I know we've done this before... but what does your screen name mean to you? Avatar?
I'll start...I'm pretty simple.
I'm Colorado Girl... well because I live in Colorado.
My avatar is the fire dancer from the Dave Matthews Band.
Well because I love, love DMB and am inspired as a constant by his music and lyrics.
So I suppose I'm as creative as him in what he called his band in the assigning of my screen name.
Anyone else?
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Buttercookie is a family
Buttercookie is a family nickname The avatar I use is one I googled for. My Father In Law was known as buttercookie back years ago before nabisco bought it. Can't say much more without giving out too much info.
I love redheads and always
I love redheads and always thought that I should have been one. I did dye my hair a beautiful bright red when I was in 8th grade. Cost of dye: a couple of bucks, my mother's face...PRICELESS!
And Lucille Ball - what can I say - I've always loved her. The scene I picked was when she was getting drunk from doing a commercial for Veg a Vitamin, an elixar with alcohol in it. Since I'm a sober alcoholic - I relate!
And Glynne: a combination of 2 family names.
Purple flower comes from one
Purple flower comes from one of my favorite movies " the color purple" and Purple is my favorite color.
the name because I am, the
the name because I am, the pic, just a day in the life of my new car with a built in gas pedal!
Uh oh, my avatar is blank.
Uh oh, my avatar is blank. Guess I better get busy! I'll have one by tomorrow. Geez, does that mean I'm a slacker?? LOL!
I'm in a stepmommish role,
I'm in a stepmommish role, but I'm not a stepmom cuz Mr. Kate and I aren't married. No such thing as a step-girlfriend...my name is Kate, so I guess I am a stepkate for the moment.
Avatar: it means my picture is not available.
screen name is childhood
screen name is childhood nickname Henny Penny from my favorite childhood book. Avatar is a giant chicken...that's what Henny Penny was a giant chicken. Well, the pic is actually a rooster but close enough..
Soy_girl cuz I'm not very
Soy_girl cuz I'm not very creative, and when I fist started lurking I saw a lot of "book_girl" posts, so I guess I plagerized -- sorry Book_girl! and it's soy, because I don't eat dairy. (TMI???)
The photo is one I took on vacation in Arizona...notice how the tree is bent over backwards?!?! sort of reminded me of my stepmom role!
Pantera is one of my favorite
Pantera is one of my favorite bands.
RESPECT!!! Walk! Are you
RESPECT!!! Walk! Are you talkin' to me???? I LOVE this song!
LMAO }:)
Flippin' is my word to
Flippin' is my word to replace the bad F word,exhausted,because when I came here I was exhausted from being told I was wrong and felt like I was fighting a losing battle.Huge Missouri Tiger fan>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Nemo, Because I used to use
Nemo, Because I used to use my REAL name. But I love nemo. And we can all guess bout the pick
Ah, I named one of my horses
Ah, I named one of my horses Nemo. He is such a cutie just like Nemo.
My first one was zenmom. At
My first one was zenmom. At the time I never imagined what I'd share on here. So I changed it pretty quickly to Sita Tara- which is the female Buddha so it was still similar.
My Avatar's only changed a few times. I put the pic of the Tarot card for the Fool (fairy or Goddess card version) b/c I was trying to re-start my marriage with my H right before I found out what I was really up against in his infatuation with a married coworker.
I left it as the Fool b/c of it's literal and tarot meaning being so relevant to how I feel about my life now. I think it was a prophetic choice when I did it. I doubt I'll change her. Unless it's to The High Priestess one day.
cyberwoman because I work 14+
cyberwoman because I work 14+ hours a day in cyberworld, my avatar is self explanatory. A broom is a versatile item, I like it.
Could you PM me with what you
Could you PM me with what you do for a living? I'm trying to find something I can do to support myself from home, so I can teach drama etc on the side after the divorce.
My avatar is the ribbon for
My avatar is the ribbon for lung cancer, for my dad. The name is from my stepmoms cat, she was Siamese. I've been made fun of here for using the name as it is for "my dead cat". My SM & I were very close, & the cat meant a lot to me, b/c I took it after my SM died.So it is symbolic for me.
I have pictures of my cats
I have pictures of my cats who crossed the rainbow bridge all over my house. I think Sia is a beautiful name and hope each time you see and hear it, it will remind you of the wonderful times spent with your kitty.
Yeah.. we shouldn't make fun
Yeah.. we shouldn't make fun of each other for our names ... geeezz louise!
I picked Stick because I used to be pretty thin and one of my best friends called me (and still calls me, even though I'm not as thin) Stick!
No avatar.. I need a new one...
My DH is a bit of a computer
My DH is a bit of a computer geek and I'm the 2nd wife which is how I became WifeVersion2.0
I haven't found an avatar I like enough to put on yet....I'll have to think about that some more.
Known fact, higher version =
Known fact, higher version = better program.
Oooo. That's witty
Oooo. That's witty
LMR my initials and 120
LMR my initials and 120 because when I first went into the military my first dorm room was room 120 so at first nobody knew my name so they would yell down the hall "HHEEEYYYY 1-20 lets drink" so for the longest time I was referred to as 1-20
I am the Other Mom to the
I am the Other Mom to the skids so I posted a cartoon rendition of all the moms ... Marge Simpson, Mrs Cleaver, etc. I don't have huge blue hair but I do get pretty silly like her
Colorado Girl, you have all the best blog ideas
I have been here since 2006 - changed screen name due to BM - and you have 99% of the time helped me on this journey.
31 is one of my DH's favorite
31 is one of my DH's favorite numbers.
The Avatar is The Little Engine That Could as a very positive inspiration to me to keep believing in myself, and to keep going, because I'm going to achieve all those things I set out to.
The ladies man. My husband
The ladies man. My husband loves to do Leon Phelps to me " hey sweetthing. " Funny thing was my dad out of no where started talking about that movie the other day to me & how he has a friend who can immitate Leon, then my dad whips out the " hey sweetthing " line... was just kind of odd.
Mine is wanted five because
Mine is wanted five because all during my childhood, I wanted to grow up and be a Mommy with five children. I ended up only having two children who are 12 years apart and had given up on that dream. Then I met my fiance and he has three children, so when we marry, we will have a 25 yr old, 2 12 year olds, a ten year old and a nine year old. My avatar is a pic of me with my 12 yr old birth son.
I'm pretty boring - Smonster
I'm pretty boring - Smonster = Stepmonster Avatar- Monster
My screename is one I picked
My screename is one I picked up when I decided I'd been stepped on enough by my ex-husband. When I finally chose to treat myself right, I picked myself up & dried my tears, & I brewed up the storm that changed my life. I chose to keep that name because I still tend to brew a little something up now every now & then, when I feel I'm starting to lose control of my life again.
As for my avatar, the saying below my comments is true to me. Most people will tell you I'm thoughtful, compassionate & kind. I'm very laid-back & get along with most anyone. I have no patience for ignorance or liars. When it comes to those who strike me that way, my broom comes out. I truly am that versatile.