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VERY INTERESTING!! Re: Repercussions of CS

Auteur's picture

How the system encourages BMs and "new daddy" aka Stepdaddy to cash in when CS is involved.

Ladies, warn your sons!!!!! I know I have.


DaizyDuke's picture

He says he lives in the North East.... the crazy thing I was thinking must be NY, but no, isn't NY like 40% of the gross income can go to CS (or is that just for arrears?) I know his advice is to never get married, but the real advice would be to buy stock in condoms and never procreate.... EVER

Auteur's picture

Check out the comments. . . a guy from Texas called Liber Plus Two. Revocable trust. . .too bad more men don't think of this.

Yep, GG earns $15 an hour yet pays $1000 a month to the Behemoth. After taxes he's lucky to bring home $200 a week and this is NON ARREARS. He is overpaying a bit b/c the Behemoth no longer uses daycare; hasn't for two years now.

But the LEAST amount a man in NYS earning $15 an hour, 40 hour workweek with three children will pay $200 a week MINIMUM!! A guy cannot live in NYS on $800 a month.

the_stepmonster's picture

I saw that! I only wish DH would have thought of this before getting his divorce finalized. He ends up only taking home about 60% of what he earns and then rest goes to BM. But at least the kids are taken care of right? Wrong! There is no bigger slap in the face then having the skids come over in the dead of winter with no jackets and shoes that don't fit. But at least BM can now afford a nanny so she doesn't have to spend any time with her paychecks, I mean her children.

Auteur's picture

GG brings home $200 a week!! On a good week!! And in high priced, outrageously taxed to death NYS!!! Guess who the breadwinner is?

Auteur's picture

Not saying I condone this but a rather famous case here was a guy who "accidentally" had his van fall over a cliff with the BM in it! Rumour was their marriage was on the rocks and they had I believe two sons.

The guy got out in nine years (waaaaay sooner than CS would have ended) but b/c he's so unpopular, they are trying to find the smallest infractions on him. They recently sent him back to jail for 2 year due to fireworks possession which was against his probation terms. (STILL WAAAAAAY Shorter than the 21 year sentence of CS)