My first blog
First time blogging...first time on a forum site really. I'm just hoping to find that I'm not alone in the way I'm feeling. All three skids unexpectedly moved in with us one week after returning from our honeymoon. BM is bipolar & had apparently gone off her meds. Skids had never stayed with us long term in the past (with exception of summer, holidays, normal standard possession) except for when bm had a hysterectomy. Anyway, bm had never appeared to be a bad mother...slightly extreme religious beliefs & fickleness with those beliefs yes, but to our knowledge nothing out of hand. Once she was hospitalized, CPS was brought into the mix & a safety plan was put in place that the kids would remain with us. Once this happened, more and more was revealed about their everyday life with her & how she was often extremely depressed, uninvolved, etc. DH & I agree that our home is the best place for the skids. We can offer stability, where as BM can not. BM is not contesting any of this. Right now though, she doesn't have anything except supervised visitation. This being said, dh and I have no alone time...EVER. We have gone from a life of just the two of us and our two dogs, to a house full of kids and their dog too, 24/7.
I thought I had been coping really well with all of this, but lately, not so much. I developed a lot of anxiety in the last few months, which had been under control with mild medication. Now, I'm feeling overwhelmed often with sadness & somewhat feeling like an outsider in my own home. I have started individual therapy which I'm hoping will help. I am feeling extremely guilty about not being the kind of mom I think they need right now with all this upheaval. It's hard for me to connect with them even though I've been around them for years...just not full time until the last five months. I also feel jealous which sounds awful, but it's true. I miss my husband...I miss our happy life and all the together time we had. The oldest (11) is ADHD, has a mild learning disability and also has mild depression & anxiety so he is quite the handful. We are having trouble finding a happy median in terms of our parenting styles. Anyway, I love my husband very much. I just was not expecting this massive life change one week after the most amazing time in my life. There is so much more I could vent about, but I suppose this is enough for now
- tme2011's blog
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Don't feel guilty, all of
Don't feel guilty, all of your feelings are completely normal! I'm not sure what I would do if my skids were here full time. Not sure I would still be here! As it is half time is hard enough. Welcome and I hope you find the support you need!
How many skids do you have
How many skids do you have and what are their ages? I agree with Anne, your feelings are normal. You've had these creatures tht you don't know very well thrust on you suddenly. I imagine they have some issues, having lived with a mother who is ill. I think you're awesome for stepping up. Try to remember that the kids are victims in this too. They didn't ask for their parents to split, they certianly didn't ask for a mentally ill mother, and their worlds have just been turned upsidedown.
It's going to take a long adjustment period. Hopefully you'll be able to go easy on yourself. Just do the best you can. The most important thing is to keep good communication with your DH. You two need to get on the same page parenting. Ask him what role he feels you should have in parenting them. Try to give the kids a little grace too. I'm not saying let them do anything they want. Just keep in mind they're hurting if they say or do something hurtful.
It's great that you're in therapy yourself. Have you and DH considered family therapy? There has been a lot of trauma. I hope you can all grow and learn together and become a peaceful household. I'm sure you're exactly the kind of mom they need right now. You are there and are caring for their needs.
One other thing, it's important for you and DH to set aside a little time for just you two. If you can get somebody to watch the kids, escape for a little while. Pick a date night.
I do hope things work out well for you and your family. This is a great place for support!
Thank you so much for your
Thank you so much for your words of encouragement and feedback. The skids are ss11, sd10 & sd7. DH & BM have been divorced since the youngest was a baby. The kids are doing pretty well think. SD10 is very outgoing, make friends easily, enjoys school, etc. SD7 is extremely shy, but makes friends easily. It has been easier to bond with her because she is younger I suppose. She had a terrible habit of sucking on her hair ALL the time. Her bm told her it was just a bad habit, but doing some research, dh & I found out it was a soothing thing for her anxiety. They have been with us full time since April, and I haven't seen her do it in a month! I hope that is a sign we are on the right track with making them feel secure. SS11 had been doing much better as the summer went on, but once school started, he began having meltdowns again. Tantrums...this has been really hard for me to understand b/c he has had these kinds of meltdowns since my dh & I met over three years ago. I have never even seen the younger two come anywhere class to behaving the way he does. I am trying harder to understand ADHD & that he can't always be disciplined the same as the others.
DH & I decided last week to start attending counseling together. I hope we can figure out a way to be unified as parents. It seems so obvious to ask, but Calgon, I have never even asked DH what his expectations of me really are now. :?
I have been feeling really sad for about a week now (as in being extremely emotional for no reason in particular), and I feel bad because DH is feeling bad thinking he is making me miserable. He's not making me miserable, but the situation is. I just miss what we had and need to figure out how to get over it!
Again, thank you for the support & advice. I feel better just knowing about this site and seeing that I'm not alone or a totally horrific person for some of the feelings I'm having!!
It sounds like you and DH
It sounds like you and DH have a very loving, supportive relationship. The fact that he is willing to go to counseling with you speaks volumes. I can't know this, but my gut is telling me you're going to do just fine. You're in a brand new role and you're learning how to deal with it. Give it time. Make sure you also take some time for yourself, away from everybody. Even if it's just locking the bathroom door and drinking a glass of wine in a bubblebath. (Personally I would forget the wine and eat chocolate) It sounds like you're on the right track. Just keep at it and vent here any time you need to!!
Yup, I'll take chocolate over
Yup, I'll take chocolate over wine any day too! The weight I've gained since the skids have moved in is testament to that