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Update...SS13 full-time

Jsmom's picture

Apparently the final agreement that the lawyers sent over last night is not what DH agreed to. SS was supposed to have zero visitation with his mother unless they agreed to it. Now it says that he has EOWE with her until 14. That is 9 Months away. That is not what DH and his lawyer said. So they gave up court date yesterday and there is no way we are giving in on it along with the other things we gave up on. The lawyers already gave this verbally to the judge apparently. We are waiting to hear back on what next steps are.

She refused visitation for SD15 and DH. That was what we were told, so the agreement was then no visitation for her with SS13. Now from the time they got off the phone with DH and the writing of the agreement it changes....UGH!!!

Can I mention that I absolutely hate lawyers. They didn't want to go to court because they weren't prepared and they didn't have to as long as it was resolved. DH was ready. Now it looks like we may go back. I told him not to give up the appearance unless he was sure that this was all resolved. Sounds like they are all playing games! With a 13 year old boy. He doesn't want visitation with his mother.

This sucks....Now we wait for the lawyers response. In the meantime, that poor boy is with his mother...Lord knows what she is telling him about this.


Jsmom's picture

update: Turns out our lawyer put the vistation in the agreement and sent it over to BM's lawyer. DH was supposed to review it first. It was not what was agreed on and now our lawyer is in court until 2:30. I personally think their was collusion between the lawyers to not go to court yesterday and look unprepared so they worked this out to fast...

RaeRae's picture

It sucks to have an incompetent lawyer. Sorry to hear this.

Willow2010's picture

Not sure of the back story, but I would just leave that in. I am amazed that a judge actually signed off on that with your SD.

Jsmom's picture

Judge didn't sign off on it with SD. BM insisted on it in Mediation and in the begininng when SD moved out. We have yet to get to the damn judge. I am sure he wouldn't have agreed to it either.

I want it out, because that is what SS wants. He wants no visitation with his mother unless it is on his terms. He is 13 and old enough to know what he wants.