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My plans are always pushed aside! Or “forgotten”

foxymama87's picture

Okay so since June I had made plans to have a slumber party for SD9’d birthday on Oct. (Yes a little early, I know.) Well I had spoken to both SD9 and DH about it and they both thought it was a wonderful idea. SD9 was and still is excited about it since it will be her first slumber party ever. Poor girl never has friends over so I thought it would be a nice thing to do. So as we all discussed plans and ideas for the party through out the months I took the liberty of creating an invitation and even went to Publix with SD9 to see what b-day cake she would like. Well I had created a rough sample of this invitation and put it on our fridge for show. That way if SD9 was ever to think about misbehaving she will look at the invitation and think twice about her actions. Well it has seem to work because I have been having few issues with her attitude, manners etc… Since putting it up she’s been good!


Well turns out you CAN miss the damn invitation (or just simply ignore) if you happen to be freaking DH!!! He forgot all about my plans for the Slumber party. Bitch face ex wife wants to take SD9 to Disney land out of the blue on her birthday weekend. (Same weekend I wanted to do the slumber party which we had already freaking planned in advance.) Bitch face “asked” more like TOLD DH that she was going to have SD9 that weekend and that’s that. DH said nothing, didn’t even mention about OUR plans and just said it was fine. After he had Spoke to Bitch face he then decides to tell me a day later “oh, by the way BM wants SD9 for her birthday weekend to take her to Disney and I said it would be okay”

I looked at him and was like WTF!! What happened to OUR party? And then it clicked, he looked stunned and then had the nerve to say that he was “soo sorry that he had forgotten, that he is a shitty father/husband and that we can do it the week before or after SD9’s Birthday”. Well F**k that, that’s no damn excuse when I made it so damn loud and clear!!! I told HIM five months in advance and continued to remind him once in a while and I even freaking stuck an invitation on the damn fridge! Like give me a break!!! SERIOUSLY? He’s always in that damn kitchen eating, opening/closing the fridge doors. Don’t sit there and tell me you can’t see the stupid invitation, don’t sit there and tell me you poor thing "had forgotten!!

It just pisses me off how my plans get pushed aside because Fucking BM decides she finally wants to act like a mother and do something for her daughter! Like if it’s going to make up for not wanting SD9 during the week (she refuses to drive too far to pick her own daughter from school. Her house is 25-30mins away!! And she is unemployed so she has all the time in the world!!) or weekends because she would rather go out partying or even for mother’s day for crying out loud because she had rather had spent it with her other daughter and now husband as a “family”!!!! Give me a break! And I’m really pissed off at DH for being so damn STUPID!!! GRR!

YES, I’m waaayy pissed and debating whether to have the stupid party at all!!
What do you think I should do? Should I still be angry at DH’s “memory loss”?? Or move on and call it good?


Jsmom's picture

Forget moving on and changing the date. Have the party for SD. If it is not BM's time that is her problem. Tell your husband to grow a pair.

Kes's picture

I agree. Why can't your DH tell BM that SHE can take SD to Disneyland the following weekend. Why should your plan be the one to get changed?

foxymama87's picture

I've asked him this and his repay was, I quote: "That requires me to actually talk to the women longer than I want" He hates having any confrontation with bitch face which I think is hilarious because 9 years ago he didn't have a prob sticking his dick in her....

pisses me off... he does need to grow a pair!!!


My husbands the same way, he hates confrontation. BM came over about a 6 weeks ago and sat in my yard telling me how thank ful she was for me. (not saying that will last long lol) And that if I wanted, she would be my back up with raising these boys since I don't get it from hubby or inlaws. She originally tried to talk to him, and he sat there with his head covering his face and refused to listen to a thing she said.

dragonfly5's picture

What is wrong with these men? Here you are a step mom, who wants to do something nice for your SD and your DH goes around you.

What the ????

This is exactly why we do not trade, exchange, or modify the schedule in any way. I know when we will have them and for how long. Then crazo BM can't do anything about it. Our judge told her absolutely no trading or withholding.

My FSD had never had a slumber party before either so we did one for her 10th BD. She was so happy and thankful.

We are planing a girls night slumber party in a few weeks just for fun. She is having 3 of her friends spend the night.

Go ahead and make your plans, your SD cannot help that her dad threw you under the bus and she can't help her mom is a piece of SH**!

I don't let crazo stand in the way of my plans with the fskids. They can't help their mom is drama all the time.

You need to have a stern talk with DH and tell him how lucky he is to have you!



I think it is wonderful that you love your SD enough that you wanted to do something as nice for her as have a sleep over. However, I just want to say, men can be so forgetful. Please don't be soo upset with him when he told her, he may have just been agreeing with whatever she said so he could get off the phone and it never crossed his mind. And yes, it sucks big time that you had plans with her. I know the few times the boys' mom has wanted to do something with the boys, I pretty much change my plans too. It's horrible and very very frustrating at times, but I want them and their BM to have the opportunity to spend the time together even if I don't always think BM deserves it. Not trying to say you are in the wrong, Because you are not! It is a very wonderful thing you are trying to do for your stepdaughter. My humble suggestion is to move the party till the weekend after so she will have something to look forward to after Disneyland and for you and your husband to take the birthday weekend to go out and spend time with just the two of you.:) Good luck and I hope it works out to where your happy in the end, either which way you choose.

foxymama87's picture

I might just do that. Which I know would piss off DH to no end. I know because I sometimes make it a point to remind him that I"M not SD9's parent or a parent for that matter. (I have no kids of my own)When he tells me I have to do this or that for HIS daughter. He will get upset when I tell him no do it your self or as BM!he will than go off on me telling me how "mean" I am. But I guess he has him self to blame!!! Just look what happens when I TRY TO BE A PARENT! I GET PISSED ON!! screw them both!! ugh!

newmom01's picture

You are not the mom, dont you realize that when you plan to do something nice/big and the BM finds out about it, she will try to out do you! Or do it first dont worry about it, next time dont tell SD that way she cant tell BM ....Just do everything with her on a whim...take her for pedicure or manicure or go get her hair done at the salon some other special thing that all little girls like....have a little tea party with cake, cookies and tea and ask her friends to come over a day or two in advance

I tied that with my ss's I would tell them we are going to the movies to see transformers or Iron man whatever is out that little boys would like ...well while Im waitin on payday (friday) BM takes them before we go pick them up ...she always does stupid I just worry about my own kids now

Newstep's picture

Foxy I think its great you went to all that trouble. You sound like my kids SM she was always doing things like that for my kids. They loved it. My ex and I stuck to our parenting schedule so it was rare if we switched a weekend.

Sorry your plans got screwed up. If you BM is anything like ours she probably won't even follow through with the Disneyland trip.