OT-for the DISNEY dads and moms out there...
This came out today and I thought it would be SOOOO appropriate for so many of our DHs and some mothers out there too!
- herewegoagain's blog
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AWESOME article. Now if I
AWESOME article. Now if I could just show it to the Behemoth and GG. . .oh wait it's too late. Not that they'd give it any creedance anyway.
Tv in the room....pffftttt.
Tv in the room....pffftttt. Funny though-my exh wanted to put a tv in the boys room when they were little...to be honest it was actually pretty nice to SOMETIMES not have to hear blues clues, dora, et al... all the time in the living room. It was used in very limited amounts-maybe an hr a day tops- BUT I still disagreed. Once we split I removed the tv from the rooms, and now they are older and STILL dont' have a tv in their room-and WON'T
they dont' even ask.
I don't like having a tv in MY room-bf argued it would be nice if the kids are watching a show together and we want to watch whatever we want- I told him no, because our sex life will suffer. he didn't believe me, I proved him wrong a few weeks ago when i finally put an old tv I had in my room-NOT even connected cable yet-just played dvd's-....he admitted I was right by end of week
It hasn't been on since.
Your dh is an ass that thinks a 7 year old deserves or needs a tv in their room. Remind him please: You know whats unfair and mean? Kids starving in Africa and India, kids living in the ghettos and amongst trash heaps and disease and sexual exploitation, and child slavery and prostitution and hunger. THAT is unfair and mean. THEY DESERVE more. Tell him to take the money to buy a damn 7yr old a tv in the room and donate it to those in need. UGHHHH
GG had a TV in "Prince
GG had a TV in "Prince Hygiene's room" when he was FOUR years old; yep four. Actually earlier than that. GG demanded that their be a TV in both VD's room and "the boy's" room from day one. At the time they were 8, 6 and 2.
I did not allow a TV in my bios room until they were at least 12 or 13.
Both SS7 and SD5 have TVs in
Both SS7 and SD5 have TVs in their rooms. I didn't tell DH I put a password/parental controls on them. So now they're in there, but they don't work unless I let them. SS7 would do nothing but sit in front of the TV from the moment he wakes up until he can't possibly keep his eyes open anymore. Apparently he's done it before.
I don't mind having them in there for the simple fact that it means I don't have to hear Dora... I absolutely LOATHE Dora. But they're not going to be on 24/7 either.
Discipline deficit disorder??
Discipline deficit disorder?? LOL. Its called SPOILED BRAT
YES!!! My grown BDs are
YES!!! My grown BDs are thoughtful, responsible and considerate because they didn't get everything they asked for.
My SDs are going in the exact opposite direction because of DH. It's sad that he doesn't see it... 
They not only don't hear the
They not only don't hear the word "no", they don't hear the word "wait" or "wait until xyz time" Everything is now, NOW, NOW! Red faced toddlers as Dave Ramsey put it. I want it, I want it, I want it ALL and I want it NOW!!
"Mellor recalls a time when
"Mellor recalls a time when his daughter broke the washing machine door in anger. "She was grounded, but she also had natural consequences in that I made her pay for it," he says. "It was a lot for a child to manage but she had to be responsible for her own actions."
AHA...a few weeks ago (right before holiday/winter break) I found out that SD got in trouble at school for fighting/cussing on thursday-She was going to get ISS or detention or have punishment doled out the next day since this happened towards end of thursday-...SO her mom let her skip school on Friday and start the winter break early
OH and drop her off at 10am at her dads instead of usual time w/out telling him WHY she wasnt really in school. He took her skating that same night however after SD told him what happened (I guess to be rewarded?)-then when I saw her next day she was almost bragging about the school incident. WTF???? When she went back after break-they forgot about her detention/trouble she was supposed to be in. Of course got showered with Christmas presents and good ole times the 2 1/2 wks.
YEP, no consequences. If my kid got in trouble for saying fu and bullying in school and had a consequence waiting the next day? His ass is THERE, and THEN he's not doing anything fun over the wknd. OH but NO.....not SD, poor child of divorce with her awful mom that doen'st care, sob story sob.... :sick:
I've seen this kid brag about fights, bullying, the 16 cavities she had capped on her baby teeth, clamoring that sugar is GOOD for her because she's a kid and she doesn't care she had cavities, she's proud of it....F"ED UP I tell you!
Maybe she was praised for that too! If my kid had that many cavities they wouldn't be touching sweets liek she does-OH and she bragged that she hasn't been to the dentist in years
OMG Sounds like VD!! (SD13)
OMG Sounds like VD!! (SD13) And boy was GG PROUD when Brainiac (SS15) got suspended for fighting!! Chip off the ol' block. "At least he's not a wuss!" Then went on to berate Awesomeson in a round about way b/c they didn't have FOOTBALL at his school and Awesomeson was on the cross country and chess team. Implied he was a dork/nerd compared to his grade F son!
I agree with this...my DH has
I agree with this...my DH has had this happen with crazy and loser...and sadly, my sister is having the same thing happen to her now with her ex...ahole he is...stayed in the house and has "bought" the kids to stay with him, thus no discipline at all...ahole!