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I think the relationship with SS is almost dead

maria14's picture

My DH met with SS to talk about the finances. I was also there at this "meeting". We told him how sorry we were about BM. It was the first time he has seen SS in weeks. We talked it over and we decided (although I was not entirely happy) that he would give SS 400 dollars a month, the car that has been paid for, plus car insurance and a small gas allowance. But there were some conditions. SS was to have a part-time job ,maintain good grades and he was to visit us every weekend without fail. And my DH wanted the scholarship information so he can help SS plan his finances.

SS did not get angry or aggressive. He looked very tired. He said things that I do not remember word for word. I remember most of it but maybe the order is messed up. But it went something like this, "Dad, I did not realize asking you for help meant have so many strings attached. I would have done all these without being asked. But the fact that you are actually telling me to do these things lets me know how you feel about me. I am not a bad, irresponsible person. I am not perfect but I work hard. I know that XXXX(our BS) has no requirements like these. His grades are nearly not as good as mine were. And he does not even have a part-time job. I do not get why I am treated differently. I think I can do without your money. I will find a way somehow. Thank god uncle XXXX (my DH's brother) and aunt XXXX have been helping me. I think I asked too much of you. I just thought that since I have not asked anything from you for the past few years you would help out this one time. I hope you have a good life with Maria and BS Dad. But don't come to me if you need a kidney or anything else. And trust me, I will die before I come to ask you for anything ever again. Bye Maria. Tell XXXX(our BS) I love him and will add him on facebook again."

He just walks out of the restaurant and walks home instead of letting my DH drop him back to his brother's house. My DH cried on the drive home. I cried with him. I have been in this boy's life since he was a toddler. The only reason we put those conditions was for his own good. We did not think he would take it like that. We are all just moping around at home. The only ray of hope I see in this is that he did add BS on Facebook. My MIL seems to have calmed down and is being nice to me again. But I am being very cautious around her. I pray that with time, all this will blow over. My DH has been talking with his brother (who SS is staying with) to sort out finances somehow without telling SS. We will see how that goes.


Auteur's picture

too many strings!! MEH!!

He sounds like a skid who has taken advantage and it's come back to bite him in the butt. Hopefully he'll learn from all this.

Sorry but what a little s#(% (the kidney comment)

WAAAHHHH poooorrrrr MEEEEEEE bioson has it beeeetteeeerrr than meeeeeeeee!!!!

Does he wants some cheese to go with that whine?

Sorry but if my own bio ever said this to me with a bad track record, then, SEE YA and don't let the door hit you where the sun don't shine on the way out!!

Oi Vey's picture

Well, BS IS being treated better than SS. SS is not a woe-is-me entitled brat. He worked while in high school to help his mom out who was dying. She's dead now. He's been the picture of responsibility and has endured far more than he should have at his age. I beleive he's been pretty graceful about it, too...with the exception of losing his cool over the car.
His father didn't even attend his graduation.

Dad has ROYALLY screwed up with this kid. Read over OP's blogs. He has always put OP's bios ahead of SS.

I am pretty shocked that they put all these strings on trying to help him. Unbelievable. Poor kid. I wish I could help him.

He will make an incredible husband someday. He understands the meaning of sacrifice.

Jsmom's picture

I have no problem with the conditions, but I do think every weekend is too much. Once a month is plenty. And you should have the same conditions on BS when the time comes for him to go to college.

maria14's picture

We do have standards for m,y son as well. Good grades and good behaviour. When he goes to college, we fully expect him to get a part-time job. We did get my son a car first. But he lives with us full-time. SS barely visited. We did not know his mother was sick. We did not know he working to support her. And I agree, every weekend is a bit much, but that is what my DH wanted. We have treated our son better because he is with us all that time. What were we supposed to do when SS lives with his mother full-time? We never asked him to get a job. We thought he did it for spending money.

Oi Vey's picture

I think you and your DH just made too many assumptions. It sounds like this kid has been working his arse off to do the right thing, and his reward was a swift kick in the pants.
I'm glad his aunt and uncle are helping him. He needs someone he can count on.
Can you maybe send him grocery store gift cards? Or anonymously pay a utility bill or rent once in awhile?

maria14's picture

My DH is working with is brother to arrange some finances. Such that SS will not know it is from us. It is hardly a kick in the pants when we are agreeing to provide him with such substantial support. My parents never paid a dime for my college.

maria14's picture

We do not treat SS worse. He comes barely once a month. We did not know why he was not coming. HE just stopped. What were we supposed to do? When he was here, he was treated well. I am not going to justify myself. My son makes good grades and does well in school activities. SS is gifted in many ways that let him do much better. I have always wanted my DH to treat them the same and he does. I dont get why smofknowitall is tring to make me out to be the evil stepmother.