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child support hearing today

Bubbly1's picture

Dirol So, after over two years of, no cs, no visitations, no phone calls, and no contact what so ever! I have a hearing today in family court with my ex for a cs hearing. Ummm.....bout dang time!
I guess they got tired of me calling and harassing them EVERYDAY. This piece of crap is in rehab more than he's not, never calls his kids, has not laid eyes on them since dh and I drove them to him (8 hours away)! I hope the judge sticks it to him big time!!
What a loser.


Willow2010's picture

What state are you in? I'm in Texas and it is a joke. My ex is behind over $20000. He went years without paying and he still just gets a slap on the wrist. I am about to start being the b!tch and calling every week. I never thought jail was a good idea for CS issues, but am changing my mind....

Bubbly1's picture

I'm in South Carolina. And the piece of (pardon my french) shit didn't bother to show up. Sc is a very difficult state as far as cs laws go, they are tough on deadbeat dads. Sad for me jerk face does not live here. He is in Florida. So mommy covers his butt, lies to cs and says he doesn't live there, he does, so he is unable to be located. And the circle continues. Well, I've had my fun, I want off the merry go round of fighting tooth and nail for cs, paying for everything, taking care of the kids every second of the day, while he gets to party is up in sunny Florida!
He go fuck his mother! I'm done defending him to his kids, making up excuses as to why daddy can't come see them this weekend. While the skids are here seeing their fucking dad! Oohhhh I'm so MAD!

Bubbly1's picture

Willow2010 I'm learning the hard way, the only way to get anywhere is to be a b!tch! Its been two years and NOTHING! Not one red cent. He's to busy in rehab every month. He got addicted to MY prescription pain meds, I have to take forever, due to his abuse. He actually told me to thank him once, because w/o him I wouldn't get my pills!
EXCUSE ME!!!!!??????
W/o him I would have never NEEDED the damn pills! I was not on any medication when I met him, now I take a damn pill every six hours, OR I CAN'T MOVE!
So yeah, thanks asshole, for ruining my body, for the rest of my life!