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O/T: BF, Mom, and New Orleans

helena_brass's picture

Due to a series of unfortunate events, BF and I ended up on our vacation with my mom. Yup, just the three of us. In New Orleans. I'm sure you can imagine how lovely that was.

Look, I love my mother. Unfortunately, we have never ever traveled well together. She is a tourist with a capital T. I prefer to be less conspicuous. I prefer not to take picture of every road sign and carry a map in front of my face while walking. I get lost a lot, but I enjoy it.

I tried to think positive. I tried to act positive. Then my mom spent two whole days shopping, stopping at every single identical tourist shop with the same t-shirts, hats, beads, and what have you. BF was upset and wanted to do other things, as did I. He was nice to her, but I got to hear all his pent up frustration. My mom was ridiculously, blissfully ignorant of our growing annoyance. We tried to split up for an hour or so. She would get upset and cop and attitude, saying she doesn't know her way around (um, neither do we). At dinner the 2nd night I finally said NO more shopping. That didn't go down well. Nope, not at all. I was a horrible daughter, why can't I be more like her sister (um Hello, I'm your DAUGHTER), she had more fun with a perfect stranger than with me, what else would I be doing, drinking all f-ing night? etc. We made up, but the rest of the trip was a lot of walking on eggshells.

I felt so bad for BF. I did feel bad for her too before we went, but she really made her own damn bed. She would get upset about the most ridiculous things: the waitress didn't refill her drink quickly enough, there were no bibles at the B&Bs, this restaurant didn't serve po-boys, etc. The worst though was that she started talking to BF about my ex boyfriend. Why would she think that's okay? He did not ask. God she has NO common sense.

When I asked BF, who usually has a pretty short fuse, how he could put up with her, his response was: Well you've put up with the kids all this time, the least I could do was put up with your mom for this one week. Let me tell you, he was just saintly. It was a strangely comforting thought to know the street goes both ways.

Also, I am having some bizarre string up my butt to have a baby. No idea. It came out of nowhere. It will pass--my brain is still way too in control for that!


ThatGirl's picture

OMG I would die if I had to spend my vacation with my mother! I got stuck spending a week in Mexico with mine and my sister, it was awful! Kudos to both of you for maintaining.

As for the baby thing? Forget about it! It's got to be the season or something, I've seen women all over the place talking about wanting babies.

helena_brass's picture

Thank you! Really, I think they're putting something in the water. What makes a perfectly sane person want a baby? Have you SEEN strollers these days? The owner's manual is thicker than the one for my frickin Honda. Don't even get me started on cribs.

the_stepmonster's picture

I gave in to my baby fever and am now completely freaking out about this little one in my belly. There are so many things I had on my mental list of things to do before having kids that never got done. I am happy that DH and I are starting our own family but still feel really unprepared. Good luck!