I wanna hear your stories!
Does anyone else do subtle little things to piss off BM? I know for the most part we just want them to leave us alone, but a part of me can't help wanting to pay her back for all the crap she's given me! Today I let her believe DH bought me a brand new car! Lol It was actually a rental because our 10 year old car was in the shop, but she didn't have to know that. The look of shock and horror on her face when I pulled up to her house in it was PRICELESS!! C'mon I wanna hear some stories!!
- MARLA_823's blog
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I want to wear this:
I want to wear this: http://www.cafepress.com/+tee,150780237 to the next kid swap. (This may be in December, the first time I see her in two years, unless she sends her lackey, er, DH)
But no, we can't afford to piss off BM. If she wanted to take us to court and got a sympathetic judge, CS could go up by 2/3.
OMG, I love that shirt! I
OMG, I love that shirt! I would totally wear that, but I know it would make my SO feel uncomfortable. Awesome shirt!
I LOVE that shirt so much!
I LOVE that shirt so much!
LOL i was gonna say the EXACT
LOL i was gonna say the EXACT same thing as felicity! My very existence is enough to piss her off, so i dont need to do anything else
shes very pissed that dh married me after only 3 years of being together but wouldnt marry her after they had been together 7! lol She has never really said anything directly to me, she pretty much tries to pretend that I dont exist (atleast when I see her in person), which is fine with me cuz I do the same.
We are clones. DH married me
We are clones. DH married me after 2 years and he wouldn't marry BM until they were together 5. The oldest SD even commented upon our engagement (after being together one year) "isn't it awfully fast for you two to be getting married?" ---course we know the source where that came from LOL
Just my shear existance and my ability to BLOCK her from getting near her ex (my DH) so that she can emotionally abuse him and use his girls against him is enough to fuel the flames in her.
My FB is "public" although only friends can actually post on my wall, etc. I live life, and I live it well. I proudly post pics of us have a FUN time together with friends and family and always have something positive to post for my status. That enough, is enough revenge to last me a lifetime with her pouting and envious as she watches what she considered a "worthless husband" find a hotter, more competent and responsible wife than what she ever was and live happily ever after.
It's DH's exetended family (bro's and SIL's) I'd like to put a bullet in their heads for being ignorant enough to stand in the BM's Koolaid line waiting for their next sip.
Nope, never had a desire.
Nope, never had a desire. Don't even think of the scank. She is a poor excuse for a mother living in a scum hole & living in a trailer where she has to share one bedroom with skids. She does everything possible to be unstable and make 50/50 custody a living hell. She lives to make us miserable 100%
Well I did I;m kinda of
Well I did I;m kinda of ashamed but I did a couple of time. Hanging head. I couldn't help it. She was talking smack about how my dd looks nothing like me and that she had to get her good looks form her dad b/c purpledaisies is ugly. Well A few days later dd and I were shopping and the sales lady thought I was dd's sister and commented on much we look alike and that we had to be sisters as I didn;t look old enough for he to be my dd. I posted it on face book knowing she would read it. A few days after that I was in our local little store where most of the high school students work and a young lady that I hand't met was working and asked if I was dd's mom as she looks just like me. I posted it on face book too.
I have pissed THEM (the
I have pissed THEM (the SpermIdiot and the SpermClan) off every day for the past 16+ years and will piss them off every day for eternity. I raised his oldest child as my own. I have provided things that neither the SpermIdiot nor the SpermClan could provide if they combined their incomes for generations.
I am the first person his oldest child (my SS) called "Dad(dy)".
I am the one who has been married to the best thing that every happened to him for the past 16+ years.
I provided his oldest child with a top 20 boarding school education.
I will send his oldest child to college.
His oldest child (my SS) has gotten off of the airplane for visitation for the past 16+ years wearing things and carrying things that the SpermIdiot rants about not being able to provide for his younger three out-of-wedlock spawn by two other mothers.
And some day, I am reasonably confident that his oldest child will have MY last name.
Then there are the Private Investigators that I have engaged to document his idiocy when he forces us to spank his ass yet again in court. I make sure he sees them video taping him doing stupid shit. Of course I wait until the last day that I have them tracking him. This really drives him nucking futs. }:)
Damn this is fun. Not to be a pompous ass but .... can I do it again? Ha!
I don't even have to try! She
I don't even have to try! She hates me with a fiery passion and we've never even had a conversation.
I think the best thing to do is be genuinly happy! How upsetting it must be when the person they hate is blessed, happy, and successful.
My sentiments exactly!
My sentiments exactly!
Yea, i'm nice to her. Just
Yea, i'm nice to her. Just seeing the look of confusion on her face is priceless...
^^^ me too^^^ but she still
^^^ me too^^^ but she still lies about me and who and what I am and makes up things that have NEVER happened.......
Never have I initiated a convo with her. She approached me at a soccer game once and called me and texted me and followed me. But I stay clear of her. She SCARES me.......
I can't say I've actually
I can't say I've actually "gone out of my way..." what I do really is not say anything and let her ASSUME things. Like when my hubby found a LV purse in the trash and brought it home for me to clean up and use I let her ASSUME he bought it brand new. And it's not my fault she spies on my facebook and thinks every little thing I post is about her! Lol
I don't have to do anything.
I don't have to do anything. She is so eaten up with jealousy over our life that she can't see straight. But that's not to say I wouldnt do something if I had the opportunity!!!!
Any time I do "fun" things
Any time I do "fun" things with the skids it pisses her off....I try to send them home in or with whatever craft project they made. This summer we made tye-dyed shirts (a ton of them) and they of course wanted to wear them to show Mommy. She made a snarky comment -- "Tsk. Did you MAKE those?" with obvious disdain in her voice. Poor SD5 who was so excited to show her and BM just shut her down.
The shirt is awesome.....if
The shirt is awesome.....if people "don't get" this site or the peeps on here..then maybe they should find a site that is less offensive to them and more to their liking...just saying:)
I want that shirt too, I know
I want that shirt too, I know my dh and he will buy it for me. LOL I haven't had a chance to show it to him yet. But anyway, I did get to stick it to bm and she doesn't even know it.
Dh bought my engagement ring before their divorce was final, (disclaimer here bm dragged their divorce on way longer than it should have even the lawyers said so) anyway dh took a 401k loan out to pay for it and in bm got half of dh's 401k and they had to both pay half of the loans that was on it and that included the loan he got for my ring.
Also on another side note dh and I have known each other way before he and bm got married. Mine situation is a lot different and hard to explain. But no dh never cheated on bm with me.
OUr BM did the drag out thing
OUr BM did the drag out thing too, and now wants to hate me cuz I "stole her husband".....
I freakin didnt even know him when SHE left HIM and moved in with her lover......
I knew dh before they got
I knew dh before they got married we were together but broke up over stupid stuff, they got together and we seen each other a few times when he would leave her. But nothing ever happened he was always guilted into going back b/c of the kids. When he left her for good we didn;t even see each other till he was gone for over a month but I stole him yep somehow I stole him. I didn;t even know he left her till I ran into him at a store one day and when I say I ran into him I really ran into him LOL. Oops my bad. I don;t think he minded as he got to touch me LOL
I think the reason it irks me
I think the reason it irks me so much is cuz my husband was cheating and DID leave me and move out of our home and into his affair GF's home and didnt even file for divorce for a year! But did take our 4yo daughter at the time there every other weekend to play house.
So I really do know what it feels like to have that happen to you, yet am I a horrid BM? nooooo,
I have barely ever even spoken to affairGF. I only speak to my ex when there is an important child issue to disuss and that is usually through email. I dont hate her because she wasnt married to me, he was. And I dont hate him, I just strongly dislike him
SO what I get from this is major projection on my BFs BM Wackjobs end. She feels like a cheating whore for what she did so I get to suffer for it???? classic . but it doesnt fix it knowing that does it???
I know how you feel
I know how you feel onebright1...I am in the same situation with my son's SM...she is horrible to him and to me and doesn't even know me...I have never spoken a word to her. He was cheating with her on me...and they both try to make me out to be the bad guy in front of my son...actions always speak louder than words....I don't hate my ex...I don't like him either and his wife is absolutely insignificant to me but I do expect her to be at least cordial to my son when he only sees his father once a year.
Can you honesty tell me that
Can you honesty tell me that you don't pay particulary close attention to how you look when you know you are going to see BM? You don't put on your "nice ass" jeans? <------ YES, this exactly. BM outweighs me by at least 50-60 pounds so I LOVE to wear my size 3 skinny jeans when I know she'll see me.
Yes, I'm that shallow.
yes, you got me on the skinny
yes, you got me on the skinny jean thing..gotta admit i do it and love flaunting my skinny ass in front of her big bug eyed head every time.
This reminded me of the time
This reminded me of the time I found this really cute shirt that said "you are a creep" I loved that shirt and I would wear it every time we seen bm. }:)
Not really subtle, but DH did
Not really subtle, but DH did get back at her a bit.
Ok, BM used to have a wealthy married BF years back. At the time they were together, my husband was sent to a jobsite that required him to work on her BF's building. Her BF owned a couple buildings. DH was going to do it and go on about his day. Didn't think twice about it being the BF's building, he was just going to do his job. Well, the BF called my DH's boss and said he didn't want DH working on his buildings, he didn't trust him. My DH takes his work serious and he never had a problem with her BF, only with her. Well then that started problems b/c now her BF is interfering w/my DH's money. He did this numerous times after that one too. My DH was HOT. He knew she was behind it.
So after years of BM sitting on welfare and scamming the system, all the while getting her boyfriend to pay for everything, she finally had to get a job b/c BF was gone. So she got a job as a bartender. Wellllllllllllll, my DH knew the owner of the bar and had her let go all of a sudden. (It was tragic }:) ) Was it sneaky and wrong, NO and I will tell you why. She made our life a living H*** for 8yrs straight. I'm talking crying, lieing to the judge, being mean, rude, ignorant....all the baby mama drama you can think of. So now the first time she gets a job, b/c she can't suck any extra money out of the system, now she doesn't deserve it. She just had someone else pick up the tab for whatever she wanted. She was a goldigger who cared more about her guy and partying then her own kids. I don't care if anyone says she is being a single mother trying to make a living? NO. She was being a skank who thinks she can get away with anything and everything and spit in your face while doing it............ well, until that day she was let go.
Does this count? When I plan
Does this count?
When I plan to do fun stuff with the skids (Disneyland, birthdays, etc.) BM always digs in the heals and creates some horrific family drama in order to ruin or cancel our plans. I used to cancel plans because the grief was so great, now carry on with the plans and have fun with the skids.
BM would win the skinny jeans
BM would win the skinny jeans contest. I am a true believer in the "They're called skinny jeans, not make-you-skinny jeans" phrase.
I've found the best "revenge" I can get on our BM is just to let her see how incredibly I am in my life with DH. I am a cheerful happy smiley person. She's made mention of it...well, that the skids have told her I laugh a lot. She repeated it to DH as though there's something wrong with me because I smile & laugh a lot. She's a miserable person. I guess it's just something she's not used to. I'm thrilled the kids have taken notice of those differences between her & I. When DH & I attend activities with her present, we laugh & joke together. We hold hands, & we engage in cheerful conversation with others around us. She doesn't like us circulating in her circle of friends. I guess she probably worries that they'll discover we aren't the ruthless bullies she tells them stories about.
Hope I am allowed to share my
Hope I am allowed to share my experiance on here.
I really don't do anything to purposely upset the BF but there was one time my DW had to go out of town to visit her family for 2 weeks and the SS14(at the time) was to stay with BF. Well the night before DW's flight I took SS to his BF. When I got back home DW got a phone call from BF and said he and SS got into a big fight, and SS wanted to stay with ME. So I went and picked up SS and brought him back home with a big giant smile on my face. Even when SS and I don't really get along and I had to be alone with him for 2 weeks it still made me happy. Sorry to keep going on but there was another time. SS is in a swim club and I usually pick him up from practace. There was 3 times that I can remember that Myself and BF were there at the same time to pick SS up. The 1st time SS came up to my truck and apologized to me because he forgot that his Dad was picking him up and then went to his Dad's car. The 2nd time SS saw that both of us were there and he just bee lined straight to my truck. And the last time when I pulled up, BF was already there waiting for him and SS was just standing about 20 feet from BF's car so I pulled up next to BF's car and SS came straight to my truck with out even looking at his Dad. Of course I didn't have a big giant smile on my face but in my mind I did. I feel sorry that SS doesn't really have a good relationship with his Dad but I have nothing to do with that.(the seed was planted way before I joined the party) OK, now that I am on a roll, one more experiance. SS won't go on any vacations with BF but SS will go with DW and myself. He kind of makes our vacation not so fun but I put up with it because I know it irritates the hell out of BF. I have more but that's all for now.
You're welcome to share your
You're welcome to share your experiences anywhere you wish.
We enjoy the stepfathers views as well as the other SM's. There are a few regular stepfathers who post, & what they offer gives us yet another angle to see things from.
Glad you're here.
NO thank god I get along w
NO thank god I get along w BM. She used to come over and hang out - B-days and what not. Up until she gave us SD13 Full time; she won't even look my way now. I think she know's I will let her have it (LONG, LONG story; she chose new husband over daughter - disgusting situation)
This site is to say as you please; if you don't like the question - move to the next blog!!
Have a good day!!
Usually, it's just my
Usually, it's just my existence that POs the BM. However, I have suggested to my DH that he address all the letters to her as Miss BM. Her hugest problem with me is that she had 2 kids and couldn't get their father (my DH) to marry her or buy a house with her.
So it really STEAMS her that she has never been married (until very recently). So, by pointing out that she is a Miss, it was my way of driving home this point, but yet being absolutely truthful.
I braid their hair. It drives
I braid their hair. It drives her nuts. Apparently she doesn't now how??
I teach them to speak 'American'. She can't stand it. When SD5 told her that I said that red bug with the black spots was a ladybug she told SD5 that I was stupid. After that I've stressed American words for EVERYTHING and they pick it up - I think because they KNOW it pisses her off.
I've got them talking about trash and trucks and ladybugs and shrimp and diapers. I taught them to sing Home on the Range and Clementine. I've got them using American pronunciations for tomato.
AS much as a I have to
AS much as a I have to bio!tch about on STalk, when I am with BM... I don't. She will always bash the SKIDS--it's no wonder they have low self-esteem-- so I use the opportunity to bring up their good points. (Yes, they have a few
) I take pleasure in updating her on their progress or accomplishments that DH & I nurtured.
I haven't really gotten a
I haven't really gotten a chance to piss BM off yet. I did have to grin yesterday, though. DH did the "tradeoff" with BM for SS8. He said he noticed how bad she walks like a duck! He told me she always did walk like that a little, but it has gotten much worse. She is a bellydancer, and I told him maybe the walk just comes from teaching her body to balance itself another way. He said, whatever the reason, she looks retarded the way she walks, and I look gorgeous the way I walk. HAHAHA