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We ran into SS at the mall. Not good.

maria14's picture

Again, thanks everyone for replying to my blog earlier. We were going to do the email thing but we saw SS in person.

Last evening, we ran into SS at the mall. He was with his friends. My DH decided to walk up to him and talk to him. He started explaining that he thought it was only one ticket. SS says "I don't want to hear your excuses. I told you I was sending tickets so you guys could come. I said both of you would be able to come. But you always think I'm out to do something bad. If you were confused why the f*** didnt you call me? You are so retarded. At least now I know where I stand in your life and how much I mean to you. And don't worry. You don't have to come to my college graduation too. Just stay the f*** away from me". Now that I think about it, SS did say he was sending tickets for both of us. My DH was just too stubborn and stupid to call SS and clarify things.

My DH then brings up how SS never came to visit properly for almost two and a half years. SS blows up. He says how BM got sick and could not work and he had to work his a** off so they would not lose the house. He asked why my DH wanted him to come by so much. So that we could rub it in his face on how good we have it compared to him? SS then goes on to say he asked to be treated equally for once in his life with the car. But he does not want it anymore. He wanted to stay at home while going to college to save money. But bussing it would take hours because of all the transfers and he needed to drive. But he said he does not want the car and told my DH to go f*** himself. My DH was speechless. SS never spoke like that to him before. We did not even know BM was sick. My SS just walks away and his friends gave us dirty looks. It was so humiliating. My DH was very hurt. The whole drive home he was saying "I had no idea", referring to BM being sick and SS working to pay the bills. He went for a long drive by himself again. He was crushed.

I am so pissed and sad at the same time. My DH's family are still acting like assholes. Now I hear that MIL is having family over from out of state for the graduation party. The party that my DH, SS's father, is excluded from. My DH tried talking to MIL about this was making him feel and she says, "I love you. But this is not about you. You made a mistake. But I will not let SS go without a graduation party because of you." I was shaking as she said that to my DH. I want to get a time machine and just make my DH make that single call. My DH still wants to give the car to SS. He wants to give it irregardless of if SS goes to college or not, which was part of the deal. I do not give a damn about that car. I want people to stop thinking I am some sort of a evil bitch. I am so angry at him and sad about how their relationship is going.


maria14's picture

I feel the same way. Graduation, weddings. They are important events. I do not feel they are the events when you decide to take a stand. I would never ever miss my son's graduation. I feel really bad for SS. I genuinely feel he did mean to invite both of us. HE looked really hurt yesterday in the mall. Hurt and angry actually.

Unfreakingreal's picture

I am in tears reading this post. I can't even imagine how hurt this boy is. This is when blended families take on a life of their own. It's so damn complicated & no matter what you do in one split second it can all go wrong really quickly. My heart aches for your husband as well. I replay it in my mind and wonder had it been me what would I have done? Being the take charge kind of person I am I would have called SS myself and asked if by any chance did he send the wrong amount of tickets in the envelope. That would have clarified it in 60 seconds flat. What I have learned in my 11 years with my DH is that he is REALLY bad at interpreting conversations. Even if it's something simple like game night at a friends house. he'll NEVER give me the right date or time, it's as if minor details just don't stick to his brain. I will pray that you, your DH and your SS are able to one day get over this hump.

maria14's picture

We always knew SS was resentful of the fact we made more money. We do not know anything about BM at all. We used to hear about BM all the time from SS. But a incident happened a couple of years ago and things blew up. It was not SS's fault but he just stopped talking about his life with BM. I wish we left that channel of communication open. But SS probably feared another blowup. Both BM and my DH acted like kids at that time. They were entirely to blame for involving my SS like that. And that car.. I do not even want to talk about it. My DH wants to drop it off like someone said. But I think SS is too proud to take it now. It is just a wait and see for now to try and figure this out.

The party is this friday. EVERYONE is invited. And EVERYONE knows what happened. I cannot show my face around them again. My DH is really hurt that they are going ahead with this exclusion plan. It is ridiculous because they planning this big reunion for SS and SS has not even confirmed he is coming. But I am sure my MIL will guilt him into coming. We do not even have an idea if and which college SS is going to. How much you want to bet he'll be asking us to help him out finacially?

Auteur's picture

"However, they intentionally keep him out of the loop"


You're damned if you do and damned if you don't. I would take what SS says with a grain of salt. And all his "friends"

He sounds like a spoiled brat with adult spousal status if you ask me.

christag's picture

This is so much like my 'family'. DH's kids never told him anything was going wrong and then when it all exploded, he was the bad guy for not knowing. They didn't barely spoke for years then the extended family converged on us. As nasty as the skids were to their father and all the angry words, DH and his sons are fine now. I'm still completely out of the loop, but they're golfing buddies. :?