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17 this week and still wants to hold her dad's hand in public. Are you kidding me?

Sterling's picture

It never ends. She truely wanted to hold her dad's hand out in public at Home Depot. Saying, "daddy, please hold my hand." After he says no way she is actually wondering why he said that.
Can you say mental issues? I can't take this anymore.


oneoffour's picture

Someone needs to ask her father why he allowed this to go on for so long? Letting her be a princess has really inhibited her emotional growth or he doesn't want her to grow up.

Then in a trip to Home Depot (Man Zone) she gets rejected. Or she is REALLY out to embarrass him!

Miss Know It All's picture

Probably going to get chomped on for this -- but I'm 27 and I still hold my dad's hand sometimes in public. I think that's one of the few gestures of affection I'm allowed to display as an adult aside from the greeting check peck and the farewell hug. Granted, I wouldn't do this if he were with his girlfriend or if I were with my boyfriend as I'd be self-conscious of what the "outsider" thought. But I do remember being 17 and holding hands with my father while my mother walked beside us -- and I think to myself "If my BM doesn't mind, why should Dad's SO?" It's not like I'd make him NOT hold her hand so he can hold mine. THAT would be completely immature and kind of incestuous creepy.

mcnat's picture

my SD14 was the same way, she wanted to hold hands in public (with me or DH), sit on our laps, get in our faces, kiss us on the lips (she didn't really try that so much with DH as she did with me), we tried time and time again to explain BOUNDARIES but she wouldn't hear of it. When she was hospitalized (not for that but something else) they had problems with her at the hospital trying to get too close to patients and staff. It's a disease, some people feel the need to seek attention through sexual acting out and self gratifying behaviors no matter how uncomfortable it may make your husband or yourself. She won't stop until she sees it's not bothering him or you.

Another thing, you might want to try is "weening" her away from it. Like tell DH to hold her hand for a little while then to gradually get his hand loose and be busy with it looking at stuff and so on and do this until she takes the hint or gets over her need of constant contact