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snoopyinoz's picture

OK, SD10 is already in trouble for not "feeling" like doing her chores, now, she is sitting, doing nothing and I hear "crunch crunch crunch" so, i ask her what shes chewing on. "My nails." UGH! This child will put ANYTHING in her mouth! beads, paper, paperclips, change and chew on it. DRIVES ME INSANE! SHe has been warned by her dentist, her dad and me to STOP doing it and she wont! She does not care that she is screwing up her teeth, let alone if she swallows the beads, money, or whatever. But the nail biting, oh HELL no. So, I have trimmed her nails as short as I can get them and amoff to buy the "no bite" stuff. Any ideas on how to get her to stop putting crap in her mouth? This kid is 10 for crying out loud! My 2 yo neice don't even chew on stuff like this kid does.


Kita.Marie's picture

HAHA, I don't mean to laugh but I have the same problem with SD9. Nails and buggers, I have tried everything, the nail bitting stuff didn't work and neither did hot sauce. I even took her and got her the real fake nails from a salon, and they only lasted 3 days. I have even went so far as to tell her we will have to go to the hospital and they will have to cut them out of her stomach. So when you get your's to stop let me know what you did. Good luck!!!

SASX's picture

Here is a suggestion, I will warn you now this post is about to get grafic. Those with weak stomachs may want to skip reading this.

This is a spray you can order online. Have a child (or adult) thoroughly wash their hands, then spray them down. Shine a black light on their hands and it will show the germs that remained despite their efforts at washing. To make a comparable impression on your SD's mind, explain to her, she will pick up LESS germs licking someone's anal sphincter (a**hole) than she does chewing her nails.

I tried this on FSD (16) and she quit chewing her nails instantly. She would find her hands near her mouth and head for the nearest bathroom to wash her hands and brush her teeth.