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It's Over!

Auteur's picture

VD (SD13) has broken up with her boyfriend of 2 months. And after the Behemoth told ALLLLL VD's teachers that she was dating this guy (as another excuse for VD's horrific grades)

VD was crushed that she had to "chose beetwen skool and boys"



Disneyfan's picture

Oh man

I thought you were going to say you tossed him out.

Ommy's picture

really, how heartless making her choose, I am sure that that was the lover of her life. "skool or boys" how

What is a 13 year old doing with a boyfriend anyways. I wasn't allowed to date until I was 16. The girls in my class that dated at a younger age were having sex by 15....connection maybe....teenage pregnancy...

Auteur's picture

Me neither, I wasn't "allowed" to date until I was 15 and then it was informal and frowned upon. But her MOTY the Behemoth/CPS worker was bragging about her just-turned-13 daughter dating some doofus!!! :jawdrop:

I'm sure she'll be preggers three years from now; the Behemoth only cares that her kids are "popular."

When preggers VD lands on MY doorstep b/c Behemoth has reaped what she has sown, then it will TRULY be over for me and GG!!

Ommy's picture

sometimes I think I made the wrong life choice, after all our BM has it made she is 28 and Never worked a day in her life, she gets CS, food stamps, and medical. I think I should have just gotten knocked up and learned how to play the system, after all the 8-5 mon-fri just sucks.

Auteur's picture

Tell me about it!! I've been working full time since 1977. I had two biokids that I supported by myself. . .no CS!!! Imagine that!!!

Ommy's picture

could you get her to Planned Parenthood? Birth control for a year for a small donation it is worth it.

Auteur's picture

VD is totally PASed out. I can see her FB account that tells all of her latest deeds. Other than that we have ZERO contact for over three years now. GG does not want to know about FB period, he is totally clueless that his daughter is heading for preggersville.

She is a Behemoth bot through and through and lord knows, the Behemoth would never in a million years think her oversized, curly blonde headed, blue eyed, rosey cheeked darling would be doing the nasty.

Auteur's picture

Well we're not married and the house is not quite finished so I have three more years until Brainiac turns 18 (horrors; but still the Behemoth gets CS till 21; GG won't be able to claim him on taxes anymore)

and until the glorious VD (SD13) turns 16 and invariably will be preggers.

Auteur's picture

Nope and the house is only in my name. This gives me a three year window to get it into "house beautiful" mode for sale. Hell I'd even be willing to give GG a small cut just so that he'll walk away peacefully once his chickens come home to roost.