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she thinks its her day

lovebounderies's picture

Ok y is sd doing everything in her power to make today all about her. she won't listen to her dad when ever he says something about her behavior or lack of. all she response with is my mom let's me do it. we keep telling her that her mom doesn't live here and her rules only apply to their house. not over here but she tends to think that her mom rules the world. well I have a surprise for them both cause I'm fed up of miss princess. My hubby told her if she can't listen then maybe she should spend the rest of the summer with her mom. I hope he stands strong on that even if he only honors that for a week. Give little miss know it all something to think about. Y oh y does this have to happen on fathers day she could of waited but no if it ain't all about her. Then it ain't about nobody. Steady asking hubby to buy her stuff so I politely said why should he when you can't listen to him. She just gaave me a nasty look. I rolled my eyes and said what ever any advise.


snoopyinoz's picture

Ugh, I HATE the "But MOM lets me...." (my SDs BM is NOT in the picture, and hasnt been for about a year, and DH and I went through that) My response was usually "yeah, well, MY house, MY rules." I would politely inform SD of that fact. How old is your SD? and as for her wanting her dad to buy her things, I would tell her "other than food, clothing that you may need while here, and personal items, we will not be buying you anything else, we do not reward bad behavior."

tryingnoavail's picture

I always get the "but grandma lets me do it" from both SS7 and SD5. SS7 asked to make bacon on the stove one morning and his grandmother lets him do it. Its annoying. BF just says that they arent allowed to do (insert blank) at our house. SD5 told me the other day "whenever we go into a store you have to buy me something" I was so taken aback that I ignored it. Havnt been to a store yet, but if she says that the answer will be "no". Grandmother in question is BM mother. My MIL has more sense than those nut jobs. I swear little girls are evil.

lovebounderies's picture

My sd is 8 and she gets on my everlasting nerve. she does that to every single store he goes in she wants some thing. it pisses me off I told him he creating a demon. She does that when I take her to the store. She says this store has everything I need. I told her happy for you. Made my purchases and left. Haha tell mom that.