Article - Malicious Mother Syndrome
has anyone ever read this? it's very interesting ...
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has anyone ever read this? it's very interesting ...
The free lunch thing is just
The free lunch thing is just a form that the kid could have to turn in. Kids know when their lunches are free, even if no one else does.
Crayon, I think that DRMMS
I think that DRMMS (Divorce Related Malicious Mother Syndrome) is an element or subset of PAS.
I first read this article about 4yrs ago. It is one of the better ones I have read on the subject of PAS.
Your 84% estimate is a good one I think. Just as a direct relationhip to the % of BMs who get custody.
Best regards,
I can't say for the
I can't say for the particular incident that you mention but I DO know that when NN and BM were still together, SD ended up going to school without a coat (NN works at 6 am so he wasn't around) on a very cold day and the school gave her one of the coats that were donated for underprivileged children.
BM was so happy to get a new coat for free. She also made it sound like they HAD to do that because NN wouldn't give them more money. Ummm, he WAS paying CS at the time, but BM was using it to pay off her fine she had received for stealing her BFF's checkbook and fraudulently writing check(s) on her account!
NN is still mad about that incident today, more than 12 years later! He HATES accepting any kind of charity or help. Especially when SD already HAD a coat. NN said, "What they needed to do was donate a better MOTHER for her!"
It was win-win for BM. SD got a new coat that she didn't have to pay for AND she got to bad-mouth NN on top of it! NN your DH? NN your DH? Never read the decision on the blog...what does it stand for curious lol
Overit2 - yeah, that's
Overit2 - yeah, that's H....Numbnuts
NumbNuts! Ouch! I hope he
NumbNuts! Ouch! :jawdrop:
I hope he gets over it soon.![Wink](
Wow, great article! The
Wow, great article! The definition that I copied and pasted below, every item has been done to DH and SD7 since their divorce 5 years ago. I know that many people say that BM's are crazy but the one I have to deal with really is!
A mother who unjustifiably punishes her divorcing or divorced husband by:
1. Attempting to alienate their mutual child(ren) from the father
2. Involving others in malicious actions against the father
3. Engaging in excessive litigation
The mother specifically attempts to deny her child(ren):
1. Regular uninterrupted visitation with the father
2. Uninhibited telephone access to the father
3. paternal participation in the child(ren)'s school life and extra-curricular activities
Tile pattern is pervasive and includes malicious acts towards the husband including:
1. Lying to the children
2. Lying to others
3. Violations of law
The BM in my case does almost
The BM in my case does almost excatly the same things...I just wish there was some legal action that could be taken...especially since so many of us go through it. It seems like we just have to sit back and take it, and I am personally sick of being bullied!
OMG!!! This is my ex wife in
OMG!!! This is my ex wife in a nut shell!!!
She is constantly refusing my visitation.
She tells my kids that I am a bad person and that I bankrupted them. I pay over $760 a month in child support!!!
She has filed for multiple protection orders that she had no evidence to support... because I have never done anything!!
When I call to talk to my kids she tells them "Tell daddy you are busy playing and you do not want to talk!!" I hear her whisper it to them before handing the phone over.
She had called CSB on me saying I abuse the kids, when the investigator came out she told me I should have custody of them because I have a more stable environment for them.
This is crazy!!! How do I go about having her checked for this so I can do something about it? I have filed for contempt but the courts where I am at are so pro-dead beat it is rediculas...