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grandma shows my daughter her gun!!

glam-mom's picture

So i bought a safe the other day to keep tax money in and mortgage papers and birth certificates in... all that important stuff...

6 yr old daughter: what u gonna keep in your safe mom?
Me: important papers and money...
6 yr old daughter: Grandma has a safe that she keeps important papers in to mom... but she has a gun to and she told me not to tell anyone...
Me:how do you know grandma has a gun?
6 yr old daughter: she showed me

WTF WTF WTF???!!! who shows their 6 year old granddaughter where she keeps her gun? so i texted her and all i said was that showing her was rediculous and she came over today with my grandma and says "tell ur mom where my gun is! everyone has guns especially out in the country... who cares?" so why show my daughter!!!???
also she texted me after a whole week of not talking to her an said "fuck u... i dont know what to do anymore bc i cant take anymore" and i said "what are you talking about? i havent talked to u in a week are u ok?" (bc she had been ignring my texts and calls) and she said "bc u wont let granddaughter stay the night" my daughter didnt wanna stay the night she wanted to go to her dads and besides it was his weekend... so she is all mad at me bc of it... so many mom stories... she is so mean to me... she put me in foster care for no reasson! but she of course can think of a few... she has brain washed my whole family into hating me... she told me when i was pregnant with my son tho give her custody of my daughter and i can keep my son.. not to mention i have my reasons to believe she is a pill popper and will go to any extent to get pills... at one time she was on morphine, then switched to methadone but now says shes on neither... anyways does anyone else think that its ok or not okay to be showing and telling about ur gun???


bestwife's picture

I grew up in an extended family with lots of law enforcement officers. I knew what guns were and that I was NEVER to go near one as long as I can remember.

But this woman sounds insane - with or without the gun.