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SS's "Obsession" with BM

Pantera's picture

Before DH and I decided to separate, one of our major differences was that I thought SS10 was overly obsessed with BM. He would literally sit in his room for an hour and stare at a pic of him and BM. I thought that was a bit much so I would always ask him if he wanted to do something else (not mentioning the picture of course). Or we would be sitting there and SS10 would get in a daze staring at me with this really weird stare and start talking about BM but stay in the stare (don't know how to explain it but it was weird). Or SS would non stop and I mean non stop talk about BM, to the point where his friends actaully started saying things to him about it. It was constant, at dinner, on vacation, at karate, ect. always talking about BM. I told DH that when DH left the room it got even worse. Of course I was just picking.

I know kids will talk about their other parents and I know SS probably misses BM at times. I know this because my parents were divorced too. So Im not picking, I think there are some issues.

With all of that being said, SS10 comes home from BM's last night. DH asked how he was and if he had a good time. SS says yes and everything is fine. Him and DH talked for a while, not 1 time was BM brought up. DH and SS were together for an hour. So DH and SS sit down in the kitchen to eat dinner and I went in to fix my own dinner. SS10 goes off about BM and how great she is and that they went swimming in a salt water pool and that BM's friend has 9 puppies and that he played on Facebook at BM's and the videos they posted together were so funny, ect. I walk out of the kitchen and into the dining room to eat (right next to the kitchen), SS10 immediately changes the subject to something else. I almost choked on my food when DH said something to him!!! Dh said "why do you feel the need to constantly ramble on about your mother only when Pantera is in the room? you babble about things that aren't even brought up, it would have been one thing if we were talking about a pool, puppies, or facebook, but you brought it up out of no where. Almost like you are trying to rub it in Panteras face." SS said, "Im sorry, I didn't try to rub anything in Pantera's face". LOL!!! DH..."You should be talking about that stuff when I ask how your time with your Mom was". LMAO!!! This child is wasting no time showing DH whats up. DH said he felt like a dumb ass after that and he really does realize it isn't all me.

I feel bad posting this nonsense but I need to let it out. It is the most ridiculous thing to me. I can't see how literally in the last week we now see EVERYTHING I've been bringing up for years. So now Im the most awesome person in the world because Im leaving and DH really sees whats happening? Its driving me crazy!!!


poisonivy's picture

The staring is the pits!!!!

SS9 used to do that and I would just pass it off and go on about my business. Then, I decided I was sick of it so every time he'd try and stare me down, I would get really close to his face, squat down to his height and stare right back. Nothing else worked until then. We don't have the staring problem anymore.

Sometimes it takes drastic action to get people's attention, especially DHs when it comes to the heaven children. Sounds like SS was either trying to get your goat or having some major guilt issues about liking you...

Pantera's picture

SS is trying to bother me, he doesn't feel guilty about anything (read previous blogs, lol). Its just nice to finally see DH get it. Im not the crazy evil person he thought I was for so long.

bioandstep2009's picture

Why do the skids do the weird staring thing? Makes me wonder what the hell is going through their heads when they stare at us or what kind of weird crap the BMs are saying to them. I find it unnerving....

Pantera's picture

It is unnerving and my SS has a horror movie stare and then gets this weird fake smile, its crazy. I remember the first time he did it, I laughed because I had to call my Mom because I was terrified, it freaked me out, lol!!!

bioandstep2009's picture

Oh my goodness, I got the weird fake smile once too after the staring...CREEEEEPY!

Milomom's picture

I agree with Crayon and everything she said, no need to repeat.


I do have one thing to add, that these psycho BM's and their PASing should be CRIMINALIZED - plain and simple. If these BM's knew that this type of behavior was ILLEGAL and that they'd go to jail for it, perhaps it might make them think twice about this type of dysfunctional parenting.

Pantera's picture

Crayon, Im not sure if you're aware, DH has FULL custody, lol. He sees BM 3 nights a month MAX, and thats only if BM is doing well. Crazy isn't it?

Pantera's picture

BM didn't come around for a while about 2 years ago. SS was bad either way, whether he saw her or not. So me having to babysit every weekend said "send him over there", it doesn't change whether he sees her or not, "why should i have to deal with him?". So thats why there is still visitation.

Pantera's picture

SS knows Im leaving but Im not sure if DH told him exactly when. Why do you ask? (I know you have a good point to make (I really do mean that, Im not being sarcastic))

Pantera's picture

I can't figure him out either. The last 2 nights he has come to give me a hug before going to bed. We haven't talked since June 5th.