why do you think she would find one with you if she won't where she lives now? Big red flag.

MaGoose2010's picture

Hi LizzieA. She is being kicked out because bf's parents feel she is a burden to their family. Bf also is without work. Both SD18 & bf are still kids (18 yrs), both don't have their high school diplomas and think that they can play housey-housey and still survive out there. We warned them that they are too young to play adult games and that they won't survive without at least the minimum qualification. Bf had a job at a construction place but he stuffed up and is now unemployed. No wonder the parents don't want her there too! It's just so uncanny that last year when the 2 broke up and we had big drama because SD18 decided she wanted to go out with her new home-school friends and broke it off with bf (accusing him of being violent with her)which landed up that he drove up here to harass the household and we had to call the police, that the bf's mother phoned us and begged us to get them back together as her darling son was crying and in hysteria over the break up! Meanwhile the little witch, after putting us through this was secretly getting back together with him all wonder she wanted to go to the gate and speak to him when he arrived. I told her if she did that she must make sure that she took her bags with her and carried on walking through that gate and not come back! Now once again, she is saying she doesn't want to be with him and has realised that he is no good for her. How are we supposed to believe this after what happened before?

LizzieA's picture

You can't believe her. But if you want to give her the benefit of the doubt, one more chance, etc. it needs to be on your terms with clearly stated consequences that will be followed through. Otherwise she will never grow up and will continue to make your lives the backdrop to her latest drama.