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The expectation

007Lostit's picture

Ok it has been awhile since I have posted anything. Things have been up and down around here. Mostly down. I have been seriously "something"..perhaps it is depression. I am at my wits end with my SD. It is like I am anticipating these next six months so much. Sd is doing as little as she can get away with.
I had a huge blow up with her dad. It was ugly. Lots of screaming and yelling, mostly on my part lol. But I just have not felt like I am ever being heard.

Today was no different. SD had to work at 4pm. She just hauls her lazy butt upstairs after spending ALL day down in her room doing nothing (not even her chore of the dirty dishes). Then plunks her self down on the couch and waits. Waiting for me to get up and take her butt to work!! The nerve! So I busied myself with things that I needed to get done. I wanted to see if she just expects me to jump when she has to be to work or if she was actually going to ask. She plays little kid games with the two little ones, and pays no attention to the time. 4pm comes and goes. About ten after the phone rings...she jumps and says "I think I know who it is" and it wasn't her work lol...then she wanders back to the living room mumbling that "I thought it was work", but still not asking for a ride to work. Five minutes later her work does call, twice, and they leave a message. She can hear the answering machine in the living room (I did not answer) and I tell her that her work just called. She just puts on her woe is me face and tone and says she needs a ride. @@ Oh lord I am so sick of this shit! So it will be my fault at work...she is late cuz the evil step monster wouldn't give her a ride. @@ ARRRRGGGG!!!

3 Months till she turns 18 (she acts 14 I kid you not)
5 months till she graduates ( then out of my home? please God)


llorraine23's picture

I would suggest you let her get fired-but I think that would hurt you way more than it would hurt her......

stepsonhatesme's picture

Tell her that if her chores are not done BEFORE she has to go to work she can walk. Better yet tell her that since she couldn't give you "enough notice" that she needed a ride an it was "last minute" that you are too busy,and that she will have to find her own way!!!

oneoffour's picture

:jawdrop: :jawdrop: I told my s/sons and my own kids that if they need a ride somewhere I need at least 6 hrs notice unless they run into problems (the expected ride breaks down/ work calls them in at the last minute). Also their chores had better be completed or they will find themselves out of luck.

Someone needs to instruct this helpless little girl (BAER!) :jawdrop: how to ask for help...."If you need a ride to work I need to know 6 hrs beforehand. If you don't ask I won't be offering. You are nearly graduating from high school and people will expect you to behave like an adult. I expect you to behave like one now because I know you can. Also everyones chore will be done before going anywhere. Friends or work. This applies to everyone."

You are only the 'baddie' if you allow yourself to think like that. If DH accuses you as such remind him that this is HIS daughter and if he is so concerned he can come home and make sure she gets to work himself.

I am SO over dependent children. Why can't we get a tax break for raising polite law abiding resourceful kids?