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Family pics are hilarious...

Jsmom's picture

Well BM had SS13 this weekend for her visitation before Christmas. She doesn't seem again until after the New Year since we are on vacation the last two weeks. The BM who condemned us for letting SS play too much Xbox, bought him three video games and some books. Good job on the books...She also took him for a private plane ride. He had fun. His comment was it didn't work, but he wanted the games.

The funny thing was she made SS go with for family portraits. They are hilarious and courtesy of Facebook for all the world to see. SD15 and her bleach blonde hair and wierd face. SS13 who desperately needs a haircut never saw a comb that day. She put SS in matching sweater with Stepdad. But none of the others match and all are wearing different colors. BM has no make up on and looks awful. SD (not mine, BM's) has fire engine red hair and painted on eyebrows, looks lovely. SS looks tortured in the picture. DH got a good laugh out of it. Made comments that she can not even organize a family picture very well. I think it is funny. I have given up on family pics for years, because SS makes these awful faces and it never felt right with SD. On SD15's blogs her friends made comments that it was funny that BM waited until the other SD (her other one)moved out. DH thinks that is because she didn't have SS much while that daughter was here over Thanksgiving. Told him not our fault, she had SS for two days and could have scheduled it then. But, that would require her to be organized.

Well since BM has put out this picture, I will be sure and put the ones out of all of us on the Cruise with Mickey. I am sure since SD is still friends with DH, she will get to see them. We have one night where my entire family is wearing shades of Silver, Gray or Black and white for a picture. I was hoping to have one of us. I felt bad about it since SD was not a part of our lives and not going on the trip. But, I am done worrying about her feelings....

I needed a good laugh today and seeing BM pretend that that crazy family she has over there is wonderful, was perfect. These pictures are hilarious. SD mentioned that she was going to untag herself. Even she doesn't like it. Ha Ha....I wonder if the Christmas card alludes to the fact that she lost custody of her son. According to SS no one knows about it until he tells them he only lives with Dad now.

Also, BM looked like crap and that just makes me feel better every day. Her face is literally sliding off. I know she hasn't gotten the karma I wish she would get, but honestly something is happening to her face...She has aged rapidly the last two years. For years it was always pointed out to me that she had a hard time keeping on weight. Well at a size 6 myself that is not a problem, but a constant battle to lose. Even at a 6 I was made to feel by the SK's and DH that I was huge by comparison. So it does feel good now, to see how bad she looks.

I would love to put the pic up, but that would be wrong Smile But, honestly it should go on the Awkward family photo site.


Jsmom's picture

I know...But, I don't think we should do that. But, honestly they all look tortured. So funny. I can't wait until our cruise over Christmas. I intend to put up lots of pics. All I have to do is tag my BS and DH and then SD can see them all...I blocked her last year from my Facebook when she sued us. Now I just have to see it through DH and SS. I used to do it enough to print stuff for the lawyers. But, this made my day. I am sure it is to make everyone think everything is just fine in her house.

Jsmom's picture

I really think a bad attitute and hate for DH is causing this. She never smoked. Tanned some, but not much. She is a triathlete so some exposure contributes. I think bad acne as a teen helped. But, her face is drooping, like it has no elasticity. I almost want to start sending her information for restylane and botox, maybe that would help.