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A little about me!

wicked witch 32's picture

I have been married for 3 years and I truly love my husband. We have a total of 4 kids. His two 14 and 15; mine 8 and ours 2. I hate to admit this, but I hate my SKids. They have caused me nothing but pain. I will get into more details in a later blog. My DH does try his hardest to help me with this, but he just never has any punishment or consequences for their actions. Sorry but if my DD treated him the way his D's treat me I would tear her butt up. She will learn from the get go that I am not going to sit by and let her treat My DH like that. He has his reasons, but like most Bio Parents it is out of fear that his kids will hate him and not want to be around him. On the inside I wait for the day that; that bites him in the butt. You can not let your kids just treat people that way and get away with lies and stealing and think they will be just fine outstanding citizens.

He thinks his kids are just amazing and so sweet and just the nicest things on this earth. WHAT EVER. How ever in the last few months with all the fights and disrespect going on and me saying that is it she goes or I go. He has finally started to do some little things. Not that they care oh wow dad talked to me. Actions are slowly slowly starting.

My DD is no angle and I have things I have to work with on her, but she has manners, respect, and knows the rules and follows them. She knows that if she doen't she is going to get into trouble. He knows all he has to do is tell me and it will stop. But this is a sight for step parents and rightfully so, where else we going to find out that we are not alone, and that there is hope? Smile

Like I said I will write more later on some of the things I deal with daily. Thanks for reading and hope to find some friends and lean on when needed.


Auteur's picture

As we've all come to find out, unless the SYSTEM RADICALLY changes from militantly UBER pro BM as it is now, to giving fathers an equal chance, fathers will CONTINUE to be AFRAID of losing their own children to the BM.

And all, especially the CHILDREN, will continue to lose out. We have the first few waves of children who were raised in an entitlement atmosphere with no real consequences for their actions and it is a COMPLETE disaster!!

And the cash incentive of CS to the BM by automatically giving her full custody and the biodad visitation (when the BM FEELS like it)needs to be eliminated.

ThatGirl's picture

Welcome, Wicked. You're definitely not alone. I can't tell you how relieved I was when finding this site and learning that my feelings/struggles with skids were not unusual. The issues I've had to deal with were nothing like what I had ever experienced when raising my two sons. This site has been a huge help Smile

overit2's picture

Welcome, we understand here....and yes I think the system sets up for guilty dads and guilty grandparents...and in turn we end up with the most emotionally unfit, spoiled, rude, nasty kids.

Sorry to 'see you here' but glad you found us, vent away! ON the brite side...they are teens, teens are horrible even bios ...and you are on countdown now...4 more years!!!

You can also chose to disengage the remaining works WONDERS!!! Do you have standard visitation?

I have a couple articles for you-I think the MAIN thing to remember is:


wicked witch 32's picture

Once again thank you all. To Overit2 we have full custody of all the kids his,mine and of course outs. So there is no break from his kids at all. Their Mother lives out of the country so no help there and when she did live in the same state about 2 hours away she never came and got them anyways. I will check out the sites you have mentioned and I tend to come here and read a lot and comment some. Mostly just to see how much I am not alone. But time for me to go blog some more. Just need a place to talk. Thank you all again. Much appreciated.