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young_step_mom's picture

I really liked the idea of exchanging phone numbers and possibly even meeting up but there seems to be no one in Los Angeles!!!!! SOOOOO someone suggested a PRIVATE group on FB so that we can at least chat w each other. Hopefully this will make people more comfortable to exchange numbers, skype or even meet up (obviously not me unless someone wants come to LA for a nice vacation Smile )

This group would be "secret" privacy setting meaning that no one can see the content and no one can see who the members are (thus maintaining anonymity). Also, I believe that this "secret" setting requires an invite, so not everyone will be able to join (ie: BM stalkers).

If anyone is interested, PM me so I can look for you on FB, add you as a friend and send you an invite to join the group.

note: HATERS ARE NOT WELCOME!! Don't even bother sending me a message if you have been a douche to anyone on ST because I will NOT add you!


NCMilGal's picture

Hey, can someone search for StepChat on Facebook? You should be able to find it, and request to join.

Right now, young_step_mom and I are admins. We can't add people unless we're friended, but I think you can request to join without being a friend. If you want to do it that way, please send one of the admins a PM here so we know it's not some sneaky BM!

This group is set up as Secret, so both the content and the members are blocked from general view.

jlot's picture

When I search on FB it doesn't come up, so the privacy settings must be working well!

NCMilGal's picture

Okay, I changed it to closed - which means you should be able to find it, but not join without an admin okay.

MARLA_823's picture

I searched it and yes everything is hidden! I'm sending a pm now!

NCMilGal's picture

Hah! Crazyisnotanoption managed to find the group on FB (It's StepChat, all one word) and requested to join - I got a PM from her, so she's added to the group.

Right now the group is Closed. That means that the members are viewable (I think) but the content is NOT.

I'd prefer to set it to Secret, (members AND content are private) but then you can't find the darn group!

Anybody have any compromises?

NCMilGal's picture

Okay ladies,

There's a bunch of concerns about privacy. I understand them and agree - Facebook uses real names, and that's scary.

Here's what I've got so far:

To join a Secret Group, you have to friend an admin and be invited. I can't find a way for a group admin to invite a non-friend. FB is blocking me that way. At the same time, (no offense to any of you) I'm a little leary of friending a whole bunch of people.

To join s Closed Group, you can request to join. Joining is not automatic. You have to be approved by an admin. The admin can remove or ban any members from the group. The admin can't invite people who are not friends. You can leave the group at any time.

You do NOT have to friend any other members of the group. If you are not friends with other group members, that user can not see any more of your page than any random person who looks you up on FB. I've got mine locked down to only showing the "info" page. To illustrate - I am friends with Crazyisnotanoption. I can see all of her info, pictures, notes, etc. I canNOT see that one of her groups is StepChat. I am NOT friends with Frustrated New Wife. I canNOT see anything but her "info" page, and certainly not her groups.

The only place your name can be connected with StepChat is in the member list. I'm poking around other groups that are request only and I can see the member lists on some of them, but not others. I also changed the group description, as it pointed back here "Group for the members of the website StepTalk" If your BM is FB-stalking you, she'd see "StepTalk" and high-tail it over here. Not good. Now it says, Members only, contact an admin after requesting to join for identity verification." If we don't get a PM here with your real name, the request doesn't get approved.

It might be that when the group was Secret, FB hadn't updated. I think it has now, so I'm going to run an experiment. I'm going to set the group to Secret. If you can't find it on FB, post here. Young_step_mom (when she wakes up - she's on the west coast) can set it back if that's a problem. I don't have internet at work, so I'll be out of the loop until 5pm Eastern time. I'm online all the time nights and weekends though.

Whew, that was long!