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Pantera's picture

SS10 stole things out of my packed boxes after he got in trouble not even a week ago for stealing money from DH's wallet. NICE, this kid really learned his lesson (he had to go to bed early 2 nights in a row).

He stole a Wii game and some home decor. I found the Wii game in his room and the decor broken on the living room floor.

It feels good to write this stuff out because its making me realize I am making the right decision.


Jsmom's picture

Your husband is so dense. You are making the right decision. This kid is screwed up and if he doesn't get it under control, he is going to be a bigger problem. Did you tell DH about this new issue???

Pantera's picture

Yes, and DH apologized (which he never does) and said he was going to handle it when he got home. I guess we'll see what happens. The whole thing sucks for everybody.

DH is going to have his hands full, this child is only 10!!!

starfish's picture

ugh! you are so making the right decision, takes me back to when sd stole from her friend, her grandpa, her aunt and me ~~ lied and denied it, swore in the bible she didn't do it... got caught red handed ~~ and she got NO punishment at all.... except i made her apologize and write me a letter explaining why she did it and why should i ever trust her again... oh what the evil bitch i was!