WE WON!!!!!!!
For anyone following my story, WE WON!!!!!!! We get SD21s children today!!!! OMG I am sooooo nervous and scared and happy and scared and overwhelmed ALL at the same time! ACK!
DH is in court as we speak ironing out the details.....but, they will be w/us by supper time. I'm releived, but soooooo very nervous!
I have soooo much to do! I have to find a daycare ASAP! I can't believe what they charge! I have ZERO experience with them. Never had to use one.
Keep us in your thoughts please! I'm gonna need all the good vibes anyone can toss my way! A 2yo and a 2mo old is a LOT to handle dumped in your lap! I must admit that I wasn't too keen on the idea of raising someone else's kids, again, but with them being so young, I'm kind of excited to have young ones in the house again. Next week I may be blogging about being completely exhausted, but for now, I'm happy
- Sia's blog
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Congratulations, I know
Congratulations, I know you'll do an amazing job!
Congrats, Sia...you'll do
Congrats, Sia...you'll do just fine! Those kids are lucky to have you
Oh that's wonderful news!
Oh that's wonderful news! Congratulations to you & your family!
Yeah! Girl I know you can do
Yeah! Girl I know you can do it. I use a home daycare & had to do some interviewing but ended up aith an amazing woman. I pay $150.00 per week, you can double that for a center. I know that the boys will be good helpers. Hugs, ST
OMG Sia!! I am so happy for
OMG Sia!! I am so happy for you and for those babies.
I wish I could afford to fly out and help you for the first week or so..... Hugs to you!
I wish you could too
I wish you could too
Congratulations Sia... those
Congratulations Sia... those children are blessed to have you as their guardian angel. I'm happy that you are happy and I am actually excited that you do get to experience children when they are so young and wonderful.
Thanks guys! I'm trying so
Thanks guys! I'm trying so hard to find daycare, didn't realize how hard it would be! Sheesh!
Gonna be shopping at yard sales tomorrow for clothes for these babies! Oy!
You would NOT believe what all BM did to these babies. It made me puke when I read the report! I haven't been able to eat since reading it. Turns my stomach. Let's just say that if I hadn't of called the police when I did, the baby would likely be dead. The detective told us that the child was in extreme danger of dying....
Makes me mad just thinking about it. However, I'm madder at SD21 for leaving them with her mother than I am at BM. BMs mental state makes me feel more sorry for her than anything. She will get the help she needs now, I'm glad about that. She will have to live in a psychiatric facility for the rest of her life, but at least she'll get help.
Congrats Sia. Keep us posted
Congrats Sia. Keep us posted on how it's going.
I remember your last post
I remember your last post about how sd wouldn't go get them even though her sister told her to and the conditions. So she called you. I'm so happy those babies are safe.
Yay!!! Congrats.
Yay!!! Congrats.
Congrats...wow what an
Congrats...wow what an adventure you are embarking on...it's awesome that they have someone like you and your DH.
Sorry hadn't been on here in
Sorry hadn't been on here in awhile, but CONGRATS!!!!
And I agree, it would be scary, exciting all rolled up into one and at that young age you aren't going to have to deal with fixing someone else's poor parenting.
Don't rush into daycare, especially with the baby.
My BF took a voluntary layoff when the skids were removed from BM and placed with us....may look at that if it is an option for either one of you until you get it all sorted out.
I just went back and reread
I just went back and reread your previous blog. If I were you, I would be contacting the state authorities regarding CPS lack of involvement and possibly looking at suing them or at the least causing them major headaches and problems. If there had been any permanent damage to the baby, the would've have been indirectly responsible b/c of their inaction.
Problem with the world today, they are in charge of young childrens lives but don't take it seriously.
Hey wow, that is great!! I
Hey wow, that is great!! I think you can make a huge difference in their lives!!!!
Congrats to you and your DH
Congrats to you and your DH Sia. As usual you are a true inspiration.
Love those babies for all the S-Talkers.
Best regards.
If you need me give me a
If you need me give me a shout:) Persistence does pay off after all!! But so close to not having a happy ending though makes me angry that the state can tell us what we cant do to our kids whilst they really do nothing about what is blatantly going on for the whole world to see by everyone else :O