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The Calm Before the Storm

alittleaggravated's picture

Blum 3 Friday quiet time after DH leaves for wotk and before DD wakes up. I savory this time pretty much every morning. Friday's especially. DD will be leaving for school in little over an hour and then my work day will begin. A friend may stop by for coffee and to chat...hopefully work won't be too busy. Sounds like bliss, doesn't it? But its Friday! and Friday is the day that the Skids come over. So by lunchtime I will be stressing up. My back will get tight and the mood will change. Just the thought of SD coming over stresses me. And at 3:27 in she will come...and she'll scream up the stairs that she's here, and get mad that I don't scream back...she'll come up the stairs and then and only then will I say hello. DD will be with her. She'll scream up the stairs too, but for some reason that doesn't bother me as much, it bothers me, but no as much. They'll both be hungry, DD will have an apple, SD doesn't like apples, or bananas, or clementines (but she does like Clementines, but that's not what she wants) She wants junk! I won't get up to find her something to eat...she 12, she's old enough. She says I can't, or I won't. I ignore it. Figure it out, your a big girl. DD, also 12, gets her snack, will maybe go on the computer, or outside to hang with her friends (they don't play anymore, they hang) SD may go with her for a little while, but she doesn't really have friends in this neighborhood...but DD's friends tolerate her. SD will come in, claiming to be bored. She gets bored sitting in the car for 2 minutes (I tell her to count the leaves on trees as we go by them on roads).

SS is coming too. He's 16, and I like him. We've established a happy relationship. More friends than anything else. He talks to me often and I enjoy his company. He'll walk around the house with his guitar attached to him. Or maybe he'll go to his best friend's house, or maybe she'll come here.

Tomorrow is a big day. SD is having her birthday party, one that I don't want anything to do with. So I'm leaving. I'm going for a mani/pedi. Maybe tips. DD may be going with me, she's not sure if she wants to stay at the party. SD's friends, if any actually show up, are pretty obnoxious.

The other thing we have tomorrow is a meeting (show down) with BM. We need to talk about things that she has been slacking in taking care of. Budget for SD Bat Mitzvah, change of pediatricians...all fun stuff. Hubby wants me there. I'm not sure I should be, because I don't think I will be able to keep my mouth shut.

DH, also invited his brother and family for dinner tomorrow night without confering with me. Guess what, I told him, that he is cooking dinner. I'm staying out of it. He was not happy about it! Apparently the kitchen is mine...that comment didn't go over big.

Well the quiet is over, DD is up, and in a whiny mood. She has a sore throat. We already know its not strep, so a little bit of tylenol, a mint and off to school she goes. No fever, no staying home...that's the way I roll!


alittleaggravated's picture

Sometimes the build up is the worst, but the ominous feelings never really go away. I never know what's going to set off SD. At the age of 12 we're still dealing with tantrums....and we're talking tantrums that last for hours, over something as mundane as brushing her teeth.

meneran's picture

Ss arrives today, and the only thing im capable of this moment is thinking about returning him home on sunday, and another 2 weeks without him Biggrin

I think i will be ironing this weekend .... beats listening to whiny voice saying im bored }:)

alittleaggravated's picture

At least you have those two weeks to look forward to. This week, we have the skids for the weekend - thru Monday because there is no school. Then again on Wednesday, maybe Thursday...and then the weekend starts again. :jawdrop: DD will be with her BD next weekend, and I go into hiding...usually decided to fold all the laundry put it away. I'll clean the master bath and our bedroom to within and inch of its life. That way DH can deal with his kids.

Zoie's picture

Thanks for your post..and for responding to's not fun being in this position and feeling this way..

I hope you have a good weekend and I hope my goes well also.
