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O/T 10th Anniversary

starfish's picture

i adopted my sweet little angel girl kitty 10 years ago today...

she's laying here on my desk while i work away (and ST) making the sweetest little noises...... and all day if i get up and go to a different spot in the house, she follows me. almost like she knows it's "our" day... usually she finds her happy ass a spot to lounge and stays there until she wants something...

poor angel is facing cancer, she has had two operations and it keeps coming back, i just hope this last growth stays small and does not create pain for her for a very long time!


caregiver1127's picture

Oh starfish - I am so sorry for you - I have two cats and I know that if anything happened to them I would be devestated. You both are in my prayers!

starfish's picture

yeah, she is definitely MY kitty.... some call her el diablo... i just tell them my angel is misunderstood (spoiled ass rotten)... Wink

thanks for your thoughts & prayers... Smile

starfish's picture

i try not to focus on it, the first 3 months after i found out i cried everyday...... i will give her extra kisses from snarky Smile

now, i "try" to only focus on celebrating her life while she's still here... but i still get super emotional when i think about the big picture... Sad

drives dh crazy at times.... everything is "love the baby" and "whatever the baby wants she can have"... if people were to overhear i am positive they would think we were talking about a spoiled rotten toddler..

crayon, send your dd fellow kitty lover sympathy..

they8ntmine's picture

I'm sorry for your poor kitty, she's very lucky to have a mommy like you to love her for so long..


starfish's picture

thank you!! i will love her always... when i was young i came home with a flea infested baby puppy from under a trailor.... my mom, my dad ~~ said NO.... we kept her and she lived for 17 more years..

i moved from MY dog when she was about 15.

when the dr (for 17 yrs) said she had to be put down, i drove 3.5 hrs to be there, the dr waited for me...

i don't handle loss very well at all......

starfish's picture

i think you should adopt a little dog......or cat....or both... and maybe not a puppy, but one that is already house trained.. Wink

i love the neighbor dog story.... Smile