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FH just goes to bed bcos I am taking a call from BS20

MaGoose2010's picture

I am so pissed! Things were a bit strained with us today because last night at 9h30pm BM 'missed calls' i.e. send him a message to phone her back (happens every day frequently!)FH to talk sh*t and while she is on the phone to him my car alarm goes off which I was busy sorting out along with kissing kids goodnight & tucking them in (amazing how we women can multi-task) and FH starts ordering me around (while still on the phone to her) to give him my car keys and open the front door, instead of saying "MaGoose's car is being stolen & I must go". I just walked away and left him to do it himself. Later he comes through to me & asks why I am so pissed. I replied "don't bark orders at me while you are talking to your ex Bitch!" Needless to say we didn't fall asleep in each others arms. My argument 1) why must she always use his airtime to speak to him 2) why does she phone so late at night to talk sh*t 3) why does FH treat me differently when he is on the phone to her? He couldn't give me decent answers to any of these because 1) she didn't phone about the skid & 2) he knows that she takes advantage of him & so does sd19 who lives on her own but can't afford airtime.

Getting back to why I am so pissed tonight...well my BS20 phones me at 8h00 for some advice (he now lives with his dad who is psycho, and FH goes off to bed in a huff! Well stuff him..I will not put up with this BS. I have always been available to BS20 for emotional support and I am not going to let him down now. He is going through a tough time dating his father's stepdaughter (with wife #6) and having hell from all sides and I have warned him that he will be constantly under their scrutiny (she's 16) and to keep his side clean and beyond reproach (he has promised his dad he will not let him down - so that means he will not sleep with her and cause his dad embarrassment with wife #6). We have all advised him this relationship is doomed but he is so determined to prove everyone wrong. But the gf is always in tears because of how they treat BS20 and they (dad & SM) think he has upset her or done something to her.

So here I sit on a Friday night at 9h46pm alone with a snoring FH next to me and my only solace being my laptop and ST! Thanks everyone for this amazing site!

Oh well tomorrow's another day in this crazy blended step stuff-up!


forestfairy's picture

Wow, that is some drama! Your son is dating his step-sister? :jawdrop: I can see why that's causing some drama in the family, plus she's a lot younger than he is.

Your dh shouldn't be getting angry at you for having a conversation with your son. Sorry he's being a jerk! Good for you for not letting him boss you around.

MaGoose2010's picture

It's expected of me just to accept that BM can phone him every day and SD19 also talks to him alot when we are together and I am not privvy to their conversation (and I have given up asking why they phone) but when my son phones it's a big deal. He is acting like a he can have the cold shoulder tonight again! haha

I have told BS20 to find his own place asap and also to get some counselling because he is like me, he gets very depressed and his dad feeds off that. He agreed to find some help. He phones just to hear a warm welcoming voice that will tell him he is loved and special and can get through all this because he is strong and a better person than what they all think of him. He's a good kid, just very misguided and strangely attracted to his dad. He came to live with me last year and we helped him get back on his feet but like a moth to flame he just had to go back to his father and get tramped on again. Still trying to work out what hold the man has on him besides the lure of money. (his dad is an ex white post-apartheid parliamentarian who landed on the gravy train when Mandela was released by joining a black party. Now retired, lives of all his gains). But that was my relationship with his dad...emotional blackmail and abuse.

I am going to watch a movie on my laptop while FH snores away!

Thanks for your input, Forestfairy!

MaGoose2010's picture

Hi A.Deville, I do have a problem with it and have expressed my views and concerns to BS20, but he & gf & his dad all live in another province and I am really unable to do much more than to to advise BS20 that it is a huge problem. You see they dated before ExH got engaged or even married to the mother. As BS20 explained to me he didn't mean to fall in love with her, even though the parents were dating ...but his dad didn't have aproblem with it then. He was staying with me and made the mistake of going back to visit his dad on vacation and when he returned he dropped the bombshell. I told him that I felt is was an unacceptable relationship and highlighted the problems he would face. They just don't think with their right brains at that age ...the 'small brain' kicks in and hormones take over! He moved down to his dad to open a music school (like what we have done here - we gave him a job teaching guitar and he was doing so well..) and to be closer to the gf. I was bitterly disappointed and tried to talk him out of it but he was determined. Now he is going through hell and as a mother what can I do? Just be a shoulder to cry on and resist the 'I told you so's'

What can I say...I know it's wrong but he is old enough to live his own life now. adult kids EVER take advice from their parents? I know I didn't...that's why I have been married twice! haha


MaGoose2010's picture

Yeahhhh! Had a couple of vino's already while FH was cooking (for a nice change!)... But that all ended after supper when he (while I was still on the phone to my son) waltzed off to bed & left me to clean up the kitchen!! Nice hey!.

Jeepers! everyone in the house is snoring now (can hear BD11 down the passage snoring her little head off) and I am still awake! It's only 10h33 pm on a Friday evening in S.A.! Guess I will have to find a nice old Richard Gere movie to watch to make me feel like there is still hope in this crazy world of mine!!!!

Thanks steptalkers! I feel way better now!


Rags's picture

Wow, so you will share grand kids with your BSs SM if this relathioship sticks. :jawdrop:

You and SM will be related by blood if that happens.

I have nothing on this other than Wow.

However, I was a groomsman in a wedding when I was 17. The grooms father and wife's mother married 20yrs later after both of their first spouses passed away.

How would you like to have 2kids with your brother or sister? Wink

In their case, if they divorce their X will still really be their sister/brother. And they are not even from WV!

No offense to anyone from WV of course.

Best regards,

MaGoose2010's picture

Rags, this relationship doesn't stand a hope in hell! Knowing my exH he has already turned the screws on BS20 to break up with her as his relationship with new wife #6 is in jeapardy.

I hear what you are saying but I cannot give myself ulcers worrying about it....

What do you do? When I was dating my exH, the more my folks told me to dump him for xyz reasons, the more determined we were to be together. I have learned with my kids to just take a non-hysterical position and comment as little as possible on the gf's and hope and pray like hell that it doesn't go much further. He's a do you stop him from living his life once he has left home?

I welcome any advice...

Rags's picture

I wish I had THE answer for you. I had my own issues at the age your son is. Nothing as dramatic as your son is dealing with but I did have regular flare ups of Cranio-Rectal syndrome.

It sounds that with you in his life and at his back your son will be fine. He will make mistakes and learn from them. I did.

Finally I figured it out at least well enough to have a life. It took a lot of learning for me to figure it out.

To borrow a cliche .... Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from bad decisions.

He will be fine.

Hang in there mom.

Best regards,

MaGoose2010's picture

Thanks, Rags! I am too far away from him to be too much support but when he phones me it is because he knows that I will try to give him my best advice and will not judge him. We have always had a special bond (my 2nd husband treated him very badly (from age 3 to 15) and for that I will always be regretful) and I am his emotional support where he doesn't get that from his dad.

So I will step back from this and let him deal with the situation as best he can. May it be a learning curve for him in his life. We all have to make our mistakes and cannot shield our children from them.

I have advised him to keep his side squeeky clean so that dad nor stepmom can ever point any fingers at him.

The gf is in boarding school during the week, so he only deals with this crap on the weekends when she is home. Hopefully he will come to his senses and realise that life with gf16 is not worth all the crap!

Thanks again for your input.

MaGoose2010's picture

Yip! that's a great idea...and a glass of wine on the side to keep up the spirit!!!!

Love the quiet...
