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Daddy's little girl

jojo68's picture

We were going to the store for just a minute and actually went without FSD going. As we were pulling out FDH says "She is going to wonder where I'm going and be so mad when she realizes I'm gone" I tell him "she'll get over it...I'm sure of it...She doesn't need to go everywhere you go shadowing you like she's five...she is almost 11 years old" He says "but she is very attached to her daddy...she has always been a real daddy's girl" I just shake my head and don't say anything. this guy this clueless???? Does he not realize she wants to go anywhere with anyone who is going somewhere on the hope that she will get a toy or food on the outing...she is clingy and nice to everyone who she thinks is going to buy her something or give her money. She only looks for him when she wants some money or to ask him if he can take her somewhere or pick someone up. I guess someone on the outside looking in sees things differently...but I can tell you one thing...I know when my bio-children are playing me but I guess everyone is different :? I actually feel bad for FDH....he is such a sap. Last night FSD was really smart to him and he didn't even correct her. She told him that something was "none of hs business" and when told to do something she told him to "do it yourself". Unreal...I would have tore my son a new one if he talked to me like that...I don't understand how thnigs like that are ok with FDH and he isn't even bothered by that kind of disrespect.


Auteur's picture

"She only looks for him when she wants some money or to ask him if he can take her somewhere or pick someone up."

Ain't it the truth??!! I would take the F out of FDH and just make him the SO if he's this much of a guilty daddy.

jojo68's picture

He is the epidomy of a guily dad and he has her full time!!!!!!!! Why the hell is he guilty he sees her all the time....she hardly even goes to visit her mother??? I seriously don't get it!!!!

Auteur's picture

OH HELL YES!!! He said the other day that his kids are "good kids."

Umm they are totally failing school
Getting in trouble for fighting and getting suspended
VD is becoming a young strumpet

Oh yeah, if you define "good kids" as preggers at 16, in a drug induced haze, unemployed and in trouble with the law.

jojo68's picture

Last night FSD stayed at a friends house down the street and actually called him to bring her McDonalds and some chips at the store...he didn't bring the McDonalds but he was out and had to stop at the store anyway and he got the chips. When he got there...she took one look at the chips and said he had got the wrong ones and to go back and get the right ones (he didn't do it suprisingly)