that was a rude thing to say
student loan time and BM says WE need to fill it out because we make less than her and her DH. Kind of a bitchy thing to tell your kid to pass on to his father dontcha think?!?!
So i looked up this form today and under section 3 parent information:
Well BM - they live with you and go to school where you live and come to us on weekends. wouldn't that make HER the one to fill out the form?? as far as the most financial support we pay BM but she puts the roof over their head. Not that i'm sure there's a way to check up on this from the college point of view - but really...."mom says you guys need to fill it out because you make less than her and doofy do"
I checked her wage online yesterday before this conversation happened!!! Her and DH are about even, but i'm sure doofy stepdad makes more than i do. so the statement is true - but unwarranted.
- dakotamom's blog
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Ummmm, No, the kid needs to
Ummmm, No, the kid needs to fill out the student loan forms. Both you/DH and BM/StepDad will likely have to provide income information. But, since the loans are the kid's, the kid should fill them out.
IMHO of course.
Best regards,
there was a little
there was a little prerequisite and ss17 is considered dependant and needs parental information completed.
My SS filled out loan forms
My SS filled out loan forms and they did not need DH's info - heck they would never get my info.
His mom needs to fill it out - they will not take the income of a stepparent into consideration for studient loans.
that's what i thought - BM
that's what i thought - BM and her DA husband.
I know after so long of being in school i was able to get loans on my own, but i remember my parents backing me to begin with for this stuff.
i think it's rude she said it
i think it's rude she said it to her son to pass on to his father. If she wants DH to fill it out she should have called/text him to say that. it's her typical "i'm better than you" statement.
is there a way for the school or whatever to findout that we are not the primary?? I dont want the assistance to be taken away. want to do it as "by the book" as we can.
and i'm not sure what they're
and i'm not sure what they're needing the CP info for if it's to gauge how much the skid can's been almost 10 years (god that makes me feel old and worthless knowing i still owe as much as i do for loans) i dont remember any of that stuff!
Robinsnest, I too am paying that stuff back and it SUCKS!!!
hahaha!! it's like they have
hahaha!! it's like they have a secret name for dealing with people on the phone - really....i have no idea where i'm even calling with loan questions!!! I always end up getting transferred to 5 different people.
This is what I was thinking
This is what I was thinking actually also.
Oh come on - you know the BM
Oh come on - you know the BM was getting a little dig in about how her finances are better than her ex's - if she really wanted to do it the proper way she would have called her ex and said - I think it is better aid wise if you fill out the paperwork. Her telling her son that way was just being a bitch. The ADULT thing to do would have been just call DM's hubby privately.
And anyone on this blog who thinks that DM's hubby felt soooooo good that his son now knows he makes less than the kids SF needs to get their head examined. Everyone on here is always bitching how the kids should be sheltered and not be given any info but when a BM does it just to make the SM's DH look less in their children's eyes then they are just telling it like it is - can't have it both ways ladies!!
oh i know. it's just like -
oh i know. it's just like - come on - be an adult for a little while. But i know DH makes jabs about her too that i'm sure the skids pass on so maybe it's payback??
i feel better filling it out anyway that way i know it gets done within the deadline. so i wasn't sad to hear that we were responsible for it - she just could have done it a little more tactfully.
I agree on that point-she
I agree on that point-she should have asker her ex directly then put the kid in the middle.
NOt sure if I can agree it was with intent to rub in the kids face or theirs about their financial status or not-I'd just be assuming that. As a parent I'd want my child to receive the most financial aid they could get, college expenses are ridiculously high IMO.
But yes, she should have just spoken to the ex.
But if he does digs to the kids that get back at her then what's good for the goose...even though they are both in the wrong.
it's like DH and BM do this
it's like DH and BM do this shit but not on purpose. I blame the ss15.
ss:"bm and doofy are redoing the kitchen"
DH: yea with my child support
ss: bm and doofy are planning for us to go on a vacation to ____
dh: hope you enjoy and they take you fun places with the money i give her
it's not right and i try to get him to not say stuff like that. but it seems like it's instigated and DH needs to prove WHY we don't/can't do things just yet.
sorry - this got off topic by
sorry - this got off topic by explaining the jabs.
it started as a sort of question about is there a better way to file - does the CP truely need their info on the form for the child or is it best for the "lower income" family to provide info for better assistance?
I don't want to harm the child in any way if the school finds that we are not primary....
I see your point abotu not
I see your point abotu not affecting the kid if you aren't primary. Not sure how that all works though.
you know I'd keep tryign to get your dh to stop talkign like that, that is alienation and very wrong of him. So you can't blame the SS here. THe parents are being douches IMO.
I"ve done all i can do about
I"ve done all i can do about the trash talk. I told DH to quit bashing BM, but i told ss to leave what happens at bm's house AT BM'S HOUSE.
DH doesn't randomly go your mom is a POS even though i'm sure he wants to everytime he gets a paystub.