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VD (SD13) Has got a FB Page!

Auteur's picture

And the Snuffleupagus (Behemoth's husband) aka Stepdaddy has friended her. It's under lock down just like Brainiac's (SS15) FB acct.

She's chosen a Koala Bear as her FB pic. How cuuuuuuttteee!


Auteur's picture

Ha Ha! I"d much rather make a friend request to Brainiac SS15. I have the most hope for him out of the whole lot (which isn't saying much)

Brainiac was always accepting of me and didn't care for GG as he's clearly a Mama's boy. Brainiac and GG are like on two different planets even astrologically.

I would never friend request that hellion as she is a mini-me of the Behemoth.

But I"m sure she has some choice words about GG and me (written at a 2nd grade level of course)

starfish's picture

we need to find a way to get around the lock down and see what the little angel is up to... }:-)

Auteur's picture

yeah that would be interesting, although I could never tell GG; he would instantly question me.

Auteur's picture

GG does not have a FB page. He does not go in for that sort of thing and thinks it's all evil. He does not care to know what his previously enjoyed family is doing on FB. If I mention anything about it, then *I* come into question. . ."How is it that you have time to look up my family on FB?" "Let me see YOUR FB acct!" Of course I have a lot of former colleagues on my FB account kind of like a "Linked in" acct, but he takes that the wrong way. He blew up at me one time b/c my account defaulted to "single" and not "in a relationship." At the time I never even monkeyed with those settings as I"m just not that into FB. Well he blew a friggin' gasket, accusing me of flirting with all my former colleagues, etc. etc.

Then he watched Southpark when they did an episode on FB, and lo and behold, the same issue came up! Kyle clearly said that it "defaults to single!" I think then and only then could I say "IN YOUR FACE GG!!"

The Snuffleupagus has a fairly open FB page that includes the Behemoth on his FB home picture. :sick:

Disneyfan's picture

It's possible that they blocked you but the page is still public. (that is what DF's ex did)

I can still everything she lies about. I have a fake page just for snooping. When I use the fake account I put her name in the search and her page comes up. Since her page isn't private, it's easy to just nose around.

Auteur's picture

More probable than possible. I've heard of the fake accts. My daughter has one. I"m going to ask her!! :evil:

hismineandours's picture

i must admit that I find ss13's facebook interesting. I learn all sorts of info that I'd never find out any other way. For instance I know that he is regularly up at 1am posting on facebook. I know he has a little 12 year old girlfriend who is currently quite upset becaue there are rumors going around that she is pregnant. i know that on Saturday night my ss felt like a big jerk because everyone hated him. I also know that mil wont allow him to go see his bm and family in Evansville because she's too "strict". Nothing major-but interesting tidbits to know. I am one of those people that think infomation = power. The more I know the better equipped I am to make decisions.

alwaysanxious's picture

you all should get on twitter. In my case, facebook has become too public for the teens/tweens and now they post their real thoughts on twitter.

SD16 has no more fb that I can find. She has no twitter I can find either. But her friend's do }:)

That's how I know her friend's party/drink and skip school.

stormabruin's picture

"I am one of those people that think infomation = power. The more I know the better equipped I am to make decisions."
Yes! I absolutely agree!

Auteur's picture

My biodaughter has confirmed that she is locked out to the world as is Brainiac's page. They have their own little Behemoth clan over there so VD and Brainiac are friends to the clan only.

They know that GG was once a computer technician so they instantly went into lock down upon account creation.

oneoffour's picture

Koalas are mean spirited grouchy flea ridden animals that sleep all day and wake to feed and that is about it. The have sharp claws and are prone to scratch and it hurts like a bitch. Oh so maybe the Koala is appropriate.