So I have decided I am really leaving. I can't and I am more than torn up about it. Anyone know any step moms who have left and regretted it? I dont know if I will regret it but I love my SO alot but I feel like its not worth what I am putting into it. I need some encouragement please
- marissamae88's blog
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I would love to hear what you
I would love to hear what you have to say.
Only you can know when you've
Only you can know when you've had enough. If you know you're at that point, the only thing left to do is walk out the door. Having been there (not as a step, but in my first marriage) I can say to just be sure you've made every effort you can make before you go. That way, there will be nothing to regret. You'll know you gave it everything you had. One person can't carry a relationship, & you can't make someone else care enough to lend their share. They have to want to.
I'm sorry for the sadness you're feeling, but it can't be any sadder than the thought of spending forever with someone feeling the way you have been. Whatever your choice, I wish you happiness.
((((Hugs)))) & prayers to you.
I am really confused I
I am really confused I thought I was doing great as an sm. I put a schedule in place, I am very consistent with punishments and rewards, and I love them. I did everything in my power to make this work and I feel like he dropped the ball because he didnt want to play anymore. I am really hurt because I feel so unloved right now. Its tearing me up.
Thats how I feel. I was ready
Thats how I feel. I was ready to save the day and how can everything in so many other areas be so great and it only takes one. I have four skids and I have on bad apple. But because their is no support I cant waste my youth here. I refuse to do it.
Sometimes love is not enough.
Sometimes love is not enough.
I can't tell you now if I am going to regret it, but I am leaving regardless.
I have tried as hard as I can. I cannot do it all by myself anymore.
Thats what I keep telling
Thats what I keep telling myself. I feel like a single parent and low and behold I have never had kids!! I dont want to be a single parent and I dont want to be disrespected anymore.
Im sooo sick of this. hence why I am leaving but man I want to stay sooo bad. It hurts to breath today thats how upset I am.
I was a single parent for
I was a single parent for almost 10 years. After I got married, I STILL felt like a single parent.
I have had four relatives die in my family over the past 5 years and NN has not attended ANY of them with me. In fact, he has attended ONE family function (MY family) with me in 12 years.
It's tough. I don't have any
It's tough. I don't have any answers for you. I dealt with this BIG TIME with SD18 because DH may perhaps be the MOST permissive parent ever. I mean, honestly, the man doesn't have an assertive bone in his body when it comes to his oldest offspring. He's slightly better with our two, but not much. The difference is, I am "allowed" to be the disciplinarian when it comes to our BDs but I never was with SD. It was doomed before it began.
But, this weekend, my sister and her two kids were at my parents' house. My sister is not a particularly permissive parent but she seemed to be making an exception this weekend. We had spaghetti with meatballs, salad, and italian bread for dinner. I made my kids have (and eat) some of everything. My sister let her son have JUST pasta with a minimal amount (like a spoon full) of tomato sauce. Then she let him come back for seconds (my BDs are trying to eat their salad and bread) and have just pasta, no sauce (which is what my BDs wanted all along but I said no). Then she let him come back for a third helping of just pasta. Which he then didn't eat. Then she gave him a heaping bowl of ice cream with toppings for dessert, and each of my BDs just got one scoop.
The question is, can you pick your battles when it comes to the stepkid(s)? If so, then I think you stand a chance. If not, I think you need to spend some time analyzing how you want your future to be.
It's goint to be pretty tough
It's goint to be pretty tough for awhile. You may feel so sad and desperate and like you'll never find another man as great as he was and OMG, the world is falling apart! It will feel that way. You'll wonder if you'll ever find love again and if you have made a terrible mistake. You're going to feel scared and small and weak. DON'T give in to it! He may call and beg and he may use some real emotional blackmail to get you back. Be strong. This is pretty standard, I think. If you do get back together, give it a good long time.
I was in the SM role from hell. Guilty daddy extrordinair, Adult spousal status (in nearly every way, eeewww) for the oldest daughter. Spoiled little brat of a youngest one. It was awful!!! I thought I was going crazy! I tried so hard and I believed all the crap that it was me, my fault, something I was doing wrong.
NOT! I left him right before Christmas. I couldn't STAND the thought of Chritmas break! I couldn't take his kids anymore. And I really loved this man!
In February I met a nice man and when he told me he had three kids, I was ok with son 21 (who I never met) and son 18, who I adore, but daughter 10 was the deal breaker! I went out with him for a couple of months, but ended it. I had been watching for the checklist of Guilty Daddy syndrome. As soon as that started making its way out, I recognized it and got out. We can be friends, but you have no idea how good I feel going home to the peace and quiet of my home and my well bahaved, mannerly older teen sons. The relief after the initial panick is AMAZING!
I'm sorry you're to this point. It hurts. I know. It's a tough, scary decision and you face the future alone.
You're not as alone as you feel and that will pass. Keep your eyes open for the future, whether you get back together or move on with someone else later.
Good Luck. My prayers are with you to be strong and true to yourself!
You ladies have no idea how
You ladies have no idea how much this is helping
Thanks! I am at work trying to hold back tears its sucks. I know this wont last this helpless feeling and the sadness its just very overwhelming right now.
At work was the hardest for
At work was the hardest for me, too. Then again, everything sucked for a while. I was really too depressed to even start helping myself. Hang in there, though. Just remember that you have to grieve and once that's done, there will be a whole new outlook on life. I felt like I was living in shades of grey and now the colors are back! I'm so happy and in charge of my life and I'm doing things! The next guy in my life better appreciate me, becasue I am pretty darn awsome! Go ahead! Say it! Get mad! This site saved my sanity and I'm not against being SM, but I sure won't do it for a guilty daddy! I know what to look for now and I hope you know that we're all here for you.
Thanks! When I found this
Thanks! When I found this site it was like a huge relief. I felt so happy to be surrounded by people in my situation. I am just so upset because there is so much good here but then you have these few bad things that are deal breakers. What makes me the most upset is that he acts like this isnt bothering him one bit. That makes me the most sad.
When this happened I told him
When this happened I told him I wanted to talk to him about what his son said and he looked at me and was like Why? You were pushing him out the door? Thats when I decided I wanted to leave. His son has acted really horribly before but my SO stood up for me and told him you can live with your mom because marissamae88 is doing nothing wrong. Now he is blaming me as if him going to church was my idea. I dont go to church so him going as no affect on me. When he said that to me I told him I was done that I didnt want to do this anymore. A couple hours later I confronted him and told him everything that I was feeling and why I dont tell him all the time and he sat in silence. Said nothing and acted like it didnt bother him. This happened Sunday I have been looking for a room to rent. My parents dont live anywhere near me and I have been on my own since 17. I work full time and go to school but its very expensive to live in souther CA so I am looking really hard. We havent spoken to each other at all and it breaks my heart but I need a partner not a doormat. I am 22 and I want so much for my life. I cant rely on man to give me what I need. I just love him so much and he does make me happy but this is a deal breaker for me.
I know it's hard and it hurts
I know it's hard and it hurts sooooooo bad, but if he's going to act like that, then you are doing the right thing. Try not to feel personnaly rejected. These guys are so good at their act that makes us feel guilty, stupid, wrong, whatever. We're not. If we were all that, then why did we ever even try with their kids? Don't let that part get to you. He may be hiding his feelings or he may be just being a jerk. Get with your girlfriends and talk about it till it feels better and vent all you want here, but get it out. It feels better then. ((((((hugs)))))))
Thanks its like your stealing
Thanks its like your stealing my emotions you know exactly how I am feeling its crazy.He is sooo good at hiding how he feels he doesnt even realize he is doing it. Thats the sad part he has lost emotions because he is used to covering them up. I cant help someone who doesnt want help and I cant drag myself into his hell anymore.
You Just nailed it. We try to
You Just nailed it. We try to save them or help or prove to them that that we can be different, make a difference. Sadly, mine was just too waited already when I got him. He eas happy to lay the failure and cause of hurt at my feet and it eas killing me trying to hold him up emotionally and defend myself against his evil daughters and him defending them. I was so miserable.
we must have broken up a thousand times and I always let him come back. No more. I'm done witj the abuse. I feel so good now. I hope your situation is better than mine was, but please take time for yourself before making a decision in a moment of weakness that you'll have to re live the pain again later.
We have broken up before to
We have broken up before to and I have left and come back and its nonsense. I cant keep doing this to myself.
Not sure if anyone else has
Not sure if anyone else has said this, but maybe leaving will also give him room to think about what he really wants. You will have the room to think about what you want in your life and our future.
I was one of the ones that
I was one of the ones that left my exSO. I first moved out to distance myself from his kids and hopes that he pulled his head from his ass and started parenting them. I got tired of the rudeness, disrespect, lying, stealing, and etc. I was the glorified nanny and SO let them do it to me.
First I moved out. I cried for like three days non stop. It was the hardest thing because exSO was really good to me (and my kids.) He just allowed his kids to take advantage of me and he did too. I was still seeing exSO but I wouldn't do anything with his kids. But then I started to do things and focused on stuff and less on him. Finally, I just realized I will NEVER accept his kids. It's one thing for me if they were younger and had a hard time but they aren't. They are just vial.
I'm glad I didn't marry him because I don't know if I couldn't have gotten out this easy. It's very hard at first...that I will admit. But trust me, you will move on and things will get better. Focus on things like yourself!!!!