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So tired of fiance's EX

jessmichelle's picture

OMG!!! I am so tired of my fiance's EX! (manipulation, hate, anger and stupidity) In 12 yrs she not only managed to hate me for no reason, she has used my 2 step kids (14 boy, 19 girl) as ammunition against my fiance and his children. My fiance is not the type of person to cause or engaged in such behavior. I have bite my tongue for many yrs (12 to be exact) to stay quiet and not say anything bad about thier mother, only not to hurt my beautiful SK's. My fiance and I have always told the children never to believe anything bad that thier mother has to say about us, cause when they are older they will see the real truth. I really am so so sad now cause not only has she mentally abused my Sk's she has managed to kick my SD out of her house for the second time in less than 1 year. We always are there for them kids and will do anything to help ease thier pain. I am now to the point I need to send her a message, only because EW will never stay on the phone long enough to hear us out (very immature). I have been quite for 12 yrs and now I feel the need to really let her have it, only because the problems really lies with me, she hates me and hates that I have been with my finace longer than they have been married and she always tells the kids things like why couldnt your dad do that for me?? Anywho, my sisters are telling me to not do anything and let her keep burning her bridges.... AAAGGGh so so tired of her that I need to do something to get my voice heard? Well I know I just vented a bit today and thank you all for reading and appreciate your support.

Until next time my steppies... Smile


dreamingofhappiness's picture

WOW, Welcome to my world... I so badly want to show my skids the crap their mother has pasted all over facebook, and to watch her precious relationship deteriorate with such ease and such gainful pleasure on my part.... Unfortunately, my DH will not approve....

Bubbly1's picture

My burning question (pardon the language) did all these crazy ass bitches get married/knocked up/etc in the first place?!
Our bm is not only a Jabba The Hutt impersonator, she has the ugly personality to match!! What the hell did our SO's see in these horrible women??

Totalybogus's picture

I would resist the urge to do it. As a stepmom, I wouldn't give her the satisfaction of knowing she gets to me and I certainly wouldn't let her think she is important enough to take up space in my head.

As a bio-mom, if a letter came to my house from my x's SO or current wife, I would write "Return to Sender" and never open it. There would be no way that an e-mail would get through because I would block that address, and if one happened to sneak by, I would just delete it without reading it.

That I think will frustrate you even more.

Just be there to support your SO and your Skids. Thats really all you can do.