This was on face book! I think it is appropate here!
I had MEAN parents! I did chores, went school & did homework. I had a curfew, had to get a job & work for the things I wanted. They insisted that I do my best at school, work & take pride in my work. I grew up w/morals, a good work ethic & respect for the law and my ...elders. I thank God everyday for MEAN parents!
- purpledaisies's blog
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I had mean parents
i hated my mom growing up.she
i hated my mom growing up.she was so mean she nearly had horns growing from her head and steam rolling from her ears.i'm glad she was an ogre,who knows what i'd be today if she was different.
Yep me too. I had a job at 14
Yep me too. I had a job at 14 and I worked hard for what I have and know that no one else will do anything for me if I don;t help myself nor will anyone else change my life I have to do it myself!
Someone knows my parents! My
Someone knows my parents! My wife and I try hard to emulate how mean and ogre-ish my parents are.
We may get there yet.