Cant have space
I dont like having bm's things in my room. I asked bh to tell his sisters to return bm's bag which is now stuck in my room and he says all i say is bullshit. Am i not allowf to say what i feel and whose things i want in my room? Am i wrong ?
- regmom's blog
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I don't know the situation
I don't know the situation BM deceased? If she is deceased then you will have to go about this in a different way...
No bm is alive and lives next
No bm is alive and lives next door. Infact his sisters are always at her place and there was a time wen she visited everyday. I dont know why he doesnt mind her staff in the house worse still our room
Oh geez, I would insist that
Oh geez, I would insist that it be taken out of the HOUSE!...When DH and I were engaged and planning the wedding and we found a house and started moving in, my MIL was cleaning out the attic and found boxes of stuff from when DH and BM were married and DH moved out...MIL tried to give me their old bathroom decor to decorate our new bathroom....I looked at her and said, "I will not have anything in my home that BM had in hers thank you anyway." DH laughed hysterically.
Good luck to you. You are a stronger person than I am allowing her in your home...My next door neighbor is a state police officer and we've made arrangements with him that BM isn't even allowed on our road (we can do this because we live on a dead end road)...hahahaha
Ohh dear! I would get a
Ohh dear! I would get a plastic container and set it by the door and place offending items in it. I would tape a 'donations' sign on the box and announce that the box will go to goodwill every Saturday, or name your day, if the stuff is not collected by it's rightful owner.
And you're with this man
And you're with this man because???Grow some self esteem and get the heck away from him.He's obviously toxic and he's obviously very much tangled with BM.This doesn't bode well for your future.Lace up your boots and get the heck out of there.
I am married to this man. I
I am married to this man. I feel he has to talk to her, we cannot afford to move out of his parent's house because of finances.He is unemployed and it just makes things worse.