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Can he back out?!!

Willow2010's picture

Only 5 more days until SS comes back. UGH!!!! He has been gone almost a whole week!! This is the first time, in over a year and a half, that he has been gone more than a day or two here and there. IT HAS BEEN HEAVEN!!!!

Just wanted to get that out there and make you all jealous! Lol, sorry.

Anywho…he is supposed to go in military on the 18th of July. He took an oath and an in depth physical about 5 months ago, but he was only 17 when he did that. Can he still back out now? He said something the other day, that makes me think, he is questioning whether to go in or not. That would be a VERY, VERY, VERY bad thing for me!!!


NCMilGal's picture

He CAN back out - right up until the time he raises his right hand on 18 July. The military hasn't really put THAT much money into him yet, and if he backs out, they just put a note in his record, and let him go.

If he makes a big enough snot of himself during training, he can also get out pretty easily - they don't tell them that (in fact insist that it's impossible) but it can happen.

I really approve of military service for teens, but that might be because *I* don't have to babysit them. (yet)

Arguments FOR service - hey, it's a job. I loved my time as a junior enlisted - ALL you had to do to succeed was show up on time and do as told. There wasn't any paperwork, or extra duties or any real decisions to make - lots of "go to PT, go to work, come home, don't worry about anything else."

Another argument for - you never know what you're going to be doing. It could be briefings (ick) or shooting, or training, or picking up litter, or actually doing your job. I never got bored.

Good luck - I hope he's not going to back out now.