I had to tell MIL to Get The F*&% Out Of My House! Ugh...
Some of you may remember the argument/s I had with my MIL about her favortisim and just her craziness. Well, she came over to our house a couple of days ago. The kids and I were outside playing with fingerpaints (BS2 &DD5) MIL comes walking aroun the house. I look up and don't say a word and walk into my kitchen. She pokes her head in the sliding glass door and says "I'm only taking DD5 today." I turned to her and said "No. No, you're not. We've already talked about this. Since you can not treat all of the children equally, you're not taking her." She says "Well, I told you that if I was going to take both then you must come along" I responded telling her "You're their grandmother, I should not have to babysit you around your grandchildren. I have already told you this. It's your choice to spend time with them and no one is forcing you." She tried to put words in my mouth by saying "You dont want to take care of your kids?!"
She got bitchy and the discussion turned into an argument and then wet to screaming. She called me selfish and self centered because I'm telling her I want her to treat the children the same. I finally lost it when she said something bad about my BS2 (I can't remember exactly, but it was along th lines of no one would want to be around him...He is an awesome and well behaved lil boy btw) I blew up and told her how I REALLY feel. I told her that for 9 years she has been mean, rude and has just plain out treated SD like crap. I said for 2 years she has been very rude and has always tried to exclude BS2. I told her that she favors DD5 and that if I hadn't told her she had to treat them the same, that it would still only be about DD5. She tried to say that "since DD will be going to Kindergarten this year, that means BS has to tag along? Good luck telling her teacher that!" I said youre crazy and that is a completely different scenerio and you know it.
Eventually, it got to the point where I told her she is not allowed around any of the 3 kids, ever again and that this conversation is over. She kept blabbing her mouth, trying to belittle me infront of my daughter so I finally said "I am done with you. This conversation is over. If you have anything else to talk about, you can call your son..Now get the fuck out of my house before I am forced to make you leave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :jawdrop:
I can't believe I said that to my intimidating MIL!
- LaMareOssa's blog
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Yeah for you!!!! She is a
Yeah for you!!!! She is a PIA. Hopefully your DH backs you up on this stuff.
He backs me 100%. He hates
He backs me 100%. He hates his mother after what she has done. He said he is completely fine if he never sees her ever again. At one point, before we met, him and MIL didn't speak for years.
Are you basically feeling
Are you basically feeling that MIL is not accepting your child from her sons's second marriage like she does the child from the first marriage? I very much felt the ame and it did bothr me alot. My MIL and I came to blows over the very issue.
Not really. DH and I have two
Not really. DH and I have two children together; DD5 and BS2. She treats DD5 like royalty and completely ignores our BS2(same father). She also treats SD badly-SD is DHs from a previous relationship.
Good for you for standing up
Good for you for standing up for your kids AND for yourself! Some MIL's think they can say or do what they please and their child's spouse is supposed to just take it. No way!
I am so proud of you, this
I am so proud of you, this was a big moment for you. She has belittled you and your husband in front of your children and it had to stop. Don't back down now though you did the hard part now you just have to stand firm.
You go!!! Wish I coulda been
You go!!! Wish I coulda been a fly on the wall. And if she tries pulling that same crap again (like in-laws tend to do) tell her that's fine, you and both kids will go along, at YOUR convenience. Then give her options for time frames that will make it rough for her.
Good for you! I bet you feel
Good for you! I bet you feel like a ton of bricks were just lifted off your shoulders.
YAY! Good for you .. way to
YAY! Good for you .. way to go!
Thanki you everyone for all
Thanki you everyone for all of your support, thoughts and helpful comments over this last week of bullS. It has helped. Thank you!!!!!!!!!