Halloween Fun
It looks like this year Halloween could be more tricks than treats. DH and I decided to invite not only his EX but my EX as well to trick or treat with the kiddos this year. So, we will have:
DH, ME, Our 4 Kids, His Ex, Her 2yr. old, My Ex, My In-Laws, and possibly My Parents walking around the In-Laws neighborhood on Halloween night. Oh the things we do for the kids!
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Wow! That could be lots of
Wow! That could be lots of fun, or lots of awkward silence. I hope it's the first
My parents have been split up for 25 years. They only started talking to each other after the birth of grandbaby#1 about 8 years ago so it's still forced conversation. Last year, both of my parents came to my house for a family halloween party. Everyone was in costumes and having a good time. We took a picture of everyone at the party and guess what? Mom and dad were standing next to each other! And both of them were smiling in the picture! I think the fun of the holiday can definitely overshadow any awkwardness.
I’m with ya Wife… This
I’m with ya Wife…
This Halloween falls on our weekend, but we’re going to take the boys to their moms house to trick or treat since DH and I live in an area that’s mostly retirees and we don’t have an actual “trick or treat” night. I’m pretty sure we’re going to take them around together… DH… Mother Russia and me. Did someone mention “Sister Wives” today..? That’s always what these “group activities” remind me of. Oy.
On the up swing… the boys are going to dress as The Super Mario Brothers this year and they’re gonna look so stinkin cute!!! (SS6 is tall and lanky Luigi and SS3 is pudgy little Mario! Got the big fake Italian mustaches and everything… so cute!) They’ve been really into the old cartoon show and that tickles DH pink, he can’t get over them liking 20 year old video characters that we loved growing up!
Oh, those costumes sound
Oh, those costumes sound adorable! Our kids are all older: 14, 12, 11, 8 so this may very well be the last Halloween for all of them together. Really, my 14 yr. old is too old but he is well-behaved and helps his youngest brother carry his loot so it's worth it.
Since we would have to drop the skids off at BM's by 7pm, the only way we could ensure we got some TorT time was to invite her. My ex is supposed to have our boys that weekend but his wife doesn't celebrate holidays at all (Jehova's Witness) so I offered to let him tag along if he would let me have the kids that weekend. This way we figure everyone should be happy.
I don't really expect it to
I don't really expect it to be terrible. We all get along civilly enough to make this work.
It chaps me a little because it's something that DH and BM have done together with the kids before I was in the picture and BM had made comments about how nice it was to be a family (she would come into MIL's house and have goodies with the kids, etc) so I'm feeling a little bit territorial. Also, they got married in MIL's home so it's always weird for me to be there anyway. Like I'm suddenly the outsider in the family.
But, the fact is at the end of the night she will go home alone and I will get to go home with my DH....maybe I'll put on my own "adult" costume after the kids go to bed! }:)
WOW! Kudos to you and
WOW! Kudos to you and everyone involved for taking one for the team! (the KIDS team, that is!)
Just make sure you bring a
Just make sure you bring a really HEAVY flashlight in case things get rowdy...one good whop upside the head and all will be fine }:)
Heavy flashlight is
Heavy flashlight is definitely on the list as well as a super cute Halloween shirt or simple costume for me so I look festive and cute but not like I'm trying real hard!
LOL You to look cuter than
LOL You to look cuter than BM. It's a rule.
You *have* to look cuter than
You *have* to look cuter than BM. Im on crack today.
I find this funny about
I find this funny about looking cuter than BM - I see her once a year and before I see her my hair, nails, toes, botox and whatever else is done - I look so good when I see her - she also looks good and I am thinking that she always looks that way - but I saw her on her mom's FB and not so pretty - so she must do the same thing I do -
Target has some really cute t-shirts for halloween - get one of those!!
Sounds cool! I think
Sounds cool! I think situations like that are good for the kids. My dh's parents are divorced and they never talk. It makes it so hard on holidays because we have to split our time between 3 sets of parents on holidays. On times where sil or bil had somethig where both parents were invited it is completely awkward. Fil is usually in the opposite area as mil. And they're in their 50's!! Sheesh. Plus it puts a strain on the kids, even as adults. So when parents can get along like that it is good. Let us k how how it goes!
Since both of our ex's can't
Since both of our ex's can't seem to do the Trick or Treat thing (my ex has good excuse...he lives 5 hours away!) If BM didn't have the kids already...she wouldn't come with us and we wouldn't have invited her. We did use to have my ex-in-laws come with us, but since my exF-I-L passed away 6 years ago...my exM-I-L hasn't joined us.
I'm a little sad this year, but kinda relieved, too. My daughter (stb14) doesn't want to dress up this year! Of course, SD (also stb14) and SS(12) still want to, so that's good. And I have a much younger nephew who is having a costume party for his birthday this year, so maybe I will get DD to dress up yet!!!
Even when costumes are done, we still have a couple rituals to complete each Halloween in honor my wonderful daddy (who also passed away 6 years ago). Each family member MUST eat at least one piece of candy corn...my dad's "favorite vegetable" and have a cake donut with real apple cider. It's just something we do every year now!!