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At what point is enough enough?

12yrstepmonster's picture

Seriously. I have spent 10 years being dictated to what I will do and when- I am like a puppet on a string. I thought that when SD19 said she was done coming over that life would be quiet since 90% of the drama in our house was created by her manipulation and now SS14 is piCking it up and running with it.

I'm going back to NOT CARING!!!!!!

Here is now the problem:
DH weekend and holiday. My family always has dinner SS doesn't want to go-he wants to go to BMs side. Fine- bio trumps step- whatever. DH was to take him home Sat and now BM is picking him up Sunday morning early- how do we hunt Easter eggs- dye easter eggs? And do an Easter basket for dd11 and SS14 will be leaving 5 seconds after he wakes up. Grrrrrrr

What I would like to say is WE parent you kid you staying with dad during dads time!!!!!!!!


Unfreakingreal's picture

My son is 13 and I'm sure if I brought eggs home with all the dying stuff he'd probably do it just or fun, but he wouldn't be permanently damaged if he didn't get to dye eggs.

Unfreakingreal's picture

Mine would probably be more than happy to dye them and then go out back and throw them at people.

hismineandours's picture

I guess I will do the egg dye thing too-My kids are 13, 11, and 9. I think I let them orchestrate and do it themselves last year. I may ask my nine year old if she really wants to-she knows realistically there is no easter bunny and even if there were she knows the eggs we dye are just for fun-the "easter bunny" does nothing with them and we are left with a dozen hardboiled eggs that noone eats. Hopefully I can skip outta that one.

I am doing the egg hunt-our easter bunny puts money in them there eggs so yep even my 13 year old will be out running around looking for plastic eggs! And we do do easter baskets. Last year-ss was with us but left at around 10:30 in the am. We got up around 8am and they did the egg hunt-we went to Church and came home and got their baskets-ss got his while walking otu the door basically.

12yrstepmonster's picture

I don't expect him to want any part but DD11 still sorta kinda believes. And why shouldn't it be about what she wants. He wasn't originally going to be here so PeRfect!!!!!! It can be about her that morning. She is 11 and has had Easter Bunny come the week after the week before Santa has come every other year on one day and then another.......HER PARENTS are married she doesn't float houses. None of these holidays were worked around my ODD and when she was with me!

I'm really just blowing off steam. In the end I will cater to the king of the schedule and everything he wants as always......

12yrstepmonster's picture

I about choked on the spidey picture. Santa brought a puppy to DD11!!!!!! That she helps take care of but we the parents do most of......what we do for magic. DH and I got into a heated argument. He is wishy washy on the whole eater basket SS thing. We were going to give the older kids 20 and a card and be done with it. I just told him to take care of what he wants to do.