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CS issues with drug addict loser BM!!!

ivymlk's picture

A few days after Christmas BM was arrested for child neglect after having been found in her home with SS8 and her other son (2) at 10am on drugs and very drunk. We have since had SS8 with us full time. Her 2 year old is currently in a foster home. She see’s him once in a while with “supervised” visits (my MIL takes him to see her and I’m not sure he is supposed to be seeing her) and every time he comes home he has a new video game. Usually rated T for teen or M for mature so we have to take them away from him anyway. She previously did not have a job, left SS and DH when SS was 2 years old. She has been in rehab for prior heroine addiction. She lives on social services. Where she gets the money for the games, I don’t know. I know the treatment she is in now they test her frequently and so far she’s been sober since the arrest.

So anyway, a few weeks ago we found out that she has gotten a job. DH went and filed for Child Support being she has never EVER contributed anything for this child. We received the paper work today stating when DH needs to go to court for the hearing. Well she got hers today too and called and rambled on about how she hopes he didn’t spend money on a lawyer (no, maybe if she was worth anything he would have) and that being she used to WORK FOR CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES (WHAT!?!?!?!) she knows that DH will get nothing. That DH really should have spoken to her first. That she was trying to get a job at a country club but they won’t hire her because she cannot serve alcohol so she can’t get another job (ummm, I don’t think McDonalds serves alcohol). That she would be happy to just give DH money for SS but social services pays her rent, electric and $50 a week to live off of (SCUM!!) and the most DH will get for SS is $25 per month. Well, geez, that would be SOMETHING!! I really don’t care honestly, but I think she needs to contribute something (oh, other then the video games)!

It’s debatable whether or not she will even appear in court but I am hoping it goes in our favor. I am so sick of this waste of space!!!

Has anyone else ever had or have known anyone in a similar situation? I think this is just crazy that these people wouldn’t need to have some sort of responsibility!!

marissamae88's picture

Our BM is the same druggie mom. My SO left her years ago. When he left they had three children and a month later after he left he found out she was pregnant again with his child. He didnt go back to her he told her she didnt have to work as long as she took care of the kids he would watch out for her. So the fourth child comes 3 months early because she was doing drugs the whole time! He was born addicted to meth..........who does that??? Well he has had full custody since then. She doesnt provide anything for them except ta da video games. Is that like something they do on the corner of im a bad mom and im a druggie. They give their kids video games and not disney games but like grand theft auto for a 9 year old come on. My SO filed for support we are waiting for our court date. Good luck to you but you are no alone my BM and your BM are probably friends.