Touchy and sad topic- did you DH withdraw from his kids?
YOu know-a lot has been going through my head lately. At first as I would hear my bf vent and sound at times as is if he didn't care too much for his D while speaking-his actiosn showed different. He seems very close and attentive with her.
He's stayed close seemingly on the outside but he has told me he has emotionally withdrawn himself somewhat. As a mom I can't envision this-BUT I do understand where he's coming from. His BM has f'ed up the girl...his parents have underminded him and his authority as a parent...everyone has had a say for years about what the girl will be doing/going-except him. He's like a bystander waiting for the others to tell him when the girl will be aroudn-no sticking to CO.
I don't know if it's too late now...or by him drawing this line in the sand he did the other day w/his parents AND w/her if it will change. Perhaps getting his authority and decision making back will improve the relationship-we can only hope. I posted a comment on someones thread on PAS yesterday w/more info.
He's tormented by it but said "I just don't look forward to seeing her anymore....I love her, but I can't stand being around someone elses f'ed up brain (referring to what his ex has done w/the girl). He said this with tears...he said maybe that makes me a horrible person...but I was never a bad dad-I was always the good one. You've seen me with your kids, around ANY kid for that matter- and it's true kids just gravitate to him, he's funny, kind, patient, plays and interacts with them. He's just seeing so many mental issues and behavior and bullying-it's like having his EX come for visitation all the time since the girl acts just like her.
He's determined-for the first time I see him cutting strings because he says this has dominated his life too long-and it's time he worries about himself and his future. It's interferred with jobs, school, relationships. He's realizing he has a RIGHT to have all these things and move on with life w/out feeling beaten down all the time by the craziness because of a past mistake of knocking someone up (which is likely not even his) at 19 and marrying her.
I've told him -a mistake in your past and youth should NEVER dictate the rest of your life. You can't be continously punished for making a bad choice.
I'm a bag of mixed feeligns...I don't know how I feel that he seems more content to play an involved role with my kids-he likes to be around them-even at crazy evening time w/homework, struggling to get them to bed, all this. He seems content, wants it. They talk, laugh, make jokes, the kids get upset if there is just one evening they don't see him. THe LOVE this man dearly. The minute she visits he's stressed out, he starts stressing days before and a couple days after. He's distant, withdrawn, not as affectionate, seems tense.
And it's all because her behavior gets out of control quickly...her sweet moments are awesome-but the immediate rise to hit, insult, torment when something doesn't go her way is frightening. We've tried everything possible -well mainly he has. I have spoken up and called her out at times when I've needed to, and very firmly. But I still believe it's mainly his place to do most of the discipline just as I do with mine. He definately backs me up with mine but lets me do most of it which I'm fine with-we are dating, not married.
I"m so torn on this-because if he withdraws from her-I will be the one to blame by bm and sd i'm sure-since he's moving on with me and my kids and not seeing his D as much. He doesn't know if he should go for the actual court approved dna test yet. He's strongly considering it. It would forever change the relationship. It's possible he could lose the daughter he's loved and raised and is seeing transformed into someone he can't stand.
A big part of me things dad is dad regardless of dna-she's not all lost yet...he thinks if she's this bad now and not even a teen-what's to come?? I would hate for my kids if their dad pulled away as much from their life-but then again I do my damn best to ensure they HAVE a relationship-and that they respect and love their dad. I preach at them of the importance of having a relationship with dad, how much he loves them and wants to see thim (even if honestly he makes very little effort).
It's a very very sad situation....these are about to be some interesting times. I think if he withdraws temporarily it could make it easy for him to do so completely. I'm not sure him or I want this of course, we prefer it wouldn't be...what else do you do when BM is determined to f/up and poison her kid and raise her into a mean, selfish bully like hersel-amd is determined to punish her exh (my bf) by means of the child.
- overit2's blog
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My DH has pulled back at
My DH has pulled back at times from his two 22 and 18--he sometimes complains that they only call when they want something--he definitely sees their faults, they've both been selfish and in trouble a lot, trying to use him as a bank and to bail them out. He also thinks that they stole his stuff (left at the house for a while) and sold it for beer/drugs...that's a sad thing to think about your own kids. They sent him nothing for Christmas, barely anything for Father's Day or birthday, it's all one way with them. It hurts him because he was the one who raised them when young, took them to church and sports and outings...BM always "worked" late and left the child care to him. But when they became teens she allowed them to run wild and encouraged their rebellion against him. She is a big baby herself--she hid her smoking from him for years, lying about it and encouraging the kids to do the same. (they took up smoking too). That's just one example. It is sad, but sometimes these dads need to pull away, for their own sanity. At least he is seeing her behavior, not trying to gloss it over or kiss her butt to maintain a relationship like so many others on here have to deal with. She sounds a lot like SD, who I think could be bi-polar. She has rages and destroys relationships constantly but then acts like nothing happened. A personality disorder at the least.
My H has totally given up on
My H has totally given up on SD17.5
AND the grandbaby - which breaks my heart the most.
But who is to say how many times you try to contact someone who never even acknowledges the attempt?
If it weren't for her brother, we wouldn't even know if she was still alive!
I hold out hope that they can rebuild their relationship once SD is out on her own but, unfortunately, I think that BM will have done plenty of damage.
And also H is not blameless in the situation. I mean, how can you expect a child to come to your house and watch NASCAR all weekend? I like watching racing and *I* get sick of it!
GOsh, it's just so sad. See a
GOsh, it's just so sad. See a part of me feels so guilty-because if I weren't in the picture then it's likely he would have continued the path of messed up w/out realizing how it affected his life. He would have just stayed single most likely drinking himsefl to death...
NOW-I feel that because he wants this relationship with me-and the problem seems to mainly be with my sons-that if I werent in the picture he may not need to withdraw...I don't know it sounds messed up also because he's entitled to have a life-and I'm sure they'd have issues regardless..but if she gets full attention and no other kids to compete with then she's probably just fine-where does that leave him though? never able to have a relationship?
You know-we heard she got in some physical fight at school and was suspended for the day....he asked her and she adamantly denied it happened..funny her first question was "Who told you that"...that IMO gave it away.
It seemed like things were calming down-now that mom is in this new butch relationship things have started detriorating rapidly again. First off the girl is lied to-saying it's a friend when the girl is NOT stupid. Second if it's like the first round it was a very mutually abusive relationship so it's possible she could be starting to see drama. Also-the mom is living w/her parents but they are talking about buying a house in the summer-AND of course the new lover might, maybe, possible move in as a roomate-it depends is what she said...on what who knows?
The girl has been moved by her mother to 6 different schools-we lose count...and she's only in 4th grade.
Fight for the child with
Fight for the child with everything you have in you. There is nothing that child will remember more than the fact that you wanted them to be part of your family - DNA OR NO DNA.
They will never forgive you for pulling back and they will remember every time you did. Their lives are hell and they are looking for someone to take care of this for them and to take care of them. They keep acting out until you either quit on them or take them away from their hell. I have seen this happen in my own family where a child ( choose any age from 2 to 20) will act out until an adult makes them do right.
Make the child listen- even it they yell back, they are listening - you will see; they expect it, they want it and they deserve it. Don't give up on them, that is confusing. Once you commit to this, be persistent, be patient and give them a show of your pride in them every time they do right. Just a pat on the back is enough don't overdo it.
Children do have more energy than we do, but you have the upper-hand in all cases because you are the parent, the adult- for them, the answer to their dream of belonging and being loved relies on you. Right now the child is scared and confused by all the changes in their life and needs one firm rock to hold onto. Be there always for them to hold onto so they can face the other life they have to live.
Put yourself in the child's place. How scared would you be if you thought you were in charge of your life instead of your parents? That would be a lonely, frightening place. The children all have to feel that someone is looking out for them. Don't be afraid to be that one person who is not afraid to step up and stay involved.
NOW NOW-maybe she was born
NOW NOW-maybe she was born again and changed her ways? HMMMM>>>>> j/k!!
My dh withdrew from ss.
My dh withdrew from ss. Before I came along he had visitation with ss (they broke up when ss was 1.5yrs). When I came along he still had visitation but I noticed he wasn't allowed to be 'dad' really. Bm made all decisions and dh just did what she said. Anyway, when ss stopped coming, dh tried to get him at first then stopped. Or gave up. Bs withdrew literally and part of it was because of bm. After several missed visits and no contact with ss it's like he didn't want him around anymore because he felt the kid was becoming like bm. Ss didn't visit for 3 years and dh had limited contact with ss. Ss called only when je wanted/needed something. Dh never fell for it though. Anyway, that relationship became strained. Now that ss is visiting regularly again due to a new CO, it has been hard on all of us. I know ss feels resentment towards his dad for not visiting and such (he doesn't know it was partly his mom's fault too.) It has also caused jealousy and resentment towards our bios. Weekends he visits are dreaded. I blame dh's absence in his life for 3 years. I don't know what kind of distancing and withdrawing your dh is talking about, but I'd suggest him to not go that route. I have seen firsthand how it affects the child and the father/child relationship. Even if dh feels he has no influence in the child's life, he does. I can understand withdrawing from an olderteen or adult kid, but not a child. There are still many years left where his influence as a father, not a Disney dad, could eventually maybe impact her life for the better. However, what if she isn't dh's biological daughter? Maybe he wants to distance himself jut in case she really isn't his. Does he still want a relationship with her if she turns out to not be his biodaughter? If not then maybe he does needto take a step back until the test is done. If it turns out she isn't his then it might be easier for him to back away slowly then a quick break. But if he still wants a relationship with her no matter what then he shouldn't withdraw from her.
Thx for the comment and
Thx for the comment and advice...wanted to comment on a few things. Gosh-i'm pretty much in turmoil today and to think this is the turmoil he has lived with daily is just ...disheartening.
"After several missed visits and no contact with ss it's like he didn't want him around anymore because he felt the kid was becoming like bm. Ss didn't visit for 3 years and dh had limited contact with ss. Ss called only when je wanted/needed something. Dh never fell for it though. Anyway, that relationship became strained."
Part of the problem is that his "visitation" had lately become more like 50/50...basically whenver the girl was off from school, a wknd bm wanted to go away, an evening she wanted to go the gym, meeting, was in hospital, during Holidays... She signed up for full custody for the paycheck but never intended to actually BE the full time parent. A big part of the problem for him has been his parents...the bf and his brother live together, not far from myself..his parents live close to me also. Anytime the BM wants free babysitting even if it wasn't on CO times...she'd have the girl call the grandparents (the bf changed his number and does not speak to the bm anymore almost-because even if he said no to the girl calling for random/last minute days-the ex would go around him and call his parents-they said yes....then the girl will call dad when gets to grandparents-he feels guilty and goes to get her and spend time. So really his parents have never backed him up-if he says tough-you guys said yes w/out even asking me then you deal with it then he feels like a crap parent. It's not about the time spent-it's about the principal of them bending to every bm wish-it's about the bm controlling my bf's time and getting her way every single time.
" Now that ss is visiting regularly again due to a new CO, it has been hard on all of us. I know ss feels resentment towards his dad for not visiting and such (he doesn't know it was partly his mom's fault too.) It has also caused jealousy and resentment towards our bios. Weekends he visits are dreaded. I blame dh's absence in his life for 3 years. I don't know what kind of distancing and withdrawing your dh is talking about, but I'd suggest him to not go that route."
See he has visitation and then a lot more and every visit is dreaded because of her behavior-I'm guessing it could partly be jealousy from her end that he has this new seemingly family with me and the boys-the boys probably see him more then she does-but there has been no absense-if anything he's had more time with her then typical dads do during divorce-her behavior still reflect that exactly of the BM.
"I have seen firsthand how it affects the child and the father/child relationship. Even if dh feels he has no influence in the child's life, he does. I can understand withdrawing from an olderteen or adult kid, but not a child.
There are still many years left where his influence as a father, not a Disney dad, could eventually maybe impact her life for the better."
TRUE=and this is what really eats at me honestly-but I think he's in such a catch 22 position that perhaps even a temporary break might drive a point across to the bm, to his d about her behavior when visiting w/us and to his parents. If they continue to run his life/schedule with absolutely NO regards, consideration or even asking for his opinion he feels powerless. In a way he's thinking that anything outside of his standard time that his parents want to take-he will no longer feel guilty and make it easier for them-they say yes they can deal w/it-hopefully they will burn out quickly and make sure the BM does her job as a mom and the custody she signed up for. YES the girl may be paying the price but there's no way for it to NOT affect her because of bm's insistence on destroying her ex.
" However, what if she isn't dh's biological daughter? Maybe he wants to distance himself jut in case she really isn't his. Does he still want a relationship with her if she turns out to not be his biodaughter? If not then maybe he does needto take a step back until the test is done. If it turns out she isn't his then it might be easier for him to back away slowly then a quick break. But if he still wants a relationship with her no matter what then he shouldn't withdraw from her"
THIS is THE major issue right here-they did a regular mail in test thing-the result came back no match...the bf held onto MAYBE there was a mixup-maybe its' wrong-and it's like he either thinks about it too much or not at's like taking a court approved, legit test would certainly clear things up for good but then some action would have to take place-he's not ready to make that decision yet.
He looks back and thinks I ruined my life at 19yrs of age to marry someone I thought I got pregnant-and now it's affecting my future relationships, there's this messed up love my girl but have to withdraw emotionally...for a kid that may not be mine???
BUT he loves her and was the primary caregiver to her-it was only a few years back he did that test. MY personal opinion is he shoudl do the court approved one-sit on it once he's 100pct certain, and THEN decide what to do. I don't think he would even want a 100pct withdrawl even if she's not his-I'm sure he would still somewhat stay in her life but it would definately not be what it is now.
That's another reason why he hasn't gone for custody in the last few years...the quite big possibility he would have no say if they demand a dna test-which I'm sure his ex would do. She doesn't want to give up full custody on paper because she gets CS...he's screwed no matter how you look at it-he loses-and the girl loses. So he lives tormented with guilt, anger, wondering what to do, loving the girl and having to stay emotionally detached, feeling like a bad father, then giving his all.
THROUGH all this-he does not spoil her w/gifts, he's not afraid to discipline (though somewhat rusty), and he makes sure he is fair when she acts up, he does still put me first in the relationship and will also defend my kids when she gets mean-and of course that just feeds the jealousy from her. No win, no matter how you slice it it seems.
"I think he's in such a catch
"I think he's in such a catch 22 position that perhaps even a temporary break might drive a point across to the bm, to his d about her behavior when visiting w/us and to his parents."
the thing is, if he does want a relationship with the girl, then any 'break' or distancing from her could hurt the relationship. Bm will just twist it and brainwash little girl more- your daddy doesn't want to see you, doesn't love you, etc. Then that could possibly spread to her brainwashing his own family into thinking he isn't a good dad. But I do understand wanting to follow the CO. I wouldn't see her less than the CO states, however. To me it doesn't seem it is a problem of distancing himself as much as him just outing his foot down without feeling guilty. If he doesn't or can't watch her then he should just say no. I would also pursue the DNA test. I think that would help a lot. It would give him a way to get out or back off if he wants. Seeing and spending time with her would be on HIS time not bm's. He may not feel obligated to take her extra time or feel guilty about saying no. I think fiht now he thinks 'but what if she is mine?' and that may hinder him from putting his foot down. Or he could be withdrawing already because deep down he knows she isn't really his and would rather slowly distance himself from her than do it all at once. Your situation is so ilunique because of that factor. I wish you both luck during his time.
My DH has stopped persuing
My DH has stopped persuing his kids. It's going on 2 years since we've seen them. The harder he pushed the worse it hurt when they rejected him. As long as it was BM picking the battle, he continued to push for visitation. When it came down to SS taking him to court to deny visitation, DH stopped. We agreed that at that point, it was SS initiating the fight & DH had had enough. DH wasn't about to allow his son to bully him or guilt him into anything. Thankfully, DH has always stood firm in the fact that he is the parent, & gives his kids no room to dictate what will or will not happen. If it reaches that point, then it's no longer a parent/child relationship.
It wasn't until then that we realized the weekends SS would come spend some time with us he was there to gather "spy" in a sense for anything he could share with BM & her lawyer that never failed to be brought up in their next round in court. We also realized he'd taken things from our home. Money came up missing several times, & oddly, he'd taken a card I made DH for Father's Day the year he let the kids go back to BM.
DH was & still is a good good as he can be not being able to see his kids. He loves them as much as he ever did, but hurts more than he ever has.
In all honesty, to choose between the ongoing drama & upheaval we dealt with day-to-day when he was pushing for his place in their lives & the stale numbness we've felt since he withdrew, I don't have regrets about his choice. I feel like he made every effort & endured above & beyond what anyone would realistically be expected to endure. I feel like sometimes you just reach a point where in order to keep your sanity, that's the only option left.
Of course, SS feels DH should've continued his quest to win their hearts back. He feels that because BM has taught him to feel that. But, the world stops for no one. Life goes on, & we have to find a way to go on with it.
DH withdrawl began being temporary. It's one of those things, though...give it an inch it'll take a yard. You don't want kids to get used to life with one active parent. Suddenly they lose the interest/need for the one missing.
As the step who has no say, it is a terribly sad thing to witness.
Prayers to you & your DH. It's hard to deal with as a step. I can't imagine having to make that choice with a child of my own.
((((((((overit))))))) hugs.
((((((((overit))))))) hugs. This is tough and I admire how much you're supporting your bf. YOu're also raising your kids to be fantastic people and it says a lot that htye love bf too.
My DH had been pretty blind to his kids resentment and disrespect until last summer when he finally saw his daughter and son in law move in to our home, rent free, and treat us both with disrespect and resentment. She's 26 and since October when they moved out without even a goodbye, we've seen them three times. Christmas, SuperBowl and Son In Law birthday. We were the ones to reach out and do the inviting, we made meals and made an effort. He tried so hard to get them to respond and build a relationship and has finally decided he's done. It breaks his heart but he said to me... she really just doesn't even care. She's rude and never calls or checks in, the only time they've responded to his texts were when they thought there was something in it for them (Christmas, SB (free booze and food), Birthday.) I can honestly say it's more peaceful and happy now. He's not as stressed. It's taken months for him to get to be ok with it, and sometimes he's not. Like Monday when he put the little gift bag for my daughter on the counter with her little white bear (a tradition he started with her 10 years ago) and little candies -- he'd picked up the same for his daughter but i later found it in the trash... he probably reached out via text or email and she ignored him.
I'd encourage your bf to get the paternity test done and not have that hanging over his head any longer. Better to get it out of the way and move on if he's going to. At least he'll know. And it will be easier on the little girl if she finds out now. Also, if she's not his daughter, maybe her bio father would really like to know he has a daughter.
I'll keep you in my thoughts!
:( This is just all so
I've often wondered about
I've often wondered about this. Before I got into my relationship with FDH, I had nothing but contempt for deadbeat Dads (I was so naive, I didn't even consider the fact that there are plenty of deadbeat moms as well). When I would hear men give the excuse that they are not in their children's lives because of the antics of the BM, I would say it was a bunch of crap and nothing but excuses. But after the past four years and watching what FDH has endured and CONTINUES to endure...I am actually surprised he has not given up.
I can totally understand how a man could get to the point where he withdraws. It feels so wrong, but people can only take so much abuse. If the parent doesn't have any "positive" feelings for that child it better for them to be around them or should they leave? It's a horrible place to be in.
My DH grew apart from his
My DH grew apart from his kids, he saw them for who they were. Oldest stepson matured and is back in hubby's life and I'm happy esp since oldest ss doesn't steal out of our freezer for BM anymore gosh that used to piss me off, I'd go shopping and then there was nothing in the freezer Oldest SS was stealing our food at 19yoa because he wouldn't work and BM and him would eat it. I changed the locks and told him if anything else was missing I'd press charges. He had a truck that hubby co-signed on and wasn't making his payments so Hubby finally called him up told him to get his stuff out of the truck cuz ford was coming to get it. Ford had sent us a repo letter. That was the moment oldest SS's head emerged from his arse and he made payment arrangements to ford and stopped quitting jobs to go have fun. Now youngest SS is an entirely different story and doesn't come around unless he's being financially rewarded, needless to say hubby is still paying his guilty ways down and we don't have extra money so we don't see youngest SS and his nasty demeanor anymore. It hurts DH his kid acts like this but DH knows he can't buy love.