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Princess and Daddy

Sterling's picture

Ugh, when my SD says "daddy" in her 7 year old tone (granted she is 17) and when he calls her princess, makes my skin crawl!!!! :sick:

Anything they say that makes your skin crawl?


Disneyfan's picture

The only thing that bothers me is the whining. When they whine to me, I make them speak their age. When the whine to their dad, I ignore it. Calling his girls Princess and spoiling them a bit doesn't bother me at all. I know plenty of spoiled kids who aren't awful brats. As long as they continue to be polite, respectful, good students... And it's in HIS budget, I'm fine with the spoiling.

Most Evil's picture

I hate to get advice and (completely un-informed) opinions from SD19; and also when she tells me I am 'ok' to ex. sit down, don't have right coke, etc.

Like I need her blessing or permission - I don't!!!!

Eyes Wide Open's picture

Or when SD25 calls DH's cell, and that special ring tone (gag!) goes off. He knows it's her and he answers with this "hellllloooooooooo" that I can't even describe here, you just have to hear it. For crying out loud....

hismineandours's picture

I hate when dh calls ss13 "budddyyyyy". Gag. SS is mean and rude-he is noone's buddy.

Sarahjc's picture

I absolutely hate it when my SS8 and SS11 call my dh "Daddy". Especially the 11yr. In my mind, no child over the age of 5 should refer of their dad as Daddy! Ugh. It makes me so irratated just thinking about it!

hismineandours's picture

My 9 year old dd still calls her dad daddy! My son who is 12 does not. My 13 dd does not either unless she is being silly.