EWWWW... BM is nasty.. but also i have some good news!
So first of all, I had yesterday off (which I usually don't) So BF wanted me to ride with him out to BMs to pick up the kids.. As we were getting ready to leave BM texts BF and asks if her can pick her up some liquor! Wtf?! Not the first time she has asked either.. Mind you its like 2 in the afternoon... So I was pissed that we had to go get this shit for her.. Like, why can't she drive her scanky ass to the store after we pick up the kids.. WHATEVER!! Well BM didn't know I was coming with BF, so we get to BMs house and we walk in, she didn't look too happy to see that I came and I don't think she was expecting me to be there, by the way she was dressed.. A nasty skin tight tank top that showed her disgusting flabby stretched out rippled stomach (barf) and the shortest pajama shorts I have ever seen in my life!!! They looked like boy shorts (the underwear) flippin NASTY!! Like, NO my BF doesn't find you attractive, he hadn't for a LONG time!! He thinks her dressing like a scank is disgusting and she should not dress that way in front of his kids! Anyways, she was likr hiding behind the island in the kitchen, prolly embarassed that she had nasty booty shorts on and looked like a cracked out slut.. SICK! She is so ugly.. She has this huge nose that looks like its smooshed down on her face and when she talks her nostrils flare! EW! (Sorry this is long lol) So the good part, after we got home BF and I were talking, and now that their divorce is finally done we were discussing the CS and alimony.. And I finally said a lot of things I haven't before in fear he would b pissed or take it the wrong way.. But I said when u start giving her that money each month for her to sit at home on her flat no ass lol, she WILL NOT ask you for a single penny other then what she is court ordered each month! I said if the kids need clothes, WE will go buy them.. If they need school stuff, WE will buy them, and the same for food and whatever. I said we will not give her money to do with what she wants! I was like I'm not trying to be a bitch, but we do live together and when u need money, I help you and vice versa, so in my mind its our money, and I will NOT be sharing my money with your ex wife!! And to my suprise he totally agreed!!! Thank god, and we had a good conversation.. I'm glad I got that out and it went well
- dguiwh2334's blog
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Wow, I can't believe you let
Wow, I can't believe you let him stop at the liquor store for her?? How did THAT go down?
Glad you got through that money conversation. Your point is logical; I'm glad it saw it your way!
you seriously went and got
you seriously went and got liquor for her?!
you seriously went and got
you seriously went and got liquor for her?!
Million dollar question: Why
Million dollar question: Why would you let him get the liquor?
Well the CS and alimony won't
Well the CS and alimony won't be affective for a couple months.. He has been giving her about 400 bucks a month right now... I said "is she going to be paying you for this?" Well I guess he still owed her some money cause he didn't give her the full amount.. We get to the store and I grabbed a water and said "aren't you gonna go grab her shit?" Lol, he looked suprised cause ordinarily I'm not rude to him, but I was in a bad mood yesterday cause I was tired n didn't feel good.. I said more then once in the store that I was pissed she can't do this herself and why does she need to drink at 2 in the afternoon?? Anyways, after we get there he gives BM the stupid wine coolers she wanted and asks for the rest of her money, BF pointed to the wine coolers and said "its right there" hahahah.. BM looked pissed.. Guess she thought BF was gonna buy them for her.. So I wasn't too mad after all...
Well the CS and alimony won't
Well the CS and alimony won't be affective for a couple months.. He has been giving her about 400 bucks a month right now... I said "is she going to be paying you for this?" Well I guess he still owed her some money cause he didn't give her the full amount.. We get to the store and I grabbed a water and said "aren't you gonna go grab her shit?" Lol, he looked suprised cause ordinarily I'm not rude to him, but I was in a bad mood yesterday cause I was tired n didn't feel good.. I said more then once in the store that I was pissed she can't do this herself and why does she need to drink at 2 in the afternoon?? Anyways, after we get there he gives BM the stupid wine coolers she wanted and asks for the rest of her money, BF pointed to the wine coolers and said "its right there" hahahah.. BM looked pissed.. Guess she thought BF was gonna buy them for her.. So I wasn't too mad after all...
AGREED!!!!! When they need
AGREED!!!!! When they need clothes thats what the CS is for. Whatever they need is suppose to be covered with the child support. NOTHING extra. If you wanna have somethings at your house like we do then thats fine but we make BFs BM send a suit case with clothes for when they are with us. After all he gives her $1500 a month. I think she can send them with some clothes.
Vickmeister, I totally agree,
Vickmeister, I totally agree, I was just saying that at the end of the month if BM tries to pull some shit and say "oh the kids need this or that", we would not give her money for it, we would just buy it, if they needed it right then... With her CS n A she will just barely be able to pay her rent, utilities and car stuff.. Let alone anything else she needs.. Which I told BF she needs to get off her lazy butt and get a job to be a parent and support her kids as well, just cause BF and her had kids, doesn't mean its only his responsibility to care for them like she thinks cause he "walked out" well, I say BM shoulda thought about that before she laid down on her back and opened her legs for men other then her H!!!
Blender, would that be to
Blender, would that be to show that WE are supporting them..
OK. CS and alimony? Why
OK. CS and alimony? Why would you use that to justify buying wine coolers? Who drinks wine coolers anyway? Oh, trashy BMs, that's right. Anyway, this is absolutely crazy. Maybe if she had asked for milk for the kids, but alcohol? It seems like a really poor decision for BF to provide BM with alcohol, especially on the grounds that it's a replacement for the CS that doesn't start for a few more months. And, if it was as replacement for alimony, that shouldn't happen either. Alimony is supposed to be cash that you give and don't ask questions about. Also, why give it if it isn't required yet? Especially alimony?!
I would be sooooo mad over this. I'm so glad we pay neither alimony nor CS. We get to decide what we do with the money instead of having it go over there to buy the kids iPod touches and designer clothes, bleck! Also, I'm really, really, really glad we don't have to deal with it because in Cali, alimony is called 'spousal support.' It's supposed to sound better but I would hate it because I'm the spouse now, bitch! Child support makes sense because the kids never stop being your kids, but spousal support, again, bleck!
But, let's get back to the issue of alcohol and CS... since CS is supposed to be what BF provides for the kids while they are with BM, he is providing the kids with alcohol. It may seem like your BF's intent is to provide BM with something she feels entitled to in order to shut her up, but if it's not alimony ordered by the court, she isn't entitled to shit, only the kids are entitled to a nice standard of living when they are with her. And, since alimony is supposed to be cash not goods or services, and the legal intent of CS is to provide for the kids, again, he is providing the kids with alcohol. I guess it's not so bad as actually giving the kids alcohol, or giving BM alcohol at the beginning of her custodial time, but it's still pretty bad.
Do you follow my logic? We've had to go through the whole court thing, child custody evaluation and all, and something like this would have looked terrible for us. As a dad, BF already has the odds stacked against him, no matter how crazy BM may be. So, if he is serious about being a dad and remaining a dad (i.e. not getting time taken away), then he better stop this kind of stuff. If my DH did this, I would seriously have slapped him across the head for being so stupid. With the ever present threat of court looming over us at all times, we watch everything we say and do, as should all dad and stepmoms.
CaliStepMomma, no I totally
CaliStepMomma, no I totally get what you are saying! And believe me you, I was pissed!! And I made it quite clear that I was.. As I've said in other posts, sometimes I don't know why BF does things for her! BF and I have gotten into it so many times cause of things just like this one!! If I told you half the shit, you'd be shocked... BF is a good man, and I guess "trys to make everyone happy" so he's actually said in the past. I think he is so used to doin whatever BM said, he doesn't know how to say NO!! I've told him so many times how shit like this bothers me!!
Yeah, men are so stupid. My
Yeah, men are so stupid. My DH always "tries to make everyone happy." That whole statement though seems odd, because I'm like, "Um, well, what about me?!" HA! No, he does try to make me happy a lot, and he succeeds! It's just when he's trying to make someone else ::cough, cough, BM, cough:: happy that he's actually getting himself into bigger trouble. Er, well, I guess that's not true, cuz as big a bitch as I can be, BM can always still out do me since she is not below bringing the kids into the battle and that's what gets these men.
I don't know how long you've been with BF, but I've been with DH for 5 years and it took him a long time to stop caring if BM wasn't happy. It's not that he wanted to make her happy, but he didn't want to make her unhappy because he thought that would make the kids unhappy. Understandable, because it often does make the kids sad when BM bitches to them that dad won't give her this or won't do that for her. But, we just have to keep telling the kids, "I'm sorry you have to hear that from your mother. It must be really hard. You know that dad loves you and would do anything for you and that the fighting is not about you." And they get it. We've even had to have straight up conversations with them about how dad isn't responsible for mom anymore. That hurts them, but they get it. Here's my mantra, you may have seen it elsewhere - divorce sucks, but that's how it is.
Anyway, aside from caring about not having BM make a scene, so to speak, it took a big, huge court battle for my DH to wake up and stop putting himself in situations where he stands to get screwed over. That's why I'm so, um, like, "AHHHHH!!!!" I can't explain it exactly, I just get anxious hearing other dads do stuff that could come back to bite them. It's the "women's instinct," as sexist as that sounds, that keeps us safe, I guess. I'm always on guard because I feel I have to be. And, now that DH has wised up, he shoulders more of that responsibility to watch out and protect our asses, so I can let go a bit. But, I'm still often more suspicious and often turn out to be rightfully so. And, every time that happens, DH wises up some more.
My only advice for you would be to put in perspective of how he puts himself at risk with this stuff rather than how it bothers you. I kept running into a brick wall with DH when I brought up how stuff bothered me. I had an advantage in that I worked in mental health, specifically with families and kids, and I got to use that as a way to show him, more objectively, that what he was doing was just bad parenting, parenting out of guilt. I'm not a psychologist (I just play one on TV - ha!), but I got to talk to them and get advice for free. It was much easier for me to say, "I talked to Dr. So and So, you know, the one who is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and specializes in issues of divorce, and she said that blah, blah, blah." My DH is even more responsive to articles I find on the Internet than to my 'opinions.' (must be because he's a lifelong academic) Maybe that would work for you. Google is amazing with what you can find. And, even this place is a great resource. Giving him real life examples of other people who have been there and done that could work. I am part of a stepmoms support group and get a lot of ideas from there and share those with my husband. He is actually receptive. Once men put down their guards and realize that other men go through the same thing, they get to be a lot better dads and partners. What we need is a dad's support group or online forum like this, we'd call it "TEAM MEN" so it sounds real manly, and most guys get the idea of team sports and sharing and being supportive for that, so that's how we'd sell it to them. Ha!
CaliStepMomma, you hit it
CaliStepMomma, you hit it right on the nose!! BF is worried about making BM unhappy, if that bitch is unhappy, we ALL are lol.. Kids included.. In the past when BM didn't get her way, she refused to let BF take the kids.. WELL, unknown by BM, I am not a dumbass (not that BF is lol) but BM always has BF by the balls cause of the kids and its sad. Anyhow at that point BF and I weren't living together and I told him to document EVERYTHING! He would even text her and ask her to have the kids call before they went to bed, BM wouldn't reply and never answer.. Bullshit!! So he documented everything! And when they went to court BM got in trouble n then guess who was calling to appologise.. HA!! Bitch!! Lol.. Anyways, BF and I have been friends for about 3 years and together for a little more then a year.. So I hope he realizes sooner then later that he needs to stop. I have even told him before that I feel like he puts BMs feelings before mine..he is an amazing man and makes me very happy, I just think BM had him sooo whipped he doesn't know how to say no, as I said... He wants to make sure his kids are happy... And the fact remaining about him picking up her wine coolers.. Omg.. I told him before that's koolaid lol, he was like no, it has liquor, I said yea like 2 percent.. She is a pussy anyways lol.. But I was pissed!!! He needs to stop don shit for her all together!! Its like she says or does shit to piss him off and he gets so livid and can't stand her, then the next day its done with and he is her best friend again.. He says he doesn't hate her so he isn't gonna treat her like shit cause (and this is my fav) "she is the mother of his children" OMG I hate that shit!!
You're nicer than me! No way
You're nicer than me! No way we would have bought BM liquor. One time (although she did it more than once), BM called DH and asked him to bring a gallon of milk when he came to pick up SD. It was for her OWN other two kids, not SD. Plus, BM has a husband. Stuff like this is his job. That and she's too lazy to leave the house. She can run her own damn errands as far as I'm concerned. I have DH crap about doing it (of course). Liquor would be where I draw the line.
Well how many times did it
Well how many times did it taking you bitching for him to realize it was wrong?! I swear if I told you ladies half the shit I went thru with BF in the first few months you would think I'm crazy for staying lol
I think I have selective
I think I have selective amnesia regarding some of the stuff my DH did! He left me on one of our dates because she called and was out of milk. It took a long time for that to stop.
And, "mother of my children!" I frickin' hate that toooooo! Doesn't fly anymore, but used to get tossed around allll the time. Yes, mother of your children, MOTHER, she is not your child, stop treating her like one, stop giving in to her, you are practicing bad parenting ON HER!
Wine coolers as kool aid, ha! Not that, oh, it's no hard, but it's like instead of a pina colada, a pina colada wine cooler, wtf?! They taste so bad, like syrup, bleck!
It also took my DH a long time to learn that he is never going to make BM happy or even not un-happy. He also came to counseling with me and did some on his own. The biggest thing was gaining confidence that he is a good dad. My counselor suggested I tell him more often, even if it seemed silly, and I did, and it worked. Also, he realized, from counseling that if he was never gonna make BM stop being mad at him, he should at least try to make sure I wasn't mad at him.
I love our old counselor. She was no nonsense.
We also learned something as a couple about dealing with BM. Since we were never going to make her stop being mad, crazy, unhappy, etc. We just stopped caring. It was bad for awhile. Like, when we stopped making unreasonable accommodations for her, stopped giving in to her demands, it kinda sucked for a little while, for us and for the kids. But, after awhile, she finally started to realize that she didn't have control over us anymore and it calmed down. She still blows up now, but we try not to react and it usually blows over.
My new philosophy is kill her with kindness towards her kids. Tonight I put it into action. We have the kids this week and went to my two oldest's school concert. She came late and the youngest left to sit with her, then the other boy move to be with her too. Then, when SD got off stage, she said hi to her mom and came to sit with us. She snuggled in right in between DH and I. I know that KILLS her mom. And, I love it. Not just cuz I love my SD, but for the petty reason that I know her mom hates it. BM left early and didn't say goodbye to SD. It just goes to show that she couldn't handle having to see us. And similar thing happened earlier in the week. At another kids event, SS wanted to practice a karate move on me, but he had to do it with his instructor there, so we did it after class. BM left and stood in the parking lot without saying goodbye. She just talked to another mom and when we left, the kids said goodbye and she barely waved. I think my SD is finally letting go of her mom's guilt trips. BM thinks that not saying goodbye will make the kids think next time and baby her like she wants, but I think it's gonna back fire on her. I always thought it would and am now starting to see it with SD. Not so much with the younger ones, SS9 and SS11, but that might come later. Or, maybe not. We'll see.
Oh, and another thing about these events, BM is always very buddy buddy with other parents because she has to build herself up by seeming popular. I could care less about being friends with all the other moms. I'm bad like that. My mom was bad like that. It's just that we don't really care about who said what or who did what, most of the moms are so catty and gossipy, it's just disgusting. So, we let her have that. But, you can tell how upset she gets when on of her buddies is nice and friendly with us.
Wow, I got off topic...
CaliStepMomma, that's okay
CaliStepMomma, that's okay lol.. I always go off topic. Whenever BF and I are at an event for the kids and BM is there.. I love it, cause the skids are always all over me and don't want to listen to her, then ask if they are coming home with me and BF, BM says, no your coming to my house.. The skids are always like "oh man we wanna go with dad and *me" LOL! I love it.. On mothers day the kids didn't even wanna go to her house! It was hilarious.. Then she will always boohoo to BF like " SS didn't even wave back today at the game, and it hurt my feelings.." Lol, like BF is gonna make him wave, he is prolly embarassed cause she dresses like a whore all the time! And BM thinks everyone likes her.. They DON'T! So many of BFs friends tell him he looks so much happier now, BM was a controling manipulative bitch and she looks sick (she has lost weight, tooo much, BLECK lol) and they all say how beautiful and nice I am, and I'm good with the kids and so on
And I always kill her with kindness!